Source code for ooodev.format.inner.modify.calc.border.borders

# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, cast, TypeVar, Type, overload

from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from import StyleCellKind

from import Padding
from import Shadow
from ooodev.format.inner.common.props.border_props import BorderProps
from ooodev.format.inner.common.props.cell_style_borders_props import CellStyleBordersProps
from import Side
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleMulti
from ooodev.format.inner.modify.calc.cell_style_base_multi import CellStyleBaseMulti

# endregion Imports

_TInnerBorders = TypeVar("_TInnerBorders", bound="InnerBorders")

[docs]class InnerBorders(StyleMulti): """ Style Table Borders used in styles for table cells and ranges. Any properties starting with ``prop_`` set or get current instance values. All methods starting with ``fmt_`` can be used to chain together properties. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ # region init
[docs] def __init__( self, *, right: Side | None = None, left: Side | None = None, top: Side | None = None, bottom: Side | None = None, border_side: Side | None = None, diagonal_down: Side | None = None, diagonal_up: Side | None = None, shadow: Shadow | None = None, padding: Padding | None = None, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: left (, optional): Specifies the line style at the left edge. right (, optional): Specifies the line style at the right edge. top (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top edge. bottom (, optional): Specifies the line style at the bottom edge. border_side (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top, bottom, left, right edges. If this argument has a value then arguments ``top``, ``bottom``, ``left``, ``right`` are ignored diagonal_down (, optional): Specifies the line style from top-left to bottom-right diagonal. diagonal_up (, optional): Specifies the line style from bottom-left to top-right diagonal. shadow (Shadow, optional): Cell Shadow. padding (BorderPadding, optional): Cell padding. """ init_vals = {} if shadow is None: shadow_fmt = None else: shadow_fmt = shadow.copy(_cattribs=self._get_shadow_cattribs()) if diagonal_down is None: diag_dn = None else: diag_dn = diagonal_down.copy(_cattribs=self._get_diagonal_dn_cattribs()) if diagonal_up is None: diag_up = None else: diag_up = diagonal_up.copy(_cattribs=self._get_diagonal_up_cattribs()) if padding is None: padding_fmt = None else: padding_fmt = padding.copy(_cattribs=self._get_padding_cattribs()) bdr_right = None bdr_left = None bdr_top = None bdr_btm = None if border_side is None: if right is not None: bdr_right = right.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_right_cattribs()) if left is not None: bdr_left = left.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_left_cattribs()) if top is not None: bdr_top = top.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_top_cattribs()) if bottom is not None: bdr_btm = bottom.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_btm_cattribs()) else: bdr_right = border_side.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_right_cattribs()) bdr_left = border_side.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_left_cattribs()) bdr_top = border_side.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_top_cattribs()) bdr_btm = border_side.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_btm_cattribs()) super().__init__(**init_vals) if padding_fmt is not None: self._set_style("padding", padding_fmt) if shadow_fmt is not None: self._set_style("shadow", shadow_fmt) if diag_dn is not None: self._set_style("diag_dn", diag_dn) if diag_up is not None: self._set_style("diag_up", diag_up) if bdr_right is not None: self._set_style("bdr_right", bdr_right) if bdr_left is not None: self._set_style("bdr_left", bdr_left) if bdr_top is not None: self._set_style("bdr_top", bdr_top) if bdr_btm is not None: self._set_style("bdr_btm", bdr_btm)
# endregion init # region internal methods def _get_shadow_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.shadow, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), } def _get_padding_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_props_internal_attributes": BorderProps( left=self._props.pad_left, top=self._props.pad_top, right=self._props.pad_right, bottom=self._props.pad_btm, ), "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _get_diagonal_up_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.diag_up, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _get_diagonal_dn_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.diag_dn, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _get_bdr_left_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.bdr_left, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _get_bdr_right_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.bdr_right, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _get_bdr_top_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.bdr_top, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } def _get_bdr_btm_cattribs(self) -> dict: return { "_property_name": self._props.bdr_btm, "_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(), "_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind, } # endregion internal methods # region Overrides def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ("",) return self._supported_services_values # region apply() @overload def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: ... @overload def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Applies styles to object Args: obj (object): UNO object. Returns: None: """ super().apply(obj, **kwargs)
# endregion apply() def _props_set(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: try: super()._props_set(obj, **kwargs) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.apply(): Unable to set Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") # endregion Overrides # region Static Methods # region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TInnerBorders], obj: Any) -> _TInnerBorders: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TInnerBorders], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TInnerBorders: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TInnerBorders], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets Borders instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO Object. Raises: NotSupportedServiceError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: Borders: Borders that represents ``obj`` borders. """ inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') shadow_fmt = Shadow.