Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from ooodev.uno_helper.base_class.base_property_set import BasePropertySet
from ooodev.uno_helper.base_class.base_service_info import BaseServiceInfo
from import NamedLogger

    from import XIndexContainer
    from import XBitmap

[docs]class ActionTriggerItem(BasePropertySet, BaseServiceInfo): """Provides item."""
[docs] def __init__( self, command_url: str, text: str, help_url: str = "", sub_menu: XIndexContainer | None = None, image: XBitmap | None = None, ): """ Constructor. Args: command_url (str): Contains the command URL for the menu entry. text (str): Contains the text of the menu entry. help_url (str): Contains the a URL that points to a help text. sub_menu (XIndexContainer | None, optional): Contains a sub menu. Defaults to None. """ self._command_url = command_url self._text = text self._help_url = help_url self._sub_menu = sub_menu self._image = image self._logger = NamedLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
# region XServiceInfo
[docs] @override def getImplementationName(self) -> str: """ Provides the implementation name of the service implementation. """ return "action_trigger_item"
[docs] @override def supportsService(self, ServiceName: str) -> bool: """ Tests whether the specified service is supported, i.e. implemented by the implementation. """ return ServiceName in self.getSupportedServiceNames()
[docs] @override def getSupportedServiceNames(self) -> Tuple[str]: """ Provides the supported service names of the implementation, including also indirect service names. """ return ("",)
# endregion XServiceInfo # region XPropertySet
[docs] @override def setPropertyValue(self, aPropertyName: str, aValue: Any) -> None: """ Sets the value of the property with the specified name. If it is a bound property the value will be changed before the change event is fired. If it is a constrained property a vetoable event is fired before the property value can be changed. Raises: ``UnknownPropertyException`` ``PropertyVetoException`` ``IllegalArgumentException`` ``WrappedTargetException`` """ if aPropertyName == "CommandURL": self._command_url = aValue elif aPropertyName == "Text": self._text = aValue elif aPropertyName == "HelpURL": self._help_url = aValue elif aPropertyName == "SubContainer": self._sub_menu = aValue elif aPropertyName == "Image": self._image = aValue else: raise AttributeError(f"Unknown property: {aPropertyName}")
[docs] @override def getPropertyValue(self, PropertyName: str) -> Any: """ Gets a property value. Raises: ``UnknownPropertyException`` ``WrappedTargetException`` """ if PropertyName == "CommandURL": return self._command_url elif PropertyName == "Text": return self._text elif PropertyName == "HelpURL": return self._help_url elif PropertyName == "SubContainer": return self._sub_menu elif PropertyName == "Image": return self._image else: return None
# endregion XPropertySet # region Other methods
[docs] def is_separator(self) -> bool: """ Gets if the item is a separator. Returns: bool: ``False`` """ return False
# endregion Other methods def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({self._command_url}, {self._text}, {self._help_url}, {self._sub_menu}, {self._image})>" # region Properties @property def CommandURL(self) -> str: """Command URL""" return self._command_url @CommandURL.setter def CommandURL(self, value: str) -> None: self._command_url = value @property def Text(self) -> str: """Text""" return self._text @Text.setter def Text(self, value: str) -> None: self._text = value @property def HelpURL(self) -> str: """Help URL""" return self._help_url @HelpURL.setter def HelpURL(self, value: str) -> None: self._help_url = value @property def SubContainer(self) -> XIndexContainer | None: """Sub Container""" return self._sub_menu @SubContainer.setter def SubContainer(self, value: XIndexContainer | None) -> None: self._sub_menu = value @property def Image(self) -> XBitmap | None: """Image""" return self._image @Image.setter def Image(self, value: XBitmap | None) -> None: self._image = value
# endregion Properties