# region Import
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, overload, cast, Type, TypeVar
from ooo.dyn.drawing.fill_style import FillStyle
from ooo.dyn.drawing.hatch_style import HatchStyle
from ooo.dyn.drawing.hatch import Hatch as UnoHatch
from ooodev.events.args.key_val_cancel_args import KeyValCancelArgs
from ooodev.events.format_named_event import FormatNamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.direct.structs.hatch_struct import HatchStruct
from ooodev.format.inner.direct.write.para.area.color import Color as FillColor
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.preset import preset_hatch as mPreset
from ooodev.format.inner.preset.preset_hatch import PresetHatchKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleMulti
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.units.angle import Angle
from ooodev.units.unit_convert import UnitConvert
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.color import Color, StandardColor
# endregion Import
_THatch = TypeVar("_THatch", bound="Hatch")
class _HatchStruct(HatchStruct):
"""Hatch Struct for para Hatch"""
def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return self._supported_services_values
except AttributeError:
self._supported_services_values = (
return self._supported_services_values
[docs]class Hatch(StyleMulti):
Class for Fill Properties Fill Hatch.
.. seealso::
- :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_para_area_hatch`
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
[docs] def __init__(
style: HatchStyle = HatchStyle.SINGLE,
color: Color = Color(0),
space: float | UnitT = 0.0,
angle: Angle | int = 0,
bg_color: Color = Color(-1),
name: str = "",
auto_name: bool = False,
) -> None:
style (HatchStyle, optional): Specifies the kind of lines used to draw this hatch.
Default ``HatchStyle.SINGLE``.
color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Specifies the color of the hatch lines. Default ``0``.
space (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies the space between the lines in the hatch (in ``mm`` units)
or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. Default ``0.0``
angle (Angle, int, optional): Specifies angle of the hatch in degrees. Default to ``0``.
bg_color(:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Specifies the background Color.
Set this ``-1`` (default) for no background color.
name (str, optional): Specifies the Hatch Name.
auto_name (bool, optional): Specifies if Hatch is give an auto name such as ``Hatch``. Default ``False``.
See Also:
- :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_para_area_hatch`
self._auto_name = auto_name
self._name = name # this may change in _set_fill_hatch()
init_vals = {"ParaBackTransparent": False, "FillStyle": FillStyle.HATCH}
bk_color = FillColor(bg_color)
# FillStyle is set by this class
# add event listener to prevent FillStyle from being set
bk_color.add_event_listener(FormatNamedEvent.STYLE_SETTING, _on_bg_color_setting)
bk_color.prop_color = bg_color
init_vals["FillBackground"] = bg_color >= 0
in_hatch = self._get_inner_hatch()(style=style, color=color, distance=space, angle=angle)
self._set_fill_hatch(in_hatch, False)
self._set_style("fill_color", bk_color, *bk_color.get_attrs()) # type: ignore
# region Internal Methods
def _get_inner_hatch(self) -> Type[HatchStruct]:
return _HatchStruct
def _set_bg_color(self, color: int) -> None:
