from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING, Type
from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_t import StyleT
from typing_extensions import Self
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_underline import FontUnderlineEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_strikeout import FontStrikeoutEnum
from import CaseMapEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_relief import FontReliefEnum
from import FontLine
from ooodev.utils.color import Color
from ooodev.utils.data_type.intensity import Intensity
Protocol = object
Self = Any
FontUnderlineEnum = Any
FontStrikeoutEnum = Any
CaseMapEnum = Any
FontReliefEnum = Any
FontLine = Any
Color = Any
Intensity = Any
[docs]class FontEffectsT(StyleT, Protocol):
"""Font Effect Protocol"""
color: Color | None = ...,
transparency: Intensity | int | None = ...,
overline: FontLine | None = ...,
underline: FontLine | None = ...,
strike: FontStrikeoutEnum | None = ...,
word_mode: bool | None = ...,
case: CaseMapEnum | None = ...,
relief: FontReliefEnum | None = ...,
outline: bool | None = ...,
hidden: bool | None = ...,
shadowed: bool | None = ...,
) -> None: ...
def from_obj(cls: Type[FontEffectsT], obj: Any) -> FontEffectsT: ...
def from_obj(cls: Type[FontEffectsT], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> FontEffectsT: ...
# region Format Methods
[docs] def fmt_color(self, value: Color | None = None) -> FontEffectsT:
Gets copy of instance with text color set or removed.
value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The text color.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_transparency(self, value: bool | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with text background transparency set or removed.
value (bool, optional): The text background transparency.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_overline(self, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with overline set or removed.
value (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): The size of the characters in point units.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed.
- ``FontUnderlineEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.font_underline``
[docs] def fmt_overline_color(self, value: Color | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with text overline color set or removed.
value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The color is used for an overline.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_strike(self, value: FontStrikeoutEnum | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with strike set or removed.
value (FontStrikeoutEnum, optional): The type of the strike out of the character.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed.
- ``FontStrikeoutEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.font_strikeout``
[docs] def fmt_underline(self, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with underline set or removed.
value (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): The value for the character underline.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed.
- ``FontUnderlineEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.font_underline``
[docs] def fmt_underline_color(self, value: Color | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with text underline color set or removed.
value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The color is used for an underline.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_word_mode(self, value: bool | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with word mode set or removed.
The underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces when set to ``True``.
value (bool, optional): The word mode.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_case(self, value: CaseMapEnum | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with case set or removed.
value (CaseMapEnum, optional): The case value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed.
- ``CaseMapEnum`` can be imported from ````
[docs] def fmt_relief(self, value: FontReliefEnum | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with relief set or removed.
value (FontReliefEnum, optional): The relief value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed.
- ``FontReliefEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.font_relief``
[docs] def fmt_outline(self, value: bool | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with outline set or removed.
value (bool, optional): The outline value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_hidden(self, value: bool | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with hidden set or removed.
value (bool, optional): The hidden value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
[docs] def fmt_shadowed(self, value: bool | None = None) -> Self:
Gets copy of instance with shadowed set or removed.
value (bool, optional): The shadowed value.
If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None``
FontEffectsT: Font with style added or removed
# endregion Format Methods
# region Style Properties
def color_auto(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with color set to automatic"""
def overline(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with overline set"""
def overline_color_auto(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with overline color set to automatic"""
def underline(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with underline set"""
def under_color_auto(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with underline color set to automatic"""
def strike(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with strike set"""
def word_mode(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with word mode set"""
def outline(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with outline set"""
def hidden(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with hidden set"""
def shadowed(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with shadow set"""
def case_upper(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with case set to upper"""
def case_lower(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with case set to lower"""
def case_title(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with case set to title"""
def case_small_caps(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with case set to small caps"""
def case_none(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with no case set"""
def relief_none(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with no relief set"""
def relief_embossed(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with relief set to embossed"""
def relief_engraved(self) -> FontEffectsT:
"""Gets copy of instance with relief set to engraved"""
# endregion Style Properties
# region Prop Properties
def prop_color(self) -> Color | None:
"""Gets/Sets the value of the text color."""
def prop_color(self, value: Color | None) -> None: ...
def prop_transparency(self) -> Intensity | None:
Gets/Sets The transparency value
- The transparency value from ``0`` to ``100``.
- ``Intensity`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.data_type.intensity``
def prop_transparency(self, value: Intensity | int | None) -> None: ...
def prop_overline(self) -> FontLine:
This property contains the value for the character overline.
- ``FontLine`` can be imported from ````
def prop_overline(self, value: FontLine | None) -> None: ...
def prop_underline(self) -> FontLine:
This property contains the value for the character underline.
- ``FontLine`` can be imported from ````
def prop_underline(self, value: FontLine | None) -> None: ...
def prop_strike(self) -> FontStrikeoutEnum | None:
Gets/Sets the type of the strike out of the character.
- ``FontStrikeoutEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.font_strikeout``
def prop_strike(self, value: FontStrikeoutEnum | None) -> None: ...
def prop_word_mode(self) -> bool | None:
"""Gets/Sets Character word mode. If this property is ``True``, the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces."""
def prop_word_mode(self, value: bool | None) -> None: ...
def prop_case(self) -> CaseMapEnum | None:
Gets/Sets Font Case Value.
- ``CaseMapEnum`` can be imported from ````
def prop_case(self, value: CaseMapEnum | None) -> None: ...
def prop_relief(self) -> FontReliefEnum | None:
Gets/Sets Font Relief Value.
- ``FontReliefEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.font_relief``
def prop_relief(self, value: FontReliefEnum | None) -> None: ...
def prop_outline(self) -> bool | None:
"""Gets/Sets if the font is outlined"""
def prop_outline(self, value: bool | None) -> None: ...
def prop_hidden(self) -> bool | None:
"""Gets/Sets if the font is hidden"""
def prop_hidden(self, value: bool | None) -> None: ...
def prop_shadowed(self) -> bool | None:
"""Gets/Sets if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect."""
def prop_shadowed(self, value: bool | None) -> None: ...
def default(self) -> FontEffectsT: # type: ignore[misc]
"""Gets Font Position default."""
# endregion Prop Properties