# coding: utf-8
# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List, overload, Any
from com.sun.star.accessibility import XAccessible
from com.sun.star.awt import PosSize # const
from com.sun.star.awt import VclWindowPeerAttribute # const
from com.sun.star.awt import WindowAttribute # const
from com.sun.star.awt import XExtendedToolkit
from com.sun.star.awt import XMenuBar
from com.sun.star.awt import XMessageBox
from com.sun.star.awt import XSystemDependentWindowPeer
from com.sun.star.awt import XToolkit
from com.sun.star.awt import XTopWindow
from com.sun.star.awt import XTopWindow2
from com.sun.star.awt import XUserInputInterception
from com.sun.star.awt import XWindow
from com.sun.star.awt import XWindow2
from com.sun.star.awt import XWindowPeer
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySet
from com.sun.star.container import XIndexContainer
from com.sun.star.frame import XDispatchProviderInterception
from com.sun.star.frame import XFrame
from com.sun.star.frame import XFrame2
from com.sun.star.frame import XFramesSupplier
from com.sun.star.frame import XLayoutManager
from com.sun.star.frame import XModel
from com.sun.star.lang import SystemDependent # const
from com.sun.star.lang import XComponent
from com.sun.star.ui import UIElementType # const
from com.sun.star.ui import XImageManager
from com.sun.star.ui import XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier
from com.sun.star.ui import XUIConfigurationManager
from com.sun.star.ui import XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier
from com.sun.star.view import XControlAccess
from com.sun.star.view import XSelectionSupplier
from ooo.dyn.awt.rectangle import Rectangle
from ooo.dyn.awt.window_descriptor import WindowDescriptor
from ooo.dyn.awt.window_class import WindowClass
from ooodev.dialog import input as mInput
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.utils import file_io as mFileIO
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils import sys_info as m_sys_info
from ooodev.utils.data_type.window_info import WindowInfo as GuiWindowInfo
from ooodev.utils.decorator.deprecated import deprecated
from ooodev.utils.kind.special_windows_kind import SpecialWindowsKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.tool_bar_name_kind import ToolBarNameKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.window_subtype_kind import WindowSubtypeKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.zoom_kind import ZoomKind
from com.sun.star.frame import XController
from com.sun.star.ui import XUIElement
# endregion Imports
SysInfo = m_sys_info.SysInfo
[docs]class GUI:
# region Class Enums
# view settings zoom constants
# ZoomEnum = DocumentZoomTypeEnum
ZoomEnum = ZoomKind
# endregion Class Enums
# region class Constants
MENU_BAR = "private:resource/menubar/menubar"
STATUS_BAR = "private:resource/statusbar/statusbar"
FIND_BAR = "private:resource/toolbar/findbar"
STANDARD_BAR = "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar"
TOOL_BAR = "private:resource/toolbar/toolbar"
ToolBarName = ToolBarNameKind
SpecialWindows = SpecialWindowsKind
WindowSubtypes = WindowSubtypeKind
WindowInfo = GuiWindowInfo
# endregion class Constants
# region ---------------- toolbar addition -------------------------
[docs] @classmethod
@deprecated("Use get_toolbar_resource")
def get_toobar_resource(cls, name: ToolBarNameKind | str) -> str:
Get toolbar resource for name.
name (ToolBarName| str): Name of toolbar resource
str: A formatted resource string such as ``private:resource/toolbar/zoombar``
.. deprecated:: 0.11.0
Use :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.get_toolbar_resource` instead.
return cls.get_toolbar_resource(name)
# spelling error up to 0.10.3
# endregion ------------- toolbar addition -------------------------
# region ---------------- floating frame, message box --------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_floating_frame(title: str, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> XFrame:
Create a floating XFrame at the given position and size.
title (str): Floating frame title.
x (int): Frame x position.
y (int): Frame y position.
width (int): Frame width.
height (int): Frame Height.
MissingInterfaceError: If required interface can not be obtained.
XFrame: Floating frame.
xtoolkit = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XToolkit, "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
if xtoolkit is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XToolkit)
desc = WindowDescriptor(Type=WindowClass.TOP, WindowServiceName="modelessdialog", ParentIndex=-1) # type: ignore
desc.Bounds = Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
desc.WindowAttributes = (
+ WindowAttribute.MOVEABLE
+ WindowAttribute.CLOSEABLE
+ WindowAttribute.SIZEABLE
+ VclWindowPeerAttribute.CLIPCHILDREN
window_peer = xtoolkit.createWindow(desc)
window = mLo.Lo.qi(XWindow, window_peer)
if window is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XWindow)
xframe = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XFrame, "com.sun.star.frame.Frame")
if xframe is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XFrame)
frames_sup = mLo.Lo.qi(XFramesSupplier, mLo.Lo.get_desktop())
if frames_sup is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XFramesSupplier)
frames = frames_sup.getFrames()
if frames is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XFramesSupplier, "No desktop frames found")
return xframe
[docs] @classmethod
def show_message_box(cls, title: str, message: str) -> None:
Shows a message box.
title (str): Messagebox Title.
message (str): Message to display.