# Writer stores ParaBackColor as flag values when there is no background color
# When there is background color then ParaBackColor contains the actual color.
# To find the flag value a known value was used.
# In this case the Hatch Color is used as part of the flag.
# background colors
# ParaBackColor HEX Name
# 2130706432 0x7f000000 "Black 0 Degrees"
# 2130706432 0x7f000000 "Black 90 Degrees"
# 2130706432 0x7f000000 "Black 180 Degrees Crossed"
# 2133483673 0x7f2a6099 "Blue 45 Degrees"
# 2133483673 0x7f2a6099 "Blue -45 Degrees"
# 2133483673 0x7f2a6099 "Blue 45 Degrees Crossed"
# 2147467008 0x7fffbf00 "Yellow 45 Degrees"
# 2130749747 0x7f00a933 "Green 30 Degrees"
# 2147418112 0x7fff0000 "Red 45 Degrees"
# BLACK_HATCH = 0x7F000000
# flags = BLUE_HATCH & ~StandardColor.BLUE
# print(hex(flags))
# '0x7F000000'
# This is the flags value assigned to PARA_BACK_COLOR_FLAGS
# see also:
# https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/1a79594a27f41ad369e7c387c51e00afb1352872/xmloff/source/text/txtprmap.cxx#L396
# https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/776ea34deefe7bdce2fb8a06e5c55ef27ec87ea7/xmloff/source/style/prstylei.cxx#L121
# https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/1a79594a27f41ad369e7c387c51e00afb1352872/include/xmloff/xmltypes.hxx
fb = cast(bool, self._get("FillBackground"))
para_bg_color = color if fb else PARA_BACK_COLOR_FLAGS | color
self._set("ParaBackColor", para_bg_color)
def _set_fill_hatch(self, hatch_struct: HatchStruct, ignore_preset: bool) -> None:
name_hatch = self._get_named_hatch_struct(hatch_struct, self._name, ignore_preset)
self._set("FillHatchName", self._name)
self._set_style("fill_hatch", name_hatch, *name_hatch.get_attrs())
def _get_named_hatch_struct(self, hatch_struct: HatchStruct, name: str, ignore_preset: bool) -> HatchStruct:
# if the name passed in already exist in the Hatch Table then it is returned.
# Otherwise, the hatch is added to the Hatch Table and then returned
# unless name is a present name.
# If it is a preset name any value in the Hatch Table is ignored.
# This is due to Writer alters the stored Struct for some unknown reason.
# Presets are not added to Hatch Table. Write handles this for hatch.
# After Hatch is added to table all other subsequent call of this name will return (unless preset)
# that Hatch from the Table. Except auto_name which will force a new entry
# into the Table each time.
self._is_preset = False
if name:
if not ignore_preset and PresetHatchKind.is_preset(name):
self._is_preset = True
# When getting value from Hatch table that Writer has inserted
# The values are somehow changed by Writer
# For this reason will return directly here
return hatch_struct
self._auto_name = True
name = "Hatch"
nc = self._container_get_inst()
if self._auto_name:
# if auto name is True then will no longer be treated as a preset.
# for preset expect name similar to 'Black 0 Degrees 1'
self._is_preset = False
name = f"{name.rstrip()} "
self._name = self._container_get_unique_el_name(name, nc)
self._name = name
hatch = self._container_get_value(self._name, nc) # raises value error if name is empty
if hatch is not None:
return self._get_inner_hatch().from_uno_struct(hatch)
self._container_add_value(name=self._name, obj=hatch_struct.get_uno_struct(), allow_update=False, nc=nc)
hatch = self._container_get_value(self._name, nc)
return self._get_inner_hatch().from_uno_struct(hatch)
def _on_hatch_property_change(self) -> None:
if self._is_preset:
self._auto_name = True
self._set_fill_hatch(self.prop_inner_hatch, True)
self._is_preset = False
# endregion Internal Methods
# region Overrides
def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return self._supported_services_values
except AttributeError:
self._supported_services_values = (
return self._supported_services_values
def _container_get_service_name(self) -> str:
# https://github.com/LibreOffice/core/blob/d9e044f04ac11b76b9a3dac575f4e9155b67490e/chart2/source/tools/PropertyHelper.cxx#L229
return "com.sun.star.drawing.HatchTable"
# region copy()
def copy(self: _THatch) -> _THatch: ...
def copy(self: _THatch, **kwargs) -> _THatch: ...
