Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
from ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_comp import IndexAccessComp
from ooodev.adapter.container.index_access_implement import IndexAccessImplement
from ooodev.adapter.ui.the_module_ui_configuration_manager_supplier_comp import (
from import Menu
from import MenuBase
from import MenuDebug
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.loader.inst.service import Service
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.cache.lru_cache import LRUCache

    from import XIndexAccess
    from ooodev.adapter.ui.ui_configuration_manager_comp import UIConfigurationManagerComp
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst


[docs]class MAPopup(LoInstPropsPartial): """ Class for manager menu by LibreOffice module. See Also: - :ref:`help_creating_menu_using_menu_app` - :ref:`help_working_with_menu_app` """
[docs] def __init__(self, app: str | Service, node: str, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None): """ Constructor Args: app (str | Service): LibreOffice Module: calc, writer, draw, impress, math, main node (str): Menu Node such as ``private:resource/menubar/menubar`` lo_inst (LoInst | None, optional): LibreOffice instance. Defaults to ``None``. """ if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo self._node = node LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst) self._app = str(app) self._cache = LRUCache(50)
def _get_cache(self) -> LRUCache: return self._cache def _get_config(self) -> UIConfigurationManagerComp: cache = self._get_cache() key = "_get_config" if key in cache: return cache[key] supp = TheModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplierComp.from_lo(lo_inst=self.lo_inst) cm = supp.get_ui_configuration_manager( cache[key] = cm return cast("UIConfigurationManagerComp", cm) def _get_settings(self) -> IndexAccessComp[Any]: return self._get_config().get_settings(self._node, True) def _get_menus(self) -> IndexAccessComp[Any]: cache = self._get_cache() key = "_get_menus" if key in cache: return cache[key] menus = self._get_settings() cache[key] = menus return menus def _get_empty_index_access(self) -> XIndexAccess: return IndexAccessImplement(elements=(), element_type="[]")
[docs] def debug(self): """Debug menu""" MenuDebug()(self._get_menus()) return
def __contains__(self, name: str): """ If exists name in menu. Args: name (str): Menu CommandURL. """ cache = self._get_cache() key = f"contains_{name}" if key in cache: return cache[key] exists = False for m in self._get_menus(): menu = mProps.Props.data_to_dict(m) cmd = menu.get("CommandURL", "") if name == cmd: exists = True break cache[key] = exists return exists def __getitem__(self, index: Any) -> Menu: """ Index access. Args: index (Any): Index or CommandURL or obj the can convert to str. Raises: IndexError: Index out of range. KeyError: Menu not found. Returns: Menu: Menu instance. Hint: - ``MenuLookupKind`` is an enum and can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.menu_lookup_kind`` Note: Index can also be any object the returns a command URL when str() is called on it. """ cache = self._get_cache() cache_key = f"get_item_{index}" if cache_key in cache: return cache[cache_key] menu = None menus = self._get_menus() if isinstance(index, int): if index < 0 or index >= len(menus): raise IndexError(f"Index out of range: {index}") menu = mProps.Props.data_to_dict(menus[index]) else: key = str(index) for m in menus: menu = mProps.Props.data_to_dict(m) cmd = menu.get("CommandURL", "") if cmd == key: break if menu is None: raise KeyError(f"Menu not found: {index}") ia = menu.get("ItemDescriptorContainer", None) if ia is None: # create an empty XIndexAccess ia = self._get_empty_index_access() ia_menu = IndexAccessComp(ia) obj = Menu( node=self._node, config=self._get_config(), menus=menus, app=self._app, menu=ia_menu, # type: ignore lo_inst=self.lo_inst, ) cache[cache_key] = obj return obj
[docs] def insert(self, menu: Dict[str, Any], after: int | str = "", save: bool = True): """ Insert new menu. Args: menu (dict): New menu data after (int, str, optional): Insert in after menu (CommandURL). Defaults to "". save (bool, optional): For persistent save. Defaults to True. """ menus = self._get_menus() config = self._get_config() mb = MenuBase(node=self._node, config=self._get_config(), menus=menus, app=self._app, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) mb.insert(menus, menu, after) if save: # type: ignore return
[docs] def remove(self, menu: str) -> None: """ Remove menu. Args: menu (str): Menu CommandURL """ menus = self._get_menus() cache = self._get_cache() mb = MenuBase(node=self._node, config=self._get_config(), menus=menus, app=self._app, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) mb.remove(menus, menu) cache.clear() return
@property def app(self) -> str: """Gets the current app.""" return self._app