MissingInterfaceError: If required interface is not present.
xtoolkit = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XToolkit, "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
x_window = cls.get_window()
if xtoolkit is None or x_window is None:
return None
peer = mLo.Lo.qi(XWindowPeer, x_window)
if peer is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XWindowPeer)
desc = WindowDescriptor(
Type=WindowClass.MODALTOP, # type: ignore
Bounds=Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 200),
WindowAttributes=WindowAttribute.BORDER | WindowAttribute.MOVEABLE | WindowAttribute.CLOSEABLE,
desc_peer = xtoolkit.createWindow(desc)
if desc_peer is None:
msg_box = mLo.Lo.qi(XMessageBox, desc_peer)
if msg_box is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XMessageBox)
msg_box.CaptionText = title
msg_box.MessageText = message
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_password(title: str, input_msg: str) -> str:
Prompts for a password.
If inside of a Office window then an Office Dialog is displayed prompting for a password.
If no Office window is available and attempt is made to create a ``tkinter`` dialog window for password input.
``tkinter`` does not ship with integrated python in LibreOffice. For this reason it may not be possible to display a ``tkinter`` dialog.
It will depend on how your virtual environment is set up. In most cases this will work on Linux but not on windows.
title (str): Title of input box
input_msg (str): Message to display
Exception if unable to build a dialog password input.
str: password as string or empty string if password is not given.
See Also:
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
return mInput.Input.get_input(title=title, msg=input_msg, is_password=True)
# try a tkinter dialog. Not available in macro mode.
# this also means may not work on windows when virtual environment
# is set to LibreOffice python.exe
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
from ooodev.dialog.tk_input import Window
pass_inst = Window(title=title, input_msg=input_msg, is_password=True)
return pass_inst.get_input()
raise Exception("Unable to access a GUI to create a password dialog box")
# endregion ------------- floating frame, message box --------------
# region ---------------- controller and frame ---------------------
# region get_current_controller()
def get_current_controller(doc: object) -> XController: # type: ignore
Gets controller from document.
doc (object): office document
MissingInterfaceError: If required interface is not present.
XController: controller
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_current_controller(*args, **kwargs) -> XController:
Gets controller from document.
doc (object): office document
MissingInterfaceError: If required interface is not present.
XController: controller
args_len = len(args)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = args_len + kargs_len
if count != 1:
raise TypeError("get_current_controller() got an invalid number of arguments")
doc = args[0] if args_len == 1 else None
if doc is None:
doc = kwargs.get("doc", None)
if doc is None:
# odoc for backwards compatibility
doc = kwargs.get("odoc", None)
component = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, doc, True)
model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, component, True)
return model.getCurrentController()
# endregion get_current_controller()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_frame(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XFrame:
Gets frame from doc.
doc (XComponent): office document
XFrame: document frame.
controller = cls.get_current_controller(doc)
return controller.getFrame()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_control_access(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XControlAccess:
Get control access from office document.
doc (XComponent): office document.
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XControlAccess interface.
XControlAccess: control access.
ca = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlAccess, cls.get_current_controller(doc))
if ca is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XControlAccess)
return ca
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_uii(doc: XComponent) -> XUserInputInterception:
Gets user input interception.
doc (XComponent): office document.
MissingInterfaceError: If doc does not implement XUserInputInterception interface.
XUserInputInterception: user input interception.
result = mLo.Lo.qi(XUserInputInterception, doc)
if result is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XUserInputInterception)
return result
# region get_selection_supplier()
def get_selection_supplier(cls, doc: object) -> XSelectionSupplier: # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod
def get_selection_supplier(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> XSelectionSupplier:
Gets selection supplier.
doc (object): office document
MissingInterfaceError: if odoc does not implement XComponent interface.
MissingInterfaceError: if XSelectionSupplier interface instance is not obtained.