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_shadow_cattribs()) inst._set_style("shadow", shadow_fmt) padding_fmt = Padding.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_padding_cattribs()) inst._set_style("padding", padding_fmt) diag_dn = Side.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_diagonal_dn_cattribs()) inst._set_style("diag_dn", diag_dn) diag_up = Side.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_diagonal_up_cattribs()) inst._set_style("diag_up", diag_up) bdr_right = Side.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_bdr_right_cattribs()) inst._set_style("bdr_right", bdr_right) bdr_left = Side.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_bdr_left_cattribs()) inst._set_style("bdr_left", bdr_left) bdr_top = Side.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_bdr_top_cattribs()) inst._set_style("bdr_top", bdr_top) bdr_btm = Side.from_obj(obj=obj, _cattribs=inst._get_bdr_btm_cattribs()) inst._set_style("bdr_btm", bdr_btm) return inst
# endregion from_obj() # endregion Static Methods # region Style Methods
[docs] def fmt_left(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Side | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with left set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_left = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_right(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Side | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with right set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_right = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_top(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Side | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with top set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_top = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_bottom(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Side | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with bottom set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_bottom = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_diagonal_down(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Side | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with diagonal down set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_diagonal_dn = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_diagonal_up(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Side | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with diagonal up set or removed Args: value (, optional): Side value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_diagonal_up = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_shadow(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Shadow | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with shadow set or removed Args: value (Shadow, optional): Shadow value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_shadow = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_padding(self: _TInnerBorders, value: Padding | None) -> _TInnerBorders: """ Gets copy of instance with padding set or removed Args: value (Padding, optional): Padding value Returns: Borders: Borders instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_padding = value return cp
# endregion Style Methods # region Properties @property def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind: """Gets the kind of style""" try: return self._format_kind_prop except AttributeError: self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.STYLE return self._format_kind_prop @property def prop_padding(self) -> Padding | None: """Gets/Sets Padding instance""" try: return self._direct_inner_padding except AttributeError: self._direct_inner_padding = cast(Padding, self._get_style_inst("padding")) return self._direct_inner_padding @prop_padding.setter def prop_padding(self, value: Padding | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_inner_padding") if value is None: self._remove_style("padding") return self._set_style("padding", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_padding_cattribs())) @property def prop_shadow(self) -> Shadow | None: """Gets/Sets inner shadow instance""" try: return self._direct_inner_shadow except AttributeError: self._direct_inner_shadow = cast(Shadow, self._get_style_inst("shadow")) return self._direct_inner_shadow @prop_shadow.setter def prop_shadow(self, value: Shadow | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_inner_shadow") if value is None: self._remove_style("shadow") return self._set_style("shadow", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_shadow_cattribs())) @property def prop_diagonal_up(self) -> Side | None: """Gets/Sets inner Diagonal up instance""" try: return self._direct_dial_up except AttributeError: self._direct_dial_up = cast(Side, self._get_style_inst("diag_up")) return self._direct_dial_up @prop_diagonal_up.setter def prop_diagonal_up(self, value: Side | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_dial_up") if value is None: self._remove_style("diag_up") return self._set_style("diag_up", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_diagonal_up_cattribs())) @property def prop_diagonal_dn(self) -> Side | None: """Gets/Sets inner Diagonal down instance""" try: return self._direct_dial_dn except AttributeError: self._direct_dial_dn = cast(Side, self._get_style_inst("diag_dn")) return self._direct_dial_dn @prop_diagonal_dn.setter def prop_diagonal_dn(self, value: Side | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_dial_dn") if value is None: self._remove_style("diag_dn") return self._set_style("diag_dn", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_diagonal_dn_cattribs())) @property def prop_left(self) -> Side | None: """Gets/Sets inner Left instance""" try: return self._direct_left except AttributeError: self._direct_left = cast(Side, self._get_style_inst("bdr_left")) return self._direct_left @prop_left.setter def prop_left(self, value: Side | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_left") if value is None: self._remove_style("bdr_left") return self._set_style("bdr_left", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_left_cattribs())) @property def prop_right(self) -> Side | None: """Gets/Sets inner Right instance""" try: return self._direct_right except AttributeError: self._direct_right = cast(Side, self._get_style_inst("bdr_right")) return self._direct_right @prop_right.setter def prop_right(self, value: Side | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_right") if value is None: self._remove_style("bdr_right") return self._set_style("bdr_right", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_right_cattribs())) @property def prop_top(self) -> Side | None: """Gets/Sets inner Top instance""" try: return self._direct_top except AttributeError: self._direct_top = cast(Side, self._get_style_inst("bdr_top")) return self._direct_top @prop_top.setter def prop_top(self, value: Side | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_top") if value is None: self._remove_style("bdr_top") return self._set_style("bdr_top", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_top_cattribs())) @property def prop_bottom(self) -> Side | None: """Gets/Sets inner Bottom instance""" try: return self._direct_bottom except AttributeError: self._direct_bottom = cast(Side, self._get_style_inst("bdr_btm")) return self._direct_bottom @prop_bottom.setter def prop_bottom(self, value: Side | None) -> None: self._del_attribs("_direct_bottom") if value is None: self._remove_style("bdr_btm") return self._set_style("bdr_btm", value.copy(_cattribs=self._get_bdr_btm_cattribs())) @property def _props(self) -> CellStyleBordersProps: try: return self._props_internal_attributes except AttributeError: self._props_internal_attributes = CellStyleBordersProps( shadow="ShadowFormat", diag_up="DiagonalBLTR2", diag_dn="DiagonalTLBR2", bdr_left="LeftBorder2", bdr_right="RightBorder2", bdr_top="TopBorder2", bdr_btm="BottomBorder2", pad_left="ParaLeftMargin", pad_top="ParaTopMargin", pad_right="ParaRightMargin", pad_btm="ParaBottomMargin", ) return self._props_internal_attributes
# endregion Properties
[docs]class Borders(CellStyleBaseMulti): """ Cell Style Borders. .. seealso:: - :ref:`help_calc_format_modify_cell_borders` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ # region Init
[docs] def __init__( self, *, right: Side | None = None, left: Side | None = None, top: Side | None = None, bottom: Side | None = None, border_side: Side | None = None, diagonal_down: Side | None = None, diagonal_up: Side | None = None, shadow: Shadow | None = None, padding: Padding | None = None, style_name: StyleCellKind | str = StyleCellKind.DEFAULT, style_family: str = "CellStyles", ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: left (,, optional): Specifies the line style at the left edge. right (, optional): Specifies the line style at the right edge. top (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top edge. bottom (, optional): Specifies the line style at the bottom edge. border_side (, optional): Specifies the line style at the top, bottom, left, right edges. If this argument has a value then arguments ``top``, ``bottom``, ``left``, ``right`` are ignored diagonal_down (, optional): Specifies the line style from top-left to bottom-right diagonal. diagonal_up (, optional): Specifies the line style from bottom-left to top-right diagonal. shadow (Shadow, optional): Cell Shadow. padding (BorderPadding, optional): Cell padding. style_name (StyleCellKind, str, optional): Specifies the Cell Style that instance applies to. Default is Default Cell Style. style_family (str, optional): Style family. Default ``CellStyles``. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_calc_format_modify_cell_borders` """ direct = InnerBorders( right=right, left=left, top=top, bottom=bottom, border_side=border_side, diagonal_down=diagonal_down, diagonal_up=diagonal_up, shadow=shadow, padding=padding, ) super().__init__() self._style_name = str(style_name) self._style_family_name = style_family self._set_style("direct", direct)
# endregion Init # region Static Methods
[docs] @classmethod def from_style( cls, doc: object, style_name: StyleCellKind | str = StyleCellKind.DEFAULT, style_family: str = "CellStyles", ) -> Borders: """ Gets instance from Document. Args: doc (object): UNO Document Object. style_name (StyleCellKind, str, optional): Specifies the Cell Style that instance applies to. Default is Default Cell Style. style_family (str, optional): Style family. Default ``CellStyles``. Returns: Borders: ``Borders`` instance from style properties. """ inst = cls(style_name=style_name, style_family=style_family) direct = InnerBorders.from_obj(obj=inst.get_style_props(doc)) inst._set_style("direct", direct) return inst
# endregion Static Methods # region Properties @property def prop_style_name(self) -> str: """Gets/Sets property Style Name""" return self._style_name @prop_style_name.setter def prop_style_name(self, value: str | StyleCellKind): self._style_name = str(value) @property def prop_inner(self) -> InnerBorders: """Gets/Sets Inner Borders instance""" try: return self._direct_inner except AttributeError: self._direct_inner = cast(InnerBorders, self._get_style_inst("direct")) return self._direct_inner @prop_inner.setter def prop_inner(self, value: InnerBorders) -> None: if not isinstance(value, InnerBorders): raise TypeError(f'Expected type of InnerBorders, got "{type(value).__name__}"') self._del_attribs("_direct_inner") self._set_style("direct", value)
# endregion Properties