Source code for ooodev.format.proto.calc.borders.borders_t

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING

from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_multi_t import StyleMultiT

    from typing_extensions import Self
    from typing_extensions import Protocol
    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
    from import Side as Side
    from import TableBorderStruct
    from import Padding
    from import Shadow

    Protocol = object
    Self = Any
    UnitT = Any
    Side = Any
    TableBorderStruct = Any
    Padding = Any
    Shadow = Any

# see
[docs]class BordersT(StyleMultiT, Protocol): """Borders Protocol"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, right: Side | None = ..., left: Side | None = ..., top: Side | None = ..., bottom: Side | None = ..., border_side: Side | None = ..., vertical: Side | None = ..., horizontal: Side | None = ..., distance: float | UnitT | None = ..., diagonal_down: Side | None = ..., diagonal_up: Side | None = ..., shadow: Shadow | None = ..., padding: Padding | None = ..., ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: left (, optional): Specifies the line style at the left edge. right (, optional): Specifies the line style at the right edge. top (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top edge. bottom (, optional): Specifies the line style at the bottom edge. border_side (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top, bottom, left, right edges. If this argument has a value then arguments ``top``, ``bottom``, ``left``, ``right`` are ignored horizontal (, optional): Specifies the line style of horizontal lines for the inner part of a cell range. vertical (, optional): Specifies the line style of vertical lines for the inner part of a cell range. distance (float, UnitT, optional): Contains the distance between the lines and other contents in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. diagonal_down (, optional): Specifies the line style from top-left to bottom-right diagonal. diagonal_up (, optional): Specifies the line style from bottom-left to top-right diagonal. shadow (, optional): Cell Shadow. padding (padding, optional): Cell padding. Returns: None: Hint: ``Side``, ``Shadow`` and ``Padding`` can be imported from ```` """ ...
@overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any) -> BordersT: """ Gets instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO Object. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: BordersT: Instance that represents numbers format. """ ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> BordersT: """ Gets instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO Object. kwargs: Additional arguments. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: BordersT: Instance that represents numbers format. """ ... # region Style Methods
[docs] def fmt_border_side(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with left, right, top, bottom sides set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_left(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with left set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_right(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with right set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_top(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with top set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_bottom(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with bottom set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_horizontal(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with horizontal set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_vertical(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with vertical set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_distance(self, value: float | UnitT | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with distance set or removed Args: value (float, UnitT, optional): Distance value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_diagonal_down(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with diagonal down set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_diagonal_up(self, value: Side | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with diagonal up set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_shadow(self, value: Shadow | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with shadow set or removed Args: value (Shadow, optional): Shadow value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
[docs] def fmt_padding(self, value: Padding | None) -> BordersT: """ Gets copy of instance with padding set or removed Args: value (Padding, optional): Padding value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ ...
# endregion Style Methods # region Properties @property def prop_inner_padding(self) -> Padding: """Gets Padding instance""" ... @property def prop_inner_border_table(self) -> TableBorderStruct: """Gets border table instance""" ... @property def prop_inner_shadow(self) -> Shadow | None: """Gets inner shadow instance""" ... @property def prop_inner_diagonal_up(self) -> Side | None: """Gets inner Diagonal up instance""" ... @property def prop_inner_diagonal_dn(self) -> Side | None: """Gets inner Diagonal down instance""" ... @property def default(self) -> BordersT: # type: ignore[misc] """Gets Default Border.""" ... @property def empty(self) -> BordersT: # type: ignore[misc] """Gets Empty Border. When style is applied formatting is removed.""" ...
# endregion Properties