XSelectionSupplier: Selection supplier
args_len = len(args)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = args_len + kargs_len
if count != 1:
raise TypeError("get_selection_supplier() got an invalid number of arguments")
doc = args[0] if args_len == 1 else None
if doc is None:
doc = kwargs.get("doc", None)
if doc is None:
# odoc for backwards combapility
doc = kwargs.get("odoc", None)
component = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, doc)
if component is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XComponent, "Not an office document")
controller = cls.get_current_controller(component)
result = mLo.Lo.qi(XSelectionSupplier, controller)
if result is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XSelectionSupplier)
return result
# endregion get_selection_supplier()
[docs] @classmethod
def get_dpi(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XDispatchProviderInterception:
Gets Dispatch provider interception.
doc (XComponent): office document.
MissingInterfaceError: if XDispatchProviderInterception interface instance is not obtained.
XDispatchProviderInterception: Dispatch provider interception.
xframe = cls.get_frame(doc)
result = mLo.Lo.qi(XDispatchProviderInterception, xframe)
if result is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XDispatchProviderInterception)
return result
# endregion ---------------- controller and frame ------------------
# region ---------------- Office container window ------------------
[docs] @classmethod
@deprecated("Use get_window_identity() instead")
def get_window_idenity(cls, obj: Any) -> GuiWindowInfo:
Gets Identity Info for window of an object
obj (Any): object that implements XComponent
GUI.Window: Window Info
.. deprecated:: 0.11.0
Use :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.get_window_identity` instead.
return cls.get_window_identity(obj)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_window_identity(cls, obj: Any) -> GuiWindowInfo:
Gets Identity Info for window of an object.
obj (Any): object that implements ``XComponent``.
GUI.Window: Window Info.
win = GuiWindowInfo()
component = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, obj)
if component is None:
return win
win.component = component
implementation = mInfo.Info.get_implementation_name(obj=obj)
except Exception as e:
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to get implementation name:")
mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}")
return win
identifier = mInfo.Info.get_identifier(obj)
except Exception as e:
mLo.Lo.print(f"Unable to get identity for implementation: {implementation}")
mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}")
return win
if implementation == "com.sun.star.comp.basic.BasicIDE":
win.window_name = str(SpecialWindowsKind.BASIC_IDE)
elif implementation == "com.sun.star.comp.dba.ODatabaseDocument": # No identifier
model = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, obj, True)
win.window_file_name = str(mProps.Props.get_value(name="URL", props=model.getArgs()))
if win.window_file_name != "":
win.window_name = str(mFileIO.FileIO.url_to_path(win.window_file_name))
win.document_type = mLo.Lo.DocType.BASE
elif implementation in (
win.frame = component.Frame # type: ignore
win.window_name = str(SpecialWindowsKind.WELCOME_SCREEN)
elif len(identifier) > 0:
# Do not use URL : it contains the TemplateFile when new documents are created from a template
win.window_file_name = component.Location # type: ignore
if len(win.window_file_name) > 0:
win.window_name = str(mFileIO.FileIO.url_to_path(win.window_file_name))
if hasattr(obj, "Title"):
win.window_title = obj.Title
if identifier in (
win.document_type = mLo.Lo.DocType.WRITER
elif identifier == "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument":
win.document_type = mLo.Lo.DocType.CALC
elif identifier == "com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument":
win.document_type = mLo.Lo.DocType.IMPRESS
elif identifier == "com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument":
win.document_type = mLo.Lo.DocType.DRAW
elif identifier == "com.sun.star.formula.FormulaProperties":
win.document_type = mLo.Lo.DocType.MATH
if hasattr(obj, "CurrentController") and win.frame is None:
win.frame = obj.CurrentController.Frame
return win
[docs] @classmethod
def get_active_window(cls, obj: Any) -> str:
if hasattr(obj, "CurrentController") and win.frame is None:
win.frame = obj.CurrentController.Frame
obj (Any): doc like object
str: Active window as string of found; Otherwise, an empty string.
See Also:
win = cls.get_window_identity(obj)
if len(win.window_file_name) > 0:
return str(mFileIO.FileIO.url_to_path(win.window_file_name))
if len(win.window_name) > 0:
return win.window_name
return win.window_title if len(win.window_title) > 0 else ""
[docs] @classmethod
def activate(cls, window: str | XComponent) -> None:
Activates window.
window (str | XComponent): Window name as str or doc as XComponent
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.get_active_window`
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.minimize`
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.maximize`
str_win = window if isinstance(window, str) else cls.get_active_window(window)
desktop = mLo.Lo.XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
enm = desktop.getComponents().createEnumeration()
while enm.hasMoreElements():
o_comp = enm.nextElement()
win = cls.get_window_identity(o_comp)
if (
(len(win.window_file_name) > 0 and win.window_file_name == mFileIO.FileIO.fnm_to_url(str_win))
or (len(win.window_name) > 0 and win.window_name == str_win)
or (len(win.window_title) > 0 and win.window_title == str_win)
if win.frame is None:
container = win.frame.getContainerWindow()
if container is None:
x_win2 = mLo.Lo.qi(XWindow2, container)
if x_win2 is None:
top2 = mLo.Lo.qi(XTopWindow2, container)
if top2 is None:
if not x_win2.isVisible():
if top2.IsMinimized:
top2.IsMinimized = False
def get_window(cls) -> XWindow:
Gets window.