[docs] def copy(self: _THatch, **kwargs) -> _THatch:
"""Gets a copy of instance as a new instance"""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
cp = super().copy(**kwargs)
cp._name = self._name
cp._is_preset = self._is_preset
cp._auto_name = self._auto_name
return cp
# endregion copy()
# region apply()
def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: ...
def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None:
Applies styles to object
obj (object): UNO object.
super().apply(obj, **kwargs)
def _props_set(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
super()._props_set(obj, **kwargs)
except mEx.MultiError as e:
mLo.Lo.print("Hatch.apply(): Unable to set Property")
for err in e.errors:
mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}")
# endregion apply()
# endregion Overrides
# region Static Methods
# region from_preset()
def from_preset(cls: Type[_THatch], preset: PresetHatchKind) -> _THatch: ...
def from_preset(cls: Type[_THatch], preset: PresetHatchKind, **kwargs) -> _THatch: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def from_preset(cls: Type[_THatch], preset: PresetHatchKind, **kwargs) -> _THatch:
Gets an instance from a preset
preset (PresetHatchKind): Preset
Hatch: Instance from preset.
# kargs = mPreset.get_write_preset(preset)
kargs = mPreset.get_preset(preset)
kargs["name"] = str(preset)
kargs["auto_name"] = False
return cls(**kargs)
# endregion from_preset()
# region from_obj()
def from_obj(cls: Type[_THatch], obj: Any) -> _THatch: ...
def from_obj(cls: Type[_THatch], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _THatch: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def from_obj(cls: Type[_THatch], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _THatch:
Gets instance from object
obj (object): UNO object.
NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported.
Hatch: ``Hatch`` instance that represents ``obj`` hatch pattern.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
nu = cls(**kwargs)
if not nu._is_valid_obj(obj):
raise mEx.NotSupportedError("Object is not support to convert to Hatch")
hatch = cast(UnoHatch, mProps.Props.get(obj, "FillHatch"))
fc = FillColor.from_obj(obj)
result = cls(
color=hatch.Color, # type: ignore
name=mProps.Props.get(obj, "FillHatchName"),
return result
# endregion from_obj()
# endregion Static Methods
# region Properties
def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind:
"""Gets the kind of style"""
return self._format_kind_prop
except AttributeError:
self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.TXT_CONTENT | FormatKind.FILL | FormatKind.PARA
return self._format_kind_prop
def prop_name(self) -> str:
"""Gets the name of the hatch."""
return self._name
def prop_bg_color(self) -> Color:
"""Gets sets if fill image is tiled"""
return self.prop_inner_color.prop_color
def prop_bg_color(self, value: Color):
self.prop_inner_color.prop_color = value
if value < 0:
self._set("FillBackground", False)
self._set("FillBackground", True)
def prop_style(self) -> HatchStyle:
"""Gets/Sets the style of the hatch."""
return self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_style
def prop_style(self, value: HatchStyle):
self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_style = value
def prop_color(self) -> Color:
"""Gets/Sets the color of the hatch lines."""
return self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_color
def prop_color(self, value: Color):
self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_color = value
def prop_space(self) -> UnitT:
"""Gets/Sets the distance between the lines in the hatch (in ``mm`` units)."""
return self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_distance
def prop_space(self, value: float | UnitT):
self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_distance = value
def prop_angle(self) -> Angle:
"""Gets/Sets angle of the hatch."""
return self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_angle
def prop_angle(self, value: Angle | int):
self.prop_inner_hatch.prop_angle = value
def prop_inner_hatch(self) -> HatchStruct:
"""Gets Hatch struct instance"""
return self._direct_inner_hatch
except AttributeError:
self._direct_inner_hatch = cast(HatchStruct, self._get_style_inst("fill_hatch"))
return self._direct_inner_hatch
def prop_inner_color(self) -> FillColor:
"""Gets Fill color instance"""
return self._direct_inner_color
except AttributeError:
self._direct_inner_color = cast(FillColor, self._get_style_inst("fill_color"))
return self._direct_inner_color
# endregion Properties
def _on_bg_color_setting(source: Any, event_args: KeyValCancelArgs, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
if event_args.key == "FillStyle":
event_args.cancel = True
elif event_args.key == "FillColor":
# -1 means automatic color.
# Fillcolor for hatch has not automatic color
if event_args.value == -1:
# strictly speaking this is not needed but follows how Draw handles it.
event_args.value = StandardColor.DEFAULT_BLUE