Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, List, Any

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from ooo.dyn.awt.menu_item_style import MenuItemStyleEnum

from import Item
from import SepItem
from ooodev.utils.kind.module_names_kind import ModuleNamesKind
from import Command

[docs]class BuilderItem(Item): """Class that represents a popup item for the popup menu builder.""" # region Constructor
[docs] def __init__( self, *, text: str = "", command: str | Command = "", style: int | MenuItemStyleEnum = 0, checked: bool = False, enabled: bool = True, default: bool = False, help_text: str = "", help_command: str = "", tip_help_text: str = "", shortcut: str = "", module: ModuleNamesKind | str | None = None, submenu: List[Item] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: text (str, optional): Text. command (str, Command, optional): Command. style (int, MenuItemStyleEnum, optional): Style. Defaults to ``0``. checked (bool, optional): Check state. Defaults to ``False``. enabled (bool, optional): Enable State. Defaults to ``True``. default (bool, optional): Specifies if entry is default. Defaults to ``False``. help_text (str, optional): Help Text. help_command (str, optional): Help command. tip_help_text (str, optional): Tip Help Text. shortcut (str, optional): Shortcut. module (Any, optional): Module. Defaults to ``None``. Hint: - ``MenuItemStyleEnum`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.menu_item_style``. - ``ModuleNamesKind`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.module_names_kind``. - ``Command`` can be imported from ````. """ super().__init__() self._text = text self._command = command self._style = int(style) self._checked = checked self._enabled = enabled self._default = default self._help_text = help_text self._help_command = help_command self._tip_help_text = tip_help_text self._shortcut = shortcut self._module = module if submenu is None: self._submenu = [] else: self._submenu = submenu
# endregion Constructor def _process_sub_menu(self, parent: dict, submenus: list[Item]) -> None: """Insert submenu""" for i, menu in enumerate(submenus): if i == 0: if "submenu" not in parent: parent["submenu"] = [] if isinstance(menu, SepItem): parent["submenu"].append(menu.to_dict()) continue elif isinstance(menu, BuilderItem): new_parent = menu._to_dict() parent["submenu"].append(new_parent) if menu.submenu: self._process_sub_menu(new_parent, menu.submenu) # region Public Methods @override def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gets the PopupItem as a dictionary Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The PopupItem as a dictionary """ if isinstance(self._command, str): cmd = self._command else: cmd = self._command.to_dict() d = { "text": self._text, "command": cmd, "style": self._style, "checked": self._checked, "enabled": self._enabled, "default": self._default, "help_text": self._help_text, "help_command": self._help_command, "tip_help_text": self._tip_help_text, "shortcut": self._shortcut, } if self._module: d["module"] = self._module return d
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: dict_data = self._to_dict() if self._submenu: self._process_sub_menu(dict_data, self._submenu) return dict_data
[docs] def submenu_insert_separator(self, idx: int) -> SepItem: """ Adds a new separator to the submenu. Returns: SepItem: The new separator. """ sep = SepItem() self._submenu.insert(idx, sep) return sep
[docs] def submenu_add_separator(self) -> SepItem: """ Adds a new separator to the submenu. Returns: SepItem: The new separator. """ sep = SepItem() self._submenu.append(sep) return sep
[docs] def submenu_insert_popup( self, idx, *, text: str = "", command: str | Command = "", style: int | MenuItemStyleEnum = 0, checked: bool = False, enabled: bool = True, default: bool = False, help_text: str = "", help_command: str = "", tip_help_text: str = "", shortcut: str = "", module: ModuleNamesKind | str | None = None, ) -> BuilderItem: """ Inserts a new popup item to the submenu. Args: idx (int): Index. text (str, optional): Text. command (str, Command, optional): Command. style (int, MenuItemStyleEnum, optional): Style. Defaults to ``0``. checked (bool, optional): Check state. Defaults to ``False``. enabled (bool, optional): Enable State. Defaults to ``True``. default (bool, optional): Specifies if entry is default. Defaults to ``False``. help_text (str, optional): Help Text. help_command (str, optional): Help command. tip_help_text (str, optional): Tip Help Text. shortcut (str, optional): Shortcut. module (Any, optional): Module. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: PopupItem: The new popup item. Hint: - ``MenuItemStyleEnum`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.menu_item_style``. - ``ModuleNamesKind`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.module_names_kind``. - ``Command`` can be imported from ````. """ popup = self._create_popup( text=text, command=command, style=style, checked=checked, enabled=enabled, default=default, help_text=help_text, help_command=help_command, tip_help_text=tip_help_text, shortcut=shortcut, module=module, ) self._submenu.insert(idx, popup) return popup