XWindow: window instance.
def get_window(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XWindow:
Gets window.
doc (XComponent): Office document.
XWindow: window instance.
[docs] @classmethod
def get_window(cls, doc: XComponent | None = None) -> XWindow | None:
Gets window.
doc (XComponent): Office document.
XWindow: window instance.
if doc is None:
desktop = mLo.Lo.get_desktop()
if desktop is None:
return None
frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
return None if frame is None else frame.getContainerWindow()
controller = cls.get_current_controller(doc)
return controller.getFrame().getContainerWindow()
# region set_visible()
def set_visible(cls) -> None:
Set window visibility.
def set_visible(cls, visible: bool) -> None:
Set window visibility.
visible (bool, optional): If ``True`` window is set visible; Otherwise, window is set invisible. Default ``True``.
def set_visible(cls, visible: bool, doc: Any) -> None:
Set window visibility.
visible (bool, optional): If ``True`` window is set visible; Otherwise, window is set invisible. Default ``True``.
doc (Any, optional): office document. If omitted the current document is used form ``Lo.lo_component``.
def set_visible(cls, *, doc: Any) -> None:
Set window visibility.
visible (bool, optional): If ``True`` window is set visible; Otherwise, window is set invisible. Default ``True``.
[docs] @classmethod
def set_visible(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Set window visibility.
visible (bool, optional): If ``True`` window is set visible; Otherwise, window is set invisible. Default ``True``.
doc (Any, optional): office document. If omitted the current document is used form ``Lo.lo_component``.
# is_visible and odoc are deprecated but still supported.
args_len = len(args)
if args_len > 0:
kwargs["visible"] = args[0]
if args_len > 1:
kwargs["doc"] = args[1]
if args_len > 2:
raise TypeError(f"set_visible() takes from 0 to 2 positional arguments but {args_len} were given")
keys = {"is_visible", "visible"}
is_visible = next((bool(kwargs.pop(key)) for key in keys if key in kwargs), True)
keys = {"doc", "odoc"}
odoc = next((kwargs.pop(key) for key in keys if key in kwargs), None)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError(f"set_visible() got an unexpected keyword argument {kwargs.popitem()[0]}")
if odoc is None:
# odoc = mLo.Lo.get_relative_doc()
odoc = mLo.Lo.lo_component
component = mLo.Lo.qi(XComponent, odoc)
if component is None:
window = cls.get_frame(component).getContainerWindow()
if window is not None:
except Exception as e:
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to get window to set visibility")
mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}")
# endregion set_visible()
[docs] @classmethod
def set_size_window(cls, doc: XComponent, width: int, height: int) -> None:
Sets window size.
doc (XComponent): office document.
width (int): Width of window.
height (int): Height of window.
window = cls.get_window(doc)
rect = window.getPosSize()
window.setPosSize(rect.X, rect.Y, width, height - 30, PosSize.POSSIZE)
[docs] @classmethod
def set_pos_size(cls, doc: XComponent, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> None:
Sets window position and size.
doc (XComponent): office document.
x (int): Window X position.
y (int): Window Y Position.
width (int): Window Width.
height (int): Window Height.
window = cls.get_window(doc)
window.setPosSize(x, y, width, height, PosSize.POSSIZE)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_pos_size(cls, doc: XComponent) -> Rectangle:
Gets window position and Size.
doc (XComponent): office document.
Rectangle: Rectangle representing position and size.
window = cls.get_window(doc)
return window.getPosSize()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_top_window() -> XTopWindow:
Gets top window.
MissingInterfaceError: If XExtendedToolkit interface can not be obtained
MissingInterfaceError: If XTopWindow interface can not be obtained
XTopWindow: top window
tk = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XExtendedToolkit, "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
if tk is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XExtendedToolkit)
top_win = tk.getActiveTopWindow()
if top_win is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XTopWindow)
return top_win
[docs] @classmethod
def get_title_bar(cls) -> str:
Gets title bar from top window.
str: title bar text if found; Otherwise, Empty string.
