Source code for ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.borders.calc_borders_partial

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.format.inner.style_factory import calc_borders_factory
from import EventsPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.default_factor_styler import DefaultFactoryStyler

    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
    from ooodev.utils.color import Color
    from import CancelEventArgs
    from import Side
    from import Padding
    from import Shadow
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
    from import BorderLineKind
    from import LineSize
    from ooodev.format.proto.calc.borders.borders_t import BordersT

[docs]class CalcBordersPartial: """ Partial class for Calc Borders. """
[docs] def __init__(self, factory_name: str, component: Any, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: self.__styler = DefaultFactoryStyler( factory_name=factory_name, component=component, before_event="before_style_calc_borders", after_event="after_style_calc_borders", lo_inst=lo_inst, ) if isinstance(self, EventsPartial): self.__styler.add_event_observers(self.event_observer)
[docs] def style_borders_clear(self) -> None: """ Clear Borders Styles. """ def on_style(src: Any, events: CancelEventArgs) -> None: # this will stop the style from being applied. # not critical but style is being applied later via style.empty.update() events.event_data["cancel_apply"] = True styler = self.__styler factory = calc_borders_factory if isinstance(self, EventsPartial): # on_style will automatically removed when it is out of scope. self.subscribe_event(event_name=styler.before_event_name, callback=on_style) style = cast("BordersT", if style is not None: empty = style.empty if not empty.has_update_obj(): empty.set_update_obj(style.get_update_obj()) style.empty.update()
[docs] def style_borders_default(self) -> BordersT | None: """ Style default border. Returns: BordersT | None: Border instance or ``None`` if cancelled. """ def on_style(src: Any, events: CancelEventArgs) -> None: # this will stop the style from being applied. # not critical but style is being applied later via style.empty.update() events.event_data["cancel_apply"] = True styler = self.__styler factory = calc_borders_factory if isinstance(self, EventsPartial): # on_style will automatically removed when it is out of scope. self.subscribe_event(event_name=styler.before_event_name, callback=on_style) style = cast("BordersT", if style is None: return None default = style.default if not default.has_update_obj(): default.set_update_obj(style.get_update_obj()) default.update() return default
[docs] def style_borders( self, *, right: Side | None = None, left: Side | None = None, top: Side | None = None, bottom: Side | None = None, border_side: Side | None = None, vertical: Side | None = None, horizontal: Side | None = None, distance: float | UnitT | None = None, diagonal_down: Side | None = None, diagonal_up: Side | None = None, shadow: Shadow | None = None, padding: Padding | None = None, ) -> BordersT | None: """ Style Borders. Args: left (, optional): Specifies the line style at the left edge. right (, optional): Specifies the line style at the right edge. top (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top edge. bottom (, optional): Specifies the line style at the bottom edge. border_side (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top, bottom, left, right edges. If this argument has a value then arguments ``top``, ``bottom``, ``left``, ``right`` are ignored horizontal (, optional): Specifies the line style of horizontal lines for the inner part of a cell range. vertical (, optional): Specifies the line style of vertical lines for the inner part of a cell range. distance (float, UnitT, optional): Contains the distance between the lines and other contents in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. diagonal_down (, optional): Specifies the line style from top-left to bottom-right diagonal. diagonal_up (, optional): Specifies the line style from bottom-left to top-right diagonal. shadow (, optional): Cell Shadow. padding (padding, optional): Cell padding. Raises: CancelEventError: If the event ``before_style_calc_borders`` is cancelled and not handled. Returns: BordersT | None: Border instance or ``None`` if cancelled. Hint: - ``Side``, ``Shadow`` and ``Padding`` can be imported from ```` - ``BorderLineKind`` can be imported from ```` - ``LineSize`` can be imported from ```` """ styler = self.__styler factory = calc_borders_factory kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = { "right": right, "left": left, "top": top, "bottom": bottom, "border_side": border_side, "vertical": vertical, "horizontal": horizontal, "distance": distance, "diagonal_down": diagonal_down, "diagonal_up": diagonal_up, "shadow": shadow, "padding": padding, } return, **kwargs)
[docs] def style_borders_sides( self, *, line: BorderLineKind | None = None, color: Color | None = None, width: LineSize | float | UnitT | None = None, distance: float | UnitT | None = None, shadow: Shadow | None = None, padding: Padding | None = None, hori: bool = False, vert: bool = False, ) -> BordersT | None: """ Style All border to specified line properties. This method is a subset of ``style_borders()`` method for convenience. Args: line (BorderLineStyleEnum, optional): Line Style of the border. Default ``BorderLineKind.SOLID``. color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Color of the border. Default ``StandardColor.BLACK`` width (LineSize, float, UnitT, optional): Contains the width in of a single line or the width of outer part of a double line (in ``pt`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. If this value is zero, no line is drawn. Default ``LineSize.THIN`` distance (float, UnitT, optional): Contains the distance between the lines and other contents in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. shadow (, optional): Cell Shadow. padding (padding, optional): Cell padding. hori (bool, optional): If ``True`` then horizontal lines are also styled. vert (bool, optional): If ``True`` then vertical lines are also styled. Raises: CancelEventError: If the event ``before_style_calc_borders`` is cancelled and not handled. Returns: BordersT | None: Font Effects instance or ``None`` if cancelled. Hint: - ``Shadow`` and ``Padding`` can be imported from ```` - ``BorderLineKind`` can be imported from ```` - ``LineSize`` can be imported from ```` """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import Side from import BorderLineKind from import LineSize styler = self.__styler side_args = {} if line is None: side_args["line"] = BorderLineKind.SOLID else: side_args["line"] = line if color is None: side_args["color"] = 0 # black else: side_args["color"] = color if width is None: side_args["width"] = LineSize.THIN else: side_args["width"] = width border_side = Side(**side_args) factory = calc_borders_factory kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = { "border_side": border_side, "distance": distance, "shadow": shadow, "padding": padding, } if hori: kwargs["horizontal"] = border_side if vert: kwargs["vertical"] = border_side return, **kwargs)
[docs] def style_borders_get(self) -> BordersT | None: """ Gets the Borders Style. Raises: CancelEventError: If the event ``before_style_calc_borders_get`` is cancelled and not handled. Returns: BordersT | None: border style or ``None`` if cancelled. """ return self.__styler.style_get(factory=calc_borders_factory)
if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: from import Side from import BorderLineKind from import LineSize