Source code for ooodev.format.proto.chart2.axis.positioning.position_axis_t

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_t import StyleT

    from typing_extensions import Protocol
    Protocol = object

[docs]class PositionAxisT(StyleT, Protocol): """Position Axis Protocol"""
[docs] def __init__(self, on_mark: bool = ...) -> None: """ Constructor Args: on_mark(bool, optional): Specifies that the axis is position. If ``True``, specifies that the axis is positioned on the first/last tickmarks. This makes the data points visual representation begin/end at the value axis. If ``False``, specifies that the axis is positioned between the tickmarks. This makes the data points visual representation begin/end at a distance from the value axis. Returns: None: """ ...
@property def prop_on_mark(self) -> bool: ... @prop_on_mark.setter def prop_on_mark(self, value: bool) -> None: ...