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
top_win = cls.get_top_window()
acc = mLo.Lo.qi(XAccessible, top_win)
if acc is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XAccessible, "Top window not accessible")
acc_content = acc.getAccessibleContext()
if acc_content is not None:
return acc_content.getAccessibleName()
# could not get title using top window. maybe the window was not currently on top.
# get the title from XFrame2.
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
frm2 = mLo.Lo.qi(XFrame2, mLo.Lo.get_frame())
if frm2 is not None:
return frm2.Title
return ""
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_screen_size() -> Rectangle:
Get the work area as Rectangle.
mEx.MissingInterfaceError: If XToolkit interface can not be obtained.
Rectangle: Work Area.
Original java method used java to get area.
Original method seemed to return effective size. (i.e. without Windows' taskbar)
This implementation calls ``Toolkit.getWorkArea()``.
See also:
`Toolkit <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1awt_1_1Toolkit.html>`_
tk = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(XToolkit, "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
if tk is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XToolkit)
return tk.getWorkArea()
[docs] @staticmethod
def print_rect(r: Rectangle) -> None:
Prints a rectangle to the console.
r (Rectangle): Rectangle to print
mLo.Lo.print(f"Rectangle: ({r.X}, {r.Y}), {r.Width} -- {r.Height}")
def get_window_handle(cls) -> int | None: ...
def get_window_handle(cls, doc: XComponent) -> int | None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def get_window_handle(cls, doc: XComponent | None = None) -> int | None:
Gets handle to a window.
doc (XComponent): document to get window handle for.
int | None: handle as int on success; Otherwise, None.
This method was part of original java lib but was only set to work with windows.
An attempt is made to support Linux and Mac; However, not tested at this point.
Use this method at your own risk.
win = cls.get_window() if doc is None else cls.get_window(doc)
if win is None:
return None
win_peer = mLo.Lo.qi(XSystemDependentWindowPeer, win, True)
pid = tuple(0 for _ in range(8))
info = SysInfo.get_platform()
if info == SysInfo.PlatformEnum.WINDOWS:
system_type = SystemDependent.SYSTEM_WIN32
elif info == SysInfo.PlatformEnum.MAC:
system_type = SystemDependent.SYSTEM_MAC
elif info == SysInfo.PlatformEnum.LINUX:
system_type = SystemDependent.SYSTEM_XWINDOW
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to support, don't know this system.")
return None
return int(win_peer.getWindowHandle(pid, system_type)) # type: ignore
except Exception as e:
mLo.Lo.print("Error getting windows handle")
mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}")
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def set_look_feel() -> None:
This method is not supported. Part of Original java lib.
NotImplementedError: Not supported
raise NotImplementedError
# endregion ------------- Office container window ------------------
# region ---------------- min/max ----------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod
def maximize(cls, odoc: XComponent) -> None:
Maximizes Office window.
odoc (XComponent): Office document.
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.minimize`
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.activate`
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.get_active_window`
top_win = cls.get_top_window()
except mEx.MissingInterfaceError as e:
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to get top window")
print(f" {e}")
top2 = mLo.Lo.qi(XTopWindow2, top_win)
if top2 is None:
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to get top window (2)")
top2.IsMaximized = True
[docs] @classmethod
def minimize(cls, odoc: XComponent) -> None:
Minimizes Office window.
odoc (XComponent): Office document
See Also:
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.maximize`
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.activate`
- :py:meth:`~.gui.GUI.get_active_window`
top_win = cls.get_top_window()
except mEx.MissingInterfaceError as e:
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to get top window")
print(f" {e}")
top2 = mLo.Lo.qi(XTopWindow2, top_win)
if top2 is None:
mLo.Lo.print("Unable to get top window (2)")
if top2.IsMinimized is False:
cls.set_visible(visible=True, doc=odoc)
top2.IsMinimized = True
# endregion ------------- min/max ----------------------------------
# region ---------------- zooming ----------------------------------
def zoom(cls, view: ZoomKind) -> None: ...
def zoom(cls, view: ZoomKind, value: int) -> None: ...
def zoom(cls, *, value: int = 0) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def zoom(cls, view: ZoomKind = ZoomKind.BY_VALUE, value: int = 0) -> None:
Sets document zoom level.
view (ZoomEnum): Zoom value
value (int): The amount to zoom. :abbreviation:`eg:` 160 zooms 160%
``value`` has a min value of 1 and a max value of 3000. If value is out of range then 100% is used.