[docs] def submenu_add_popup( self, *, text: str = "", command: str | Command = "", style: int | MenuItemStyleEnum = 0, checked: bool = False, enabled: bool = True, default: bool = False, help_text: str = "", help_command: str = "", tip_help_text: str = "", shortcut: str = "", module: ModuleNamesKind | str | None = None, ) -> BuilderItem: """ Adds a new popup item to the submenu. Args: text (str, optional): Text. command (str, optional): Command. style (int, MenuItemStyleEnum, optional): Style. Defaults to ``0``. checked (bool, optional): Check state. Defaults to ``False``. enabled (bool, optional): Enable State. Defaults to ``True``. default (bool, optional): Specifies if entry is default. Defaults to ``False``. help_text (str, optional): Help Text. help_command (str, optional): Help command. tip_help_text (str, optional): Tip Help Text. shortcut (str, optional): Shortcut. module (Any, optional): Module. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: PopupItem: The new popup item. Hint: - ``MenuItemStyleEnum`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.menu_item_style``. - ``ModuleNamesKind`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.module_names_kind``. - ``Command`` can be imported from ````. """ popup = self._create_popup( text=text, command=command, style=style, checked=checked, enabled=enabled, default=default, help_text=help_text, help_command=help_command, tip_help_text=tip_help_text, shortcut=shortcut, module=module, ) self._submenu.append(popup) return popup
def _create_popup( self, *, text: str = "", command: str | Command = "", style: int | MenuItemStyleEnum = 0, checked: bool = False, enabled: bool = True, default: bool = False, help_text: str = "", help_command: str = "", tip_help_text: str = "", shortcut: str = "", module: ModuleNamesKind | str | None = None, ) -> BuilderItem: popup = BuilderItem( text=text, command=command, style=style, checked=checked, enabled=enabled, default=default, help_text=help_text, help_command=help_command, tip_help_text=tip_help_text, shortcut=shortcut, module=module, ) return popup # endregion Public Methods # region Properties @property def text(self) -> str: """Gets/Sets Text.""" return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value: str) -> None: self._text = value @property def command(self) -> str | Command: """Gets/Sets Command.""" return self._command @command.setter def command(self, value: str | Command) -> None: self._command = value @property def style(self) -> int: """Gets/Sets Style.""" return self._style @style.setter def style(self, value: int | MenuItemStyleEnum) -> None: self._style = int(value) @property def checked(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets Check state.""" return self._checked @checked.setter def checked(self, value: bool) -> None: self._checked = value @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets Enable State.""" return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value: bool) -> None: self._enabled = value @property def default(self) -> bool: """Gets/Sets if entry is default.""" return self._default @default.setter def default(self, value: bool) -> None: self._default = value @property def help_text(self) -> str: """Gets/Sets Help Text.""" return self._help_text @help_text.setter def help_text(self, value: str) -> None: self._help_text = value @property def help_command(self) -> str: """Gets/Sets Help command.""" return self._help_command @help_command.setter def help_command(self, value: str) -> None: self._help_command = value @property def tip_help_text(self) -> str: """Gets/Sets Tip Help Text.""" return self._tip_help_text @tip_help_text.setter def tip_help_text(self, value: str) -> None: self._tip_help_text = value @property def shortcut(self) -> str: """Gets/Sets Shortcut.""" return self._shortcut @shortcut.setter def shortcut(self, value: str) -> None: self._shortcut = value @property def module(self) -> Any: """Gets/Sets Module.""" return self._module @module.setter def module(self, value: Any) -> None: self._module = value @property def submenu(self) -> list[Item]: """Gets Submenu.""" return self._submenu
# endregion Properties