Source code for

Module for managing paragraph Tabs.

.. versionadded:: 0.9.0

# region Import
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Tuple, cast, Type, TypeVar, overload

from import XPropertySet
from import TabAlign
from import TabStop

from import CancelEventArgs
from import FillCharKind
from import TabStopStruct
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.meta.static_prop import static_prop
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps

# endregion Import

_TTabs = TypeVar("_TTabs", bound="Tabs")

[docs]class Tabs(TabStopStruct): """ Paragraph Tabs Any properties starting with ``prop_`` set or get current instance values. All methods starting with ``fmt_`` can be used to chain together properties. .. seealso:: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_para_tabs` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, position: float | UnitT = 0.0, align: TabAlign = TabAlign.LEFT, decimal_char: str = ".", fill_char: FillCharKind | str = FillCharKind.NONE, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: position (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies the position of the tabulator in relation to the left border (in ``mm`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Defaults to ``0.0`` align (TabAlign, optional): Specifies the alignment of the text range before the tabulator. Defaults to ``TabAlign.LEFT`` decimal_char (str, optional): Specifies which delimiter is used for the decimal. Argument is expected to be a single character string. This argument is only used when ``align`` is set to ``TabAlign.DECIMAL``. fill_char (FillCharKind, str, optional): specifies the character that is used to fill up the space between the text in the text range and the tabulators. If string value then argument is expected to be a single character string. Defaults to ``FillCharKind.NONE`` Returns: None: Note: If argument ``type`` is ``None`` then all other argument are ignored See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_para_tabs` """ super().__init__(position=position, align=align, decimal_char=decimal_char, fill_char=fill_char)
# region methods def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ( "", "", ) return self._supported_services_values def _on_modifying(self, source: Any, event: CancelEventArgs) -> None: if self._is_default_inst: raise ValueError("Modifying a default instance is not allowed") return super()._on_modifying(source, event) def _get_property_name(self) -> str: try: return self._property_name except AttributeError: self._property_name = "ParaTabStops" return self._property_name # region find() @overload @classmethod def find(cls: Type[_TTabs], obj: Any, position: float) -> _TTabs | None: ... @overload @classmethod def find(cls: Type[_TTabs], obj: Any, position: float, **kwargs) -> _TTabs | None: ...
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls: Type[_TTabs], obj: Any, position: float, **kwargs) -> _TTabs | None: """ Gets a Tab that matches position from obj such as a cursor. Args: obj (object): UNO Object. position (float): position of tab stop (in mm units). Returns: Tab | None: ``Tab`` instance if found; Otherwise, ``None`` """ # pylint: disable=protected-access # pylint: disable=no-member nu = cls(**kwargs) if not nu._is_valid_obj(obj): return None key = Tabs.default._get_property_name() pos = round(position * 100) tss = cast(Tuple[TabStop, ...], mProps.Props.get(obj, key)) if tss is None: return None match = -1 # often Writer will change Position values, 800 to 801 etc. # for this reason using a range to check plus or minus 2 pos_rng = range(pos - 2, pos + 3) # plus or minus 2 for i, ts in enumerate(tss): if pos == ts.Position: # also covers 0 match = i break if ts.Position in pos_rng: match = i break if match == -1: return None ts = tss[match] # type: ignore return cls.from_uno_struct(ts, **kwargs)
# endregion find() # region remove_by_pos() @overload @classmethod def remove_by_pos(cls, obj: Any, position: float) -> bool: ... @overload @classmethod def remove_by_pos(cls, obj: Any, position: float, **kwargs) -> bool: ...
[docs] @classmethod def remove_by_pos(cls, obj: Any, position: float, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Removes a Tab Stop from ``obj`` Args: obj (object): Object that supports ```` position (float): position of tab stop (in mm units). Returns: bool: ``True`` if a Tab Stop has been removed; Otherwise, ``False`` """ # pylint: disable=protected-access tb = cls.find(obj, position, **kwargs) if tb is None: return False # tb will contain the exact Position number so no need to plus or minus pos = cast(int, tb._get("Position")) return cls._remove_by_position(obj, pos, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _remove_by_position(cls, obj: Any, position: int, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Removes a Tab Stop from ``obj`` Args: obj (object): Object that supports ```` position (int): position of tab stop. Returns: None: """ # pylint: disable=protected-access inst = cls(**kwargs) tss = cast(Tuple[TabStop, ...], mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._get_property_name())) if tss is None: return False lst = [ts for ts in tss if position != ts.Position] # type: ignore if len(lst) == len(tss): return False inst._set_obj_tabs(obj, lst) return True # endregion remove_by_pos() # region remove() @overload @classmethod def remove(cls, obj: Any, tab: TabStop | TabStopStruct) -> bool: ... @overload @classmethod def remove(cls, obj: Any, tab: TabStop | TabStopStruct, **kwargs) -> bool: ...
[docs] @classmethod def remove(cls, obj: Any, tab: TabStop | TabStopStruct, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Removes a Tab Stop from ``obj`` ``ParaTabStops`` property. Args: obj (object): Object that supports ```` tab (TabStop | Tab): Tab or Tab Stop to remove. Returns: bool: ``True`` if a Tab has been removed; Otherwise, ``False`` """ # pylint: disable=protected-access inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): return False if isinstance(tab, TabStopStruct): return inst._remove_by_position(obj, tab._get("Position"), **kwargs) ts = cast(TabStop, tab) return inst._remove_by_position(obj, ts.Position, **kwargs)
# endregion remove() # region remove_all() @overload @classmethod def remove_all(cls, obj: Any) -> None: ... @overload @classmethod def remove_all(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod def remove_all(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Removes all tab from ``obj`` ``ParaTabStops`` property. Args: obj (object): UNO Object. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): return tss = cast(Tuple[TabStop, ...], mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._get_property_name())) if tss is None: return try: inst._set_obj_tabs(obj, [inst.get_uno_struct()]) except Exception: # if for any reason can't get default it is ok to just remove all. inst._set_obj_tabs(obj, [])
# endregion remove_all()
[docs] def get_uno_struct(self) -> TabStop: """ Gets tab stop for instance Returns: TabStop: Tab stop instance """ ts = super().get_uno_struct() with contextlib.suppress(Exception): # not critical if self is Tabs.default: ts.DecimalChar = "." return ts
# endregion methods # region Properties @static_prop def default() -> Tabs: # type: ignore[misc] """Gets ``Tabs`` default. Static Property.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access try: return Tabs._DEFAULT_INST # type: ignore except AttributeError: inst = Tabs(align=TabAlign.DEFAULT) # this commented section works if not in macro mode # mInfo.Info.get_reg_item_prop() imports lxml # ts_val: str = mInfo.Info.get_reg_item_prop( # "Writer/Layout/Other/TabStop", kind=mInfo.Info.RegPropKind.VALUE, idx=1 # ) # inst._set("Position", int(ts_val)) props = mLo.Lo.qi( XPropertySet, mInfo.Info.get_config(node_str="Other", node_path="/org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Layout/"), True, ) ts_val = props.getPropertyValue("TabStop") inst._set("Position", ts_val) inst._set("DecimalChar", ".") inst._is_default_inst = True Tabs._DEFAULT_INST = inst # type: ignore return Tabs._DEFAULT_INST # type: ignore
# endregion Properties