if view == ZoomKind.OPTIMAL:
elif view in (ZoomKind.PAGE_WIDTH, ZoomKind.PAGE_WIDTH_EXACT):
elif view == ZoomKind.ENTIRE_PAGE:
elif view == ZoomKind.ZOOM_50_PERCENT:
elif view == ZoomKind.ZOOM_75_PERCENT:
elif view == ZoomKind.ZOOM_100_PERCENT:
elif view == ZoomKind.ZOOM_150_PERCENT:
elif view == ZoomKind.ZOOM_200_PERCENT:
elif view == ZoomKind.BY_VALUE:
if value <= 0 or value > 3000:
value = 100
p_dic = {"Zoom.Value": value, "Zoom.ValueSet": 28703, "Zoom.Type": 0}
props = mProps.Props.make_props(**p_dic)
mLo.Lo.dispatch_cmd(cmd="Zoom", props=props)
mLo.Lo.print("Zoom not reconized. Aborting zoom.")
# https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Drawings/Zooming
def zoom_value(cls, value: int) -> None:
Sets document custom zoom.
value (int): The amount to zoom. :abbreviation:`eg:` 160 zooms 160%
def zoom_value(cls, value: int, view: ZoomKind) -> None:
Sets document custom zoom.
value (int): The amount to zoom. :abbreviation:`eg:` 160 zooms 160%
``value`` has a min value of 1 and a max value of 3000. If value is out of range then 100% is used.
view (ZoomEnum): Type of zoom. If ``view`` is not ``ZoomEnum.BY_VALUE`` then ``value`` is ignored. Defaults to ``ZoomEnum.BY_VALUE``.
[docs] @classmethod
def zoom_value(cls, value: int, view: ZoomKind = ZoomEnum.BY_VALUE) -> None:
Sets document custom zoom.
value (int): The amount to zoom. :abbreviation:`eg:` 160 zooms 160%
view (ZoomEnum): Type of zoom. If ``view`` is not ``ZoomEnum.BY_VALUE`` then ``value`` is ignored. Defaults to ``ZoomEnum.BY_VALUE``.
cls.zoom(view=view, value=value)
# endregion ------------- zooming ----------------------------------
# region ---------------- UI config manager ------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_ui_config_manager(doc: XComponent) -> XUIConfigurationManager:
Gets ui config manager.
doc (XComponent): office document.
MissingInterfaceError: If XModel interface can not be obtained.
MissingInterfaceError: If XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier interface can not be obtained.
XUIConfigurationManager: ui config manager.
xmodel = mLo.Lo.qi(XModel, doc)
if xmodel is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XModel)
xsupplier = mLo.Lo.qi(XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier, xmodel)
if xsupplier is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier)
return xsupplier.getUIConfigurationManager()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_ui_config_manager_doc(doc: XComponent) -> XUIConfigurationManager:
Gets ui config manager base upon doc type reported by :py:meth:`.Info.doc_type_service`.
doc (XComponent): office document.
MissingInterfaceError: If XModel interface can not be obtained.
MissingInterfaceError: If XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier interface can not be obtained.
Exception: If unable to get XUIConfigurationManager from XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier instance.
XUIConfigurationManager: ui config manager.
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
doc_type = mInfo.Info.doc_type_service(doc)
xsupplier = mLo.Lo.create_instance_mcf(
return xsupplier.getUIConfigurationManager(str(doc_type))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Could not create a config manager using '{doc_type}'") from e
# region print_ui_cmds()
def print_ui_cmds(cls, ui_elem_name: str, config_man: XUIConfigurationManager) -> None:
Prints ui elements matching ``ui_elem_name`` to console.
ui_elem_name (str): Name of ui element
config_man (XUIConfigurationManager): configuration manager
def print_ui_cmds(cls, ui_elem_name: str, doc: XComponent) -> None:
Prints ui elements matching ``ui_elem_name`` to console.
ui_elem_name (str): Name of ui element
doc (XComponent): office document
[docs] @classmethod
def print_ui_cmds(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Prints ui elements matching ``ui_elem_name`` to console.
ui_elem_name (str): Name of ui element.
config_man (XUIConfigurationManager): configuration manager.
doc (XComponent): office document.
