Source code for

Module for managing character fonts.

.. versionadded:: 0.9.0

# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, Type, cast, overload, TypeVar

from ooo.dyn.awt.font_strikeout import FontStrikeoutEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_underline import FontUnderlineEnum
from import CaseMapEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_relief import FontReliefEnum

from import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleBase
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.color import Color
from ooodev.utils.color import StandardColor
from ooodev.utils.data_type.intensity import Intensity

# endregion Imports

_TFontEffects = TypeVar("_TFontEffects", bound="FontEffects")

[docs]class FontLine: """Font Line such as overline and underline."""
[docs] def __init__(self, line: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None, color: Color | None = None) -> None: """ Constructor Args: line (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): Font Line kind. color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Line color. If value is ``-1`` the automatic color is applied. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_char_font_effects` """ self._line = line self._color = color
def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: if isinstance(oth, FontLine): return self.color == oth.color and self.line == oth.line return NotImplemented
[docs] def has_values(self) -> bool: """Gets if instance has any values.""" return self._line is not None or self._color is not None
@property def line(self) -> FontUnderlineEnum | None: """ Gets/Sets line. """ return self._line @line.setter def line(self, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None): self._line = value @property def color(self) -> Color | None: """ Gets/Sets color. """ return self._color @color.setter def color(self, value: Color | None): self._color = value
[docs]class FontEffects(StyleBase): """ Character Font Effects Any properties starting with ``prop_`` set or get current instance values. All methods starting with ``fmt_`` can be used to chain together font properties. Many properties can be chained together. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, color: Color | None = None, transparency: Intensity | int | None = None, overline: FontLine | None = None, underline: FontLine | None = None, strike: FontStrikeoutEnum | None = None, word_mode: bool | None = None, case: CaseMapEnum | None = None, relief: FontReliefEnum | None = None, outline: bool | None = None, hidden: bool | None = None, shadowed: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """ Font options used in styles. Args: color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The value of the text color. If value is ``-1`` the automatic color is applied. transparency (Intensity, int, optional): The transparency value from ``0`` to ``100`` for the font color. overline (FontLine, optional): Character overline values. underline (FontLine, optional): Character underline values. strike (FontStrikeoutEnum, optional): Determines the type of the strike out of the character. word_mode(bool, optional): If ``True``, the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces. case (CaseMapEnum, optional): Specifies the case of the font. relief (FontReliefEnum, optional): Specifies the relief of the font. outline (bool, optional): Specifies if the font is outlined. hidden (bool, optional): Specifies if the font is hidden. shadowed (bool, optional): Specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_char_font_effects` """ # could not find any documentation in the API or elsewhere online for Overline # see: super().__init__() if transparency is not None: self.prop_transparency = transparency if color is not None: self.prop_color = color if overline is not None: self.prop_overline = overline if underline is not None: self.prop_underline = underline if strike is not None: self.prop_strike = strike if word_mode is not None: self.prop_word_mode = word_mode if case is not None: self.prop_case = case if relief is not None: self.prop_relief = relief if outline is not None: self.prop_outline = outline if hidden is not None: self.prop_hidden = hidden if shadowed is not None: self.prop_shadowed = shadowed
# region methods def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ( "", "", "", "", "", ) return self._supported_services_values def _on_modifying(self, source: Any, event: CancelEventArgs) -> None: if self._is_default_inst: raise ValueError("Modifying a default instance is not allowed") return super()._on_modifying(source, event) # region apply() @overload def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: # type: ignore ... @overload def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # type: ignore ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Applies styles to object Args: obj (object): UNO object that has supports ```` service. Returns: None: """ super().apply(obj, **kwargs)
# endregion apply() # region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TFontEffects], obj: Any) -> _TFontEffects: ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TFontEffects], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TFontEffects: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls: Type[_TFontEffects], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets instance from object Args: obj (object): UNO object. Raises: NotSupportedError: If ``obj`` is not supported. Returns: FontEffects: ``FontEffects`` instance that represents ``obj`` font effects. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access inst = cls(**kwargs) if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError(f'Object is not supported for conversion to "{cls.__name__}"') def set_prop(key: str, fe: FontEffects): nonlocal obj val = mProps.Props.get(obj, key, None) if val is not None: fe._set(key, val) set_prop("CharColor", inst) set_prop("CharOverline", inst) set_prop("CharOverlineColor", inst) set_prop("CharOverlineHasColor", inst) set_prop("CharUnderline", inst) set_prop("CharUnderlineColor", inst) set_prop("CharUnderlineHasColor", inst) set_prop("CharWordMode", inst) set_prop("CharShadowed", inst) set_prop("CharContoured", inst) set_prop("CharHidden", inst) set_prop("CharTransparence", inst) set_prop("CharStrikeout", inst) set_prop("CharCaseMap", inst) set_prop("CharRelief", inst) inst.set_update_obj(obj) return inst
# endregion from_obj() # endregion methods # region Format Methods
[docs] def fmt_color(self: _TFontEffects, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with text color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The text color. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_color = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_transparency(self: _TFontEffects, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with text background transparency set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The text background transparency. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_transparency = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_overline(self: _TFontEffects, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with overline set or removed. Args: value (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): The size of the characters in point units. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_overline fl.line = value ft.prop_overline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_overline_color(self: _TFontEffects, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with text overline color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The color is used for an overline. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_overline fl.color = value ft.prop_overline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_strike(self: _TFontEffects, value: FontStrikeoutEnum | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with strike set or removed. Args: value (FontStrikeoutEnum, optional): The type of the strike out of the character. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_strike = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_underline(self: _TFontEffects, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with underline set or removed. Args: value (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): The value for the character underline. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_underline fl.line = value ft.prop_underline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_underline_color(self: _TFontEffects, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with text underline color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The color is used for an underline. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_underline fl.color = value ft.prop_underline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_word_mode(self: _TFontEffects, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with word mode set or removed. The underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces when set to ``True``. Args: value (bool, optional): The word mode. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_word_mode = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_case(self: _TFontEffects, value: CaseMapEnum | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with case set or removed. Args: value (CaseMapEnum, optional): The case value. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_case = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_relief(self: _TFontEffects, value: FontReliefEnum | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with relief set or removed. Args: value (FontReliefEnum, optional): The relief value. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_relief = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_outline(self: _TFontEffects, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with outline set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The outline value. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_outline = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_hidden(self: _TFontEffects, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with hidden set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The hidden value. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_hidden = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_shadowed(self: _TFontEffects, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFontEffects: """ Gets copy of instance with shadowed set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The shadowed value. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: FontEffects: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_shadowed = value return ft
# endregion Format Methods # region Style Properties @property def color_auto(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with color set to automatic""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_color = StandardColor.AUTO_COLOR return ft @property def overline(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with overline set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_overline = FontLine(line=FontUnderlineEnum.SINGLE, color=StandardColor.AUTO_COLOR) return ft @property def overline_color_auto(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with overline color set to automatic""" ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_overline fl.color = StandardColor.AUTO_COLOR ft.prop_overline = fl return ft @property def underline(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with underline set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_underline = FontLine(line=