from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_t import StyleT
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from import CharSpacingKind
from import FontScriptKind
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
from ooodev.units.unit_pt import UnitPT
from ooodev.units.angle import Angle
from ooodev.utils.data_type.intensity import Intensity
Protocol = object
[docs]class FontPositionT(StyleT, Protocol):
"""Font Position Protocol"""
[docs] def __init__(
script_kind: FontScriptKind | None = ...,
raise_lower: int | None = ...,
rel_size: int | Intensity | None = ...,
rotation: int | Angle | None = ...,
scale: int | None = ...,
fit: bool | None = ...,
spacing: CharSpacingKind | float | UnitT | None = ...,
pair: bool | None = ...,
) -> None:
Character Font Position.
script_kind (FontScriptKind, optional): Specifies Superscript/Subscript option.
raise_lower (int, optional): Specifies raise or Lower as percent value. Set to a value of 0 for automatic.
rel_size (int, Intensity, optional): Specifies relative Font Size as percent value.
Set this value to ``0`` for automatic; Otherwise value from ``1`` to ``100``.
rotation (int, Angle, optional): Specifies the rotation of a character in degrees. Depending on the
implementation only certain values may be allowed.
scale (int, optional): Specifies scale width as percent value. Min value is ``1``.
fit (bool, optional): Specifies if rotation is fit to line.
spacing (CharSpacingKind, float, UnitT, optional): Specifies character spacing in ``pt`` (point) units
or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`.
pair (bool, optional): Specifies pair kerning.
# region from_obj()
def from_obj(cls, obj: Any) -> FontPositionT: ...
def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> FontPositionT: ...
# endregion from_obj()
# region Format Methods
[docs] def fmt_scrip_kind(self, value: FontScriptKind | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with superscript/subscript set or removed.
value (FontScriptKind, optional): font script kind.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_raise_lower(self, value: int | Intensity | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with raise/lower set or removed.
value (int, Intensity, optional): Raise or Lower value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_rel_size(self, value: int | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with relative size set or removed.
value (int, optional): relative size value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_rotation(self, value: int | Angle | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with rotation set or removed.
value (int, Angle, optional): The rotation of a character in degrees. Depending on the implementation only certain values may be allowed.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_scale(self, value: int | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with scale width set or removed.
value (int, optional): scale width value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_fit(self, value: bool | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with rotation fit set or removed.
value (bool, optional): Rotation fit value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_spacing(self, value: float | UnitT | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with spacing set or removed.
value (float, UnitT, optional): The character spacing in ``pt`` (point) units :ref:`proto_unit_obj`.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_pair(self, value: bool | None = ...) -> FontPositionT:
Get copy of instance with pair kerning set or removed.
value (bool, optional): Pair kerning value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontPosition: Font with style added or removed
# endregion Format Methods
# region Style Properties
def normal(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance set to Position Normal"""
script_kind_normal = normal
def superscript(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance set to Position Superscript"""
script_kind_superscript = superscript
def subscript(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance set to Position Subscript"""
script_kind_subscript = subscript
def raise_lower_auto(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with raise/lower set to automatic"""
def rotation_none(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with rotation set to ``0``"""
def rotation_90(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with rotation set to ``90``"""
def rotation_270(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with rotation set to ``270``"""
def fit(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with rotation fit to line set to ``True``"""
def spacing_very_tight(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with spacing set to very tight value"""
def spacing_tight(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with spacing set to tight value"""
def spacing_normal(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with spacing set to normal value"""
ft = self.copy()
ft.prop_spacing = CharSpacingKind.NORMAL
return ft
def spacing_loose(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with spacing set to loose value"""
def spacing_very_loose(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with spacing set to very loose value"""
def pair(self) -> FontPositionT:
"""Gets copy of instance with rotation pair kerning set to ``True``"""
# endregion Style Properties
# region Prop Properties
def prop_raise_lower(self) -> int | None:
"""Gets/Sets raise or lower amount, A value of ``0`` means automatic."""
def prop_raise_lower(self, value: int | None) -> None: ...
def prop_rel_size(self) -> Intensity | None:
"""Gets/Sets relative font size"""
def prop_rel_size(self, value: Intensity | int | None) -> None: ...
def prop_script_kind(self) -> FontScriptKind | None: ...
def prop_script_kind(self, value: FontScriptKind | None) -> None: ...
def prop_rotation(self) -> Angle | None:
"""Gets/Sets Font Rotation"""
def prop_rotation(self, value: int | Angle | None) -> None: ...
def prop_scale(self) -> int | None:
"""Gets/Sets scale width"""
def prop_scale(self, value: int | None) -> None: ...
def prop_fit(self) -> bool | None:
"""Gets/Sets if rotation is fit to line"""
def prop_fit(self, value: bool | None) -> None: ...
def prop_spacing(self) -> UnitPT | None:
"""This value contains character spacing in point units"""
def prop_spacing(self, value: float | CharSpacingKind | UnitT | None) -> None: ...
def prop_pair(self) -> bool | None:
"""Gets/Sets pair kerning"""
def prop_pair(self, value: bool | None) -> None: ...
# endregion Prop Properties
def default(self) -> FontPositionT: # type: ignore[misc]
"""Gets Font Position default."""