from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_t import StyleT
from typing_extensions import Self
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from import XComponent
from ooo.dyn.i18n.number_format_index import NumberFormatIndexEnum
from ooo.dyn.lang.locale import Locale
from ooo.dyn.util.number_format import NumberFormatEnum
Protocol = object
Self = Any
XComponent = Any
NumberFormatIndexEnum = Any
Locale = Any
NumberFormatEnum = Any
# see
[docs]class NumbersT(StyleT, Protocol):
"""Numbers Protocol"""
[docs] def __init__(
num_format: NumberFormatEnum | int = ...,
num_format_index: NumberFormatIndexEnum | int = ...,
lang_locale: Locale | None = ...,
component: XComponent | None = ...,
) -> None:
num_format (NumberFormatEnum, int, optional): Type of a number format.
Use this to select a default format. Defaults to 0 (General Format).
Only used if ``num_format_index`` is ``-1`` (omitted).
num_format_index (NumberFormatIndexEnum, int, optional): Index of a number format.
The enumeration values represent the built-in number formats. Defaults to ``-1``.
lang_locale (Locale, optional): Locale of the number format. Defaults to ``None`` which used current Locale.
component (XComponent, optional): Document such as Spreadsheet or Chart. If Omitted, the current document is used. Defaults to ``None``.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_str(cls, nf_str: str, lang_locale: Locale | None = None, auto_add: bool = False, **kwargs) -> NumbersT:
Gets instance from format string
nf_str (str): Format string.
lang_locale (Locale, optional): Locale. Defaults to ``None``.
auto_add (bool, optional): If True, format string will be added to document if not found. Defaults to ``False``.
Keyword Args:
component (XComponent): Calc document. Default is current document.
Numbers: Instance that represents numbers format.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_index(cls, index: int, lang_locale: Locale | None = None, **kwargs) -> NumbersT:
Gets instance from number format index. This is the index that is assigned to the ``NumberFormat`` property of an object such as a cell.
index (int): Format (``NumberFormat``) index.
lang_locale (Locale, optional): Locale. Defaults to ``None``.
Keyword Args:
component (XComponent): Calc document. Default is current document.
Numbers: Instance that represents numbers format.
def from_obj(cls, obj: Any) -> NumbersT: ...
def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> NumbersT:
Gets instance from object
obj (object): UNO Object.
Keyword Args:
component (XComponent): Calc document. Default is current document.
NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported.
Numbers: Instance that represents numbers format.
# region Instance Properties
def general(self) -> Self:
"""Gets general format"""
def date(self) -> Self:
"""Gets date format"""
def time(self) -> Self:
"""Gets time format"""
def currency(self) -> Self:
"""Gets currency format"""
def number(self) -> Self:
"""Gets number format"""
def scientific(self) -> Self:
"""Gets scientific format"""
def fraction(self) -> Self:
"""Gets fraction format"""
def percent(self) -> Self:
"""Gets percent format"""
def text(self) -> Self:
"""Gets text format"""
def datetime(self) -> Self:
"""Gets datetime format"""
def boolean(self) -> Self:
"""Gets boolean format"""
# endregion Instance Properties
# region Properties
def prop_format_key(self) -> int:
"""Gets the format key"""
def prop_format_str(self) -> str:
"""Gets the format string, e.g. ``#,##0.00``"""
# endregion Properties