ordered_keys = (1, 2)
kargs_len = len(kwargs)
count = len(args) + kargs_len
def get_kwargs() -> dict:
ka = {}
if kargs_len == 0:
return ka
valid_keys = ("ui_elem_name", "config_man", "doc")
check = all(key in valid_keys for key in kwargs)
if not check:
raise TypeError("print_ui_cmds() got an unexpected keyword argument")
ka[1] = kwargs.get("ui_elem_name", None)
keys = ("config_man", "doc")
for key in keys:
if key in kwargs:
ka[2] = kwargs[key]
return ka
if count != 2:
raise TypeError("print_ui_cmds() got an invalid number of arguments")
kargs = get_kwargs()
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
obj = mLo.Lo.qi(XUIConfigurationManager, kargs[2])
if obj is None:
cls._print_ui_cmds2(ui_elem_name=kargs[1], doc=kargs[2])
cls._print_ui_cmds1(ui_elem_name=kargs[1], config_man=kargs[2])
def _print_ui_cmds1(
ui_elem_name: str,
config_man: XUIConfigurationManager,
) -> None:
"""LO Safe Method. Print every command used by the toolbar whose resource name is uiElemName"""
# see Also: https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/ProUNO/Properties
settings = config_man.getSettings(ui_elem_name, True)
num_settings = settings.getCount()
print(f"No. of elements in '{ui_elem_name}' toolbar: {num_settings}")
for i in range(num_settings):
# line from java
# PropertyValue[] settingProps = Lo.qi(PropertyValue[].class, settings.getByIndex(i));
setting_props = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, settings.getByIndex(i), True)
val = setting_props.getPropertyValue("CommandURL")
print(f"{i}) {mProps.Props.prop_value_to_string(val)}")
except Exception as e:
def _print_ui_cmds2(cls, ui_elem_name: str, doc: XComponent) -> None:
"""LO Safe Method."""
config_man = cls.get_ui_config_manager(doc)
if config_man is None:
print("Cannot create configuration manager")
cls._print_ui_cmds1(ui_elem_name, config_man)
# endregion print_ui_cmds()
# endregion ------------- UI config manager ------------------------
# region ---------------- layout manager ---------------------------
# region get_layout_manager()
def get_layout_manager(cls) -> XLayoutManager:
Gets layout manager.
XLayoutManager: Layout manager.
def get_layout_manager(cls, doc: XComponent) -> XLayoutManager:
Gets layout manager.
doc (XComponent): office document.
Exception: If unable to get layout manager.
XLayoutManager: Layout manager.
[docs] @classmethod
def get_layout_manager(cls, doc: XComponent | None = None) -> XLayoutManager:
Gets layout manager
doc (XComponent): office document
Exception: If unable to get layout manager
XLayoutManager: Layout manager
# sourcery skip: raise-specific-error
if doc is None:
desktop = mLo.Lo.get_desktop()
frame = desktop.getCurrentFrame()
frame = cls.get_frame(doc)
if frame is None:
raise Exception("No current frame")
lm = None
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, frame, True)
lm = mLo.Lo.qi(XLayoutManager, prop_set.getPropertyValue("LayoutManager"))
if lm is None:
raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(XLayoutManager)
return lm
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Could not access layout manager") from e
# endregion get_layout_manager()
# region show_menu_bar()
def show_menu_bar(cls) -> None:
Shows the main menu bar.
def show_menu_bar(cls, doc: XComponent) -> None:
Shows the main menu bar.
doc (XComponent): doc (XComponent): office document.
# endregion show_menu_bar()
# region hide_menu_bar()
def hide_menu_bar(cls) -> None:
Hides the main menu bar.
def hide_menu_bar(cls, doc: XComponent) -> None:
Hides the main menu bar.
doc (XComponent): doc (XComponent): office document.
# added due to a spell correction.
[docs] @classmethod
@deprecated("Use hide_menu_bar instead")
def hide_memu_bar(cls, doc: XComponent | None = None) -> None:
Hides the main menu bar
doc (XComponent): doc (XComponent): office document
.. deprecated:: 0.9.0
Use :py:meth:`~gui.GUI.hide_menu_bar` instead.
return cls.hide_menu_bar() if doc is None else cls.hide_menu_bar(doc)
# endregion hide_menu_bar()
# region print_u_is()
def print_u_is(cls) -> None:
"""print the resource names of every toolbar used by desktop"""
def print_u_is(cls, doc: XComponent) -> None:
Print to console the resource names of every toolbar used by doc
doc (XComponent): office document
def print_u_is(cls, lm: XLayoutManager) -> None:
Print to console the resource names of every toolbar used by layout manager
lm (XLayoutManager): Layout manager
[docs] @classmethod
def print_u_is(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
Print to console the resource names of every toolbar used by doc.
lm (XLayoutManager): Layout manager
doc (XComponent): office document
ordered_keys = ("first",)
kargs = {}
if "doc" in kwargs:
kargs["first"] = kwargs["doc"]
elif "lm" in kwargs:
kargs["first"] = kwargs["lm"]
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kargs[ordered_keys[i]] = arg
k_len = len(kargs)
if k_len > 1:
print("invalid number of arguments for print_u_is()")
if k_len == 0:
lm = cls.get_layout_manager()
obj = mLo.Lo.qi(XLayoutManager, kargs["first"])
lm = cls.get_layout_manager(kargs["first"]) if obj is None else kargs["first"]
if lm is None:
print("No layout manager found")
ui_elements = lm.getElements()
print(f"No. of UI Elements: {len(ui_elements)}")
for el in ui_elements:
print(f" {el.ResourceURL}; {cls.get_ui_element_type_str(el.Type)}")
# endregion print_u_is()
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_ui_element_type_str(t: int) -> str:
Converts constant value to element type string.
