Source code for ooodev.format.proto.calc.alignment.text_orientation_t

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING

from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_t import StyleT

    from typing_extensions import Protocol
    from import EdgeKind
    from ooodev.units.angle import Angle
    Protocol = object
    EdgeKind = Any
    Angle = Any

# See:

[docs]class TextOrientationT(StyleT, Protocol): """Cell Text Rotation."""
[docs] def __init__( self, vert_stack: bool | None = ..., rotation: int | Angle | None = ..., edge: EdgeKind | None = ... ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: vert_stack (bool, optional): Specifies if vertical stack is to be used. rotation (int, Angle, optional): Specifies if the rotation. edge (EdgeKind, optional): Specifies the Reference Edge. Returns: None: Note: When ``vert_stack`` is ``True`` other parameters are not used. Hint: - ``EdgeKind`` can be imported from ```` """ ...
# region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: object) -> TextOrientationT: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: object, **kwargs) -> TextOrientationT: ... # endregion from_obj() # region Properties @property def prop_vert_stacked(self) -> bool | None: """ Gets/Sets vertically stacked. """ ... @prop_vert_stacked.setter def prop_vert_stacked(self, value: bool | None): ... @property def prop_rotation(self) -> Angle | None: """Gets/Sets Vertical flip option""" ... @prop_rotation.setter def prop_rotation(self, value: int | Angle | None) -> None: ... @property def prop_edge(self) -> EdgeKind | None: """ Gets/Sets Edge Kind. """ ... @prop_edge.setter def prop_edge(self, value: EdgeKind | None): ...
# endregion Properties