Source code for

Module for Fill Properties Fill Pattern.

.. versionadded:: 0.9.0

from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Tuple, overload, Type, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING

from ooo.dyn.drawing.fill_style import FillStyle

from import KeyValCancelArgs
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.common.props.area_pattern_props import AreaPatternProps
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.preset import preset_pattern as mPattern
from ooodev.format.inner.preset.preset_pattern import PresetPatternKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleBase
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps

    from import XBitmap


_TPattern = TypeVar("_TPattern", bound="Pattern")

[docs]class Pattern(StyleBase): """ Class for Fill Properties Fill Pattern. .. seealso:: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_shape_pattern` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, bitmap: XBitmap | None = None, name: str = "", tile: bool = True, stretch: bool = False, auto_name: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: bitmap (XBitmap, optional): Bitmap instance. If ``name`` is not already in the Bitmap Table then this property is required. name (str, optional): Specifies the name of the pattern. This is also the name that is used to store bitmap in LibreOffice Bitmap Table. tile (bool, optional): Specified if bitmap is tiled. Defaults to ``True``. stretch (bool, optional): Specifies if bitmap is stretched. Defaults to ``False``. auto_name (bool, optional): Specifies if ``name`` is ensured to be unique. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: None: Note: If ``auto_name`` is ``False`` then a bitmap for a given name is only required the first call. All subsequent call of the same name will retrieve the bitmap form the LibreOffice Bitmap Table. See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_shape_pattern` """ init_vals = {} # if bitmap or name is passed in then get the bitmap if self._props.tile: init_vals[self._props.tile] = tile if self._props.stretch: init_vals[self._props.stretch] = stretch b_map = None with contextlib.suppress(Exception): b_map = self._get_bitmap(bitmap, name, auto_name) if b_map is not None: if self._props.bitmap: init_vals[self._props.bitmap] = b_map if init_vals[] = self._name if init_vals[] = FillStyle.BITMAP super().__init__(**init_vals)
# region Internal Methods def _get_bitmap(self, bitmap: XBitmap | None, name: str, auto_name: bool) -> XBitmap: # if the name passed in already exist in the Bitmap Table then it is returned. # Otherwise the bitmap is added to the Bitmap Table and then returned. # after bitmap is added to table all other subsequent call of this name will return # that bitmap from the Table. With the exception of auto_name which will force a new entry # into the Table each time. if not name: auto_name = True name = "FILL PATTERN " nc = self._container_get_inst() if auto_name: self._name = self._container_get_unique_el_name(name, nc) else: self._name = name b_map = self._container_get_value(self._name, nc) # raises value error if name is empty if b_map is not None: return b_map if bitmap is None: raise ValueError(f'No bitmap could be found in container for "{name}". In this case a bitmap is required.') self._container_add_value(name=self._name, obj=bitmap, allow_update=False, nc=nc) return self._container_get_value(self._name, nc) # endregion Internal Methods # region Overrides # region copy() @overload def copy(self: _TPattern) -> _TPattern: ... @overload def copy(self: _TPattern, **kwargs) -> _TPattern: ...
[docs] def copy(self: _TPattern, **kwargs) -> _TPattern: """Gets a copy of instance as a new instance""" cp = super().copy(**kwargs) cp._name = self._name return cp
# endregion copy() def _container_get_service_name(self) -> str: return "" def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ) return self._supported_services_values # region apply() @overload def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: # type: ignore ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Applies styles to object Args: obj (object): UNO object that has supports ```` or ```` service. Returns: None: """ if self._props.bitmap and not self._has(self._props.bitmap): mLo.Lo.print("Pattern.apply(): There is nothing to apply.") return super().apply(obj, **kwargs)
def _props_set(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: try: super()._props_set(obj, **kwargs) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Pattern.apply(): Unable to set Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") # endregion apply()
[docs] def on_property_restore_setting(self, source: Any, event_args: KeyValCancelArgs) -> None: if event_args.key == self._props.bitmap: if event_args.value is None: event_args.default = True elif event_args.key == if not event_args.value: event_args.default = True return super().on_property_restore_setting(source, event_args)
# endregion Overrides # region Static Methods # region from_preset() @overload @classmethod def from_preset(cls: Type[_TPattern], preset: PresetPatternKind) -> _TPattern: ... @overload @classmethod def from_preset(cls: Type[_TPattern], preset: PresetPatternKind, **kwargs) -> _TPattern: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_preset(cls: Type[_TPattern], preset: PresetPatternKind, **kwargs) -> _TPattern: """ Gets an instance from a preset. Args: preset (~.preset.preset_pattern.PresetPatternKind): Preset. Returns: Pattern: ``Pattern`` instance from preset. """ name = str(preset) nu = cls(**kwargs) nc = nu._container_get_inst() bitmap = nu._container_get_value(name, nc) if bitmap is None: bitmap = mPattern.get_prest_bitmap(preset) return cls(bitmap=bitmap, name=name, tile=True, stretch=False, auto_name=False, **kwargs)
# endregion from_preset() # region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TPattern], obj: Any) -> _TPattern: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TPattern], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TPattern: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TPattern], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TPattern: """ Gets instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO object. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: Pattern: ``Pattern`` instance that represents ``obj`` fill pattern. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') def set_prop(key: str, fp: Pattern): nonlocal obj if not key: return val = mProps.Props.get(obj, key, None) if val is not None: fp._set(key, val) name = mProps.Props.get(obj, inst._name = name inst._set(, name) set_prop(inst._props.tile, inst) set_prop(inst._props.stretch, inst) set_prop(inst._props.bitmap, inst) set_prop(, inst) inst.set_update_obj(obj) return inst
# endregion from_obj() # endregion Static Methods # region Properties @property def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind: """Gets the kind of style""" try: return self._format_kind_prop except AttributeError: self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.TXT_CONTENT | FormatKind.FILL return self._format_kind_prop @property def prop_tile(self) -> bool: """Gets sets if fill image is tiled""" return self._get(self._props.tile) @prop_tile.setter def prop_tile(self, value: bool): self._set(self._props.tile, value) @property def prop_stretch(self) -> bool: """Gets sets if fill image is stretched""" return self._get(self._props.stretch) @prop_stretch.setter def prop_stretch(self, value: bool): self._set(self._props.stretch, value) @property def _props(self) -> AreaPatternProps: try: return self._props_internal_attributes except AttributeError: self._props_internal_attributes = AreaPatternProps( style="FillStyle", name="FillBitmapName", tile="FillBitmapTile", stretch="FillBitmapStretch", bitmap="FillBitmap", ) return self._props_internal_attributes
# endregion Properties