`UIElementType <https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/namespacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1ui_1_1UIElementType.html>`_
determines the type of a user interface element which is controlled by a layout manager.
t (int): UIElementType constant Value from 0 to 8
TypeError: If t is not a int
ValueError: If t is not a valid UIElementType constant.
str: element type string
if not isinstance(t, int):
raise TypeError("'t' is not an int")
if t == UIElementType.UNKNOWN:
return "unknown"
if t == UIElementType.MENUBAR:
return "menubar"
if t == UIElementType.POPUPMENU:
return "popup menu"
if t == UIElementType.TOOLBAR:
return "toolbar"
if t == UIElementType.STATUSBAR:
return "status bar"
if t == UIElementType.FLOATINGWINDOW:
return "floating window"
if t == UIElementType.PROGRESSBAR:
return "progress bar"
if t == UIElementType.TOOLPANEL:
return "tool panel"
if t == UIElementType.DOCKINGWINDOW:
return "docking window"
if t == UIElementType.COUNT:
return "count"
raise ValueError("'t' is is not a valid UIElementType value")
[docs] @classmethod
def printAllUICommands(cls, doc: XComponent) -> None:
Prints all ui commands to console.
doc (XComponent): office document.
conf_man = cls.get_ui_config_manager_doc(doc)
if conf_man is None:
print("No configuration manager found")
lm = cls.get_layout_manager(doc)
if lm is None:
print("No layout manager found")
ui_elements = lm.getElements()
print(f"No. of UI Elements: {len(ui_elements)}")
for el in ui_elements:
name = el.ResourceURL
print(f"--- {name} ---")
cls._print_ui_cmds1(ui_elem_name=name, config_man=conf_man)
[docs] @classmethod
def show_one(cls, doc: XComponent, show_elem: str) -> None:
Leave only the single specified toolbar visible.
doc (XComponent): office document.
show_elem (str): name of element to show only.
show_elements = [show_elem]
cls.show_only(doc=doc, show_elems=show_elements)
[docs] @classmethod
def show_only(cls, doc: XComponent, show_elems: List[str]) -> None:
Leave only the specified toolbars visible.
Exception: if unable to get layout manager from doc.
doc (XComponent): office document.
show_elems (Iterable[str]): Elements to show.
lm = cls.get_layout_manager(doc)
ui_elements = lm.getElements()
cls.hide_except(lm=lm, ui_elms=ui_elements, show_elms=show_elems)
for el_name in show_elems: # these elems are not in lm
lm.createElement(el_name) # so need to be created & shown
mLo.Lo.print(f"{el_name} made visible")
[docs] @staticmethod
def hide_except(lm: XLayoutManager, ui_elms: Iterable[XUIElement], show_elms: List[str]) -> None:
Hide all of ``ui_elms``, except ones in ``show_elms``;
delete any strings that match in ``show_elms``.
lm (XLayoutManager): Layout Manager
ui_elms (Iterable[XUIElement]): Elements
show_elms (Sequence[str]): elements to show
for ui_elm in ui_elms:
el_name = ui_elm.ResourceURL
to_hide = True
# show_elms_lst = list(show_elms)
for el in show_elms:
if el == el_name:
show_elms.remove(el) # this elem is in lm so remove from show_elems
to_hide = False
if to_hide:
mLo.Lo.print(f"{el_name} hidden")
[docs] @classmethod
def show_none(cls, doc: XComponent) -> None:
Make all the toolbars invisible.
Exception: if unable to get layout manager from doc
doc (XComponent): office document.
lm = cls.get_layout_manager(doc)
if lm is None:
mLo.Lo.print("No layout manager found")
ui_elms = lm.getElements()
for ui_elm in ui_elms:
elem_name = ui_elm.ResourceURL
mLo.Lo.print(f"{elem_name} hidden")
# endregion ------------- layout manager ---------------------------
# region ---------------- menu bar ---------------------------------
# endregion ------------- menu bar ---------------------------------