Source code for ooodev.format.proto.area.fill_img_t

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING

from ooodev.mock.mock_g import DOCS_BUILDING
from ooodev.format.proto.style_t import StyleT

    from typing_extensions import Protocol

    from import XBitmap
    from ooo.dyn.drawing.rectangle_point import RectanglePoint
    from ooodev.format.inner.common.format_types.offset_column import OffsetColumn
    from ooodev.format.inner.common.format_types.offset_row import OffsetRow
    from ooodev.format.inner.common.format_types.size_percent import SizePercent
    from ooodev.format.inner.preset.preset_image import PresetImageKind
    from ooodev.utils.data_type.offset import Offset
    from ooodev.utils.data_type.size_mm import SizeMM
    from import ImgStyleKind
    Protocol = object
    XBitmap = Any
    RectanglePoint = Any
    OffsetColumn = Any
    OffsetRow = Any
    SizePercent = Any
    PresetImageKind = Any
    Offset = Any
    SizeMM = Any
    ImgStyleKind = Any

[docs]class FillImgT(StyleT, Protocol): """Fill Image Protocol"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, bitmap: XBitmap | None = ..., name: str = ..., mode: ImgStyleKind = ..., size: SizePercent | SizeMM | None = ..., position: RectanglePoint | None = ..., pos_offset: Offset | None = ..., tile_offset: OffsetColumn | OffsetRow | None = ..., auto_name: bool = ..., ) -> None: ...
@overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any) -> FillImgT: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> FillImgT: ... @overload @classmethod def from_preset(cls, preset: PresetImageKind) -> FillImgT: ... @overload @classmethod def from_preset(cls, preset: PresetImageKind, **kwargs) -> FillImgT: ... # region Properties @property def prop_bitmap(self) -> XBitmap | None: """Gets bitmap""" ... @property def prop_mode(self) -> ImgStyleKind | None: """Gets/Sets if fill image is tiled""" ... @prop_mode.setter def prop_mode(self, value: ImgStyleKind | None) -> None: ... @property def prop_is_size_percent(self) -> bool: """Gets if size is stored in percentage units.""" ... @property def prop_is_size_mm(self) -> bool: """Gets if size is stored in ``mm`` units.""" ... @property def prop_size(self) -> SizePercent | SizeMM | None: """Gets/Sets if fill image is stretched""" ... @prop_size.setter def prop_size(self, value: SizePercent | SizeMM | None) -> None: ... @property def prop_position(self) -> RectanglePoint | None: """Gets/Sets if fill image is tiled""" ... @prop_position.setter def prop_position(self, value: RectanglePoint | None) -> None: ... @property def prop_pos_offset(self) -> Offset | None: """Gets/Sets Position Offset""" ... @prop_pos_offset.setter def prop_pos_offset(self, value: Offset | None) -> None: ... @property def prop_is_offset_row(self) -> bool: """Gets if the offset value is a row offset.""" ... @property def prop_is_offset_column(self) -> bool: """Gets if the offset value is a column offset.""" ... @property def prop_tile_offset(self) -> OffsetColumn | OffsetRow | None: """Gets/Sets Tile Offset""" ... @prop_tile_offset.setter def prop_tile_offset(self, value: OffsetColumn | OffsetRow | None) -> None: ...
# endregion Properties