Source code for

Module for managing paragraph alignment.

.. versionadded:: 0.9.0

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, cast, overload, Type, TypeVar
from enum import Enum

from import ParagraphAdjust
from ooo.dyn.text.paragraph_vert_align import ParagraphVertAlignEnum

from import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from import WritingMode
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleMulti
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps

_TAlignment = TypeVar("_TAlignment", bound="Alignment")

[docs]class LastLineKind(Enum): """Last Line Alignment kind""" START = 0 """Align Start""" JUSTIFY = 2 """Align justified""" CENTER = 3 """Align Center"""
[docs]class Alignment(StyleMulti): """ Paragraph Alignment Any properties starting with ``prop_`` set or get current instance values. All methods starting with ``fmt_`` can be used to chain together properties. .. seealso:: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_para_alignment` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ # region init
[docs] def __init__( self, *, align: ParagraphAdjust | None = None, align_vert: ParagraphVertAlignEnum | None = None, txt_direction: WritingMode | None = None, align_last: LastLineKind | None = None, expand_single_word: bool | None = None, snap_to_grid: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: align (ParagraphAdjust, optional): Determines horizontal alignment of a paragraph. align_vert (ParagraphVertAlignEnum, optional): Determines vertical alignment of a paragraph. text_direction (WritingMode, optional): Determines the text direction. align_last (LastLineKind, optional): Determines the adjustment of the last line. expand_single_word (bool, optional): Determines if single words are stretched. It is only valid if ``align`` and ``align_last`` are also valid. snap_to_grid (bool, optional): Determines snap to text grid (if active). Returns: None: Hint: - ``ParagraphAdjust`` can be imported from ```` - ``ParagraphVertAlignEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.text.paragraph_vert_align`` - ``LastLineKind`` can be imported from ```` - ``WritingMode`` can be imported from ```` - ``WritingMode2Enum`` can be imported from ``oo.dyn.text.writing_mode2``. See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_para_alignment` """ # init_vals = {} if align is not None: # ParagraphAdjust.STRETCH seems to be the same as LEFT init_vals["ParaAdjust"] = align if align_vert is not None: init_vals["ParaVertAlignment"] = align_vert.value if align_last is not None: init_vals["ParaLastLineAdjust"] = align_last.value # SnapToGrid: could not find what service this property is part of, may not be any. if snap_to_grid is not None: init_vals["SnapToGrid"] = snap_to_grid if expand_single_word is not None: init_vals["ParaExpandSingleWord"] = expand_single_word super().__init__(**init_vals) if txt_direction is not None: self._set_style("txt_direction", txt_direction, *txt_direction.get_attrs())
# endregion init # region methods def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ( "", "", ) return self._supported_services_values def _on_modifying(self, source: Any, event_args: CancelEventArgs) -> None: if self._is_default_inst: raise ValueError("Modifying a default instance is not allowed") return super()._on_modifying(source, event_args) # region apply() @overload def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: ... @overload def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Applies alignment to ``obj`` Args: obj (object): UNO object that supports ```` service. Returns: None: """ try: super().apply(obj, **kwargs) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.apply(): Unable to set Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}")
# endregion apply() # region static methods
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_int_to_paragraph_adjust(num: int) -> ParagraphAdjust: """ Converts integer value to ``ParagraphAdjust``. When Writer saves ``ParagraphAdjust`` value into ``ParaAdjust`` it converts it to a integer value. Args: num (int): Number to convert Returns: ParagraphAdjust: Number as ``ParagraphAdjust`` """ if num == 0: return ParagraphAdjust.LEFT if num == 1: return ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT if num == 2: return ParagraphAdjust.BLOCK return ParagraphAdjust.CENTER if num == 3 else ParagraphAdjust.STRETCH
# region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TAlignment], obj: Any) -> _TAlignment: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TAlignment], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TAlignment: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TAlignment], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets Padding instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO object. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: Alignment: Alignment that represents ``obj`` alignment. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') def set_prop(key: str, align: Alignment): nonlocal obj val = mProps.Props.get(obj, key, None) if val is not None: align._set(key, val) set_prop("ParaVertAlignment", inst) set_prop("ParaLastLineAdjust", inst) set_prop("ParaExpandSingleWord", inst) # LibreOffice Writer converts ParagraphAdjust to an int value adjust = cast(int, mProps.Props.get(obj, "ParaAdjust")) inst._set("ParaAdjust", cls.convert_int_to_paragraph_adjust(adjust)) try: # SnapToGrid is not part of any known service snap = mProps.Props.get(obj, "SnapToGrid") inst._set("SnapToGrid", snap) except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Alignment.from_obj(), SnapToGrid property not found") mLo.Lo.print(f" {e}") try: txt_dir = WritingMode.from_obj(obj) inst._set_style("txt_direction", txt_dir, *txt_dir.get_attrs()) except Exception: mLo.Lo.print("Alignment.from_obj(): unable to set txt_direction style") inst.set_update_obj(obj) return inst
# endregion from_obj() # endregion static methods # endregion methods # region style methods
[docs] def fmt_align(self: _TAlignment, value: ParagraphAdjust | None) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets copy of instance with horizontal alignment set or removed Args: value (ParagraphAdjust | None): Alignment value Returns: Alignment: Alignment instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_align = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_align_vert(self: _TAlignment, value: ParagraphVertAlignEnum | None) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets copy of instance with vertical alignment set or removed Args: value (ParagraphVertAlignEnum | None): Alignment value Returns: Alignment: Alignment instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_align_vert = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_align_last(self: _TAlignment, value: LastLineKind | None) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets copy of instance with align last set or removed Args: value (LastLineKind | None): Align last value Returns: Alignment: Alignment instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_align_last = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_expand_single_word(self: _TAlignment, value: bool | None) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets copy of instance with expand single word set or removed Args: value (LastLineKind | None): Expand single word value Returns: Alignment: Alignment instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_expand_single_word = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_snap_to_grid(self: _TAlignment, value: bool | None) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets copy of instance with snap to grid set or removed Args: value (LastLineKind | None): Snap to grid value Returns: Alignment: Alignment instance """ cp = self.copy() cp.prop_snap_to_grid = value return cp
[docs] def fmt_txt_direction(self: _TAlignment, value: WritingMode | None) -> _TAlignment: """ Gets copy of instance with vertical alignment set or removed Args: value (ParagraphVertAlignEnum | None): Alignment value Returns: Alignment: Alignment instance """ cp = self.copy() if value is None: self._remove_style("txt_direction") else: self._set_style("txt_direction", value) return cp
# endregion style methods # region Style Properties @property def snap_to_grid(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets copy of instance with snap to grid set""" al = self.copy() al.prop_snap_to_grid = True return al @property def expand_single_word(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets copy of instance with expand single word set""" al = self.copy() al.prop_expand_single_word = True return al @property def justified(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets copy of instance with align set to block""" al = self.copy() al.prop_align = ParagraphAdjust.BLOCK return al @property def align_center(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets copy of instance with align set to center""" al = self.copy() al.prop_align = ParagraphAdjust.CENTER return al @property def align_left(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets copy of instance with align set to left""" al = self.copy() al.prop_align = ParagraphAdjust.LEFT return al @property def align_right(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets copy of instance with align set to left""" al = self.copy() al.prop_align = ParagraphAdjust.RIGHT return al # endregion Style Properties # region properties @property def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind: """Gets the kind of style""" try: return self._format_kind_prop except AttributeError: self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.PARA return self._format_kind_prop @property def prop_align(self) -> ParagraphAdjust | None: """Gets/Sets horizontal alignment of a paragraph.""" return self._get("ParaAdjust") @prop_align.setter def prop_align(self, value: ParagraphAdjust | None): if value is None: self._remove("ParaAdjust") return self._set("ParaAdjust", value) @property def prop_align_vert(self) -> ParagraphVertAlignEnum | None: """Gets/Sets vertical alignment of a paragraph.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("ParaVertAlignment")) return None if pv is None else ParagraphVertAlignEnum(pv) @prop_align_vert.setter def prop_align_vert(self, value: ParagraphVertAlignEnum | None): if value is None: self._remove("ParaVertAlignment") return self._set("ParaVertAlignment", value) @property def prop_align_last(self) -> LastLineKind | None: """Gets/Sets the adjustment of the last line.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("ParaLastLineAdjust")) return None if pv is None else LastLineKind(pv) @prop_align_last.setter def prop_align_last(self, value: LastLineKind | None): if value is None: self._remove("ParaLastLineAdjust") return self._set("ParaLastLineAdjust", value) @property def prop_expand_single_word(self) -> bool | None: """ Gets/Sets Determines if single words are stretched. It is only valid if ``prop_align`` and ``prop_align_last`` are also valid. """ return self._get("ParaExpandSingleWord") @prop_expand_single_word.setter def prop_expand_single_word(self, value: bool | None): if value is None: self._remove("ParaExpandSingleWord") return self._set("ParaExpandSingleWord", value) @property def prop_snap_to_grid(self) -> bool | None: """Gets/Sets snap to text grid (if active).""" # SnapToGrid is not part of any know service return self._get("SnapToGrid") @prop_snap_to_grid.setter def prop_snap_to_grid(self, value: bool | None): if value is None: self._remove("SnapToGrid") return self._set("SnapToGrid", value) @property def prop_inner_mode(self) -> WritingMode | None: """Gets Writing Mode (``txt_direction``) instance if exist.""" try: return self._direct_inner_mode except AttributeError: self._direct_inner_mode = cast(WritingMode, self._get_style_inst("txt_direction")) return self._direct_inner_mode @property def default(self: _TAlignment) -> _TAlignment: """Gets Alignment default.""" # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg try: return self._default_inst except AttributeError: if self.prop_inner_mode is None: mode = WritingMode(_cattribs=self._get_internal_cattribs()).default # type: ignore else: mode = self.prop_inner_mode.default self._default_inst = self.__class__( align=ParagraphAdjust.LEFT, align_vert=ParagraphVertAlignEnum.AUTOMATIC, txt_direction=mode, align_last=LastLineKind.START, expand_single_word=False, snap_to_grid=True, _cattribs=self._get_internal_cattribs(), # type: ignore ) # pylint: disable=protected-access self._default_inst._is_default_inst = True return self._default_inst
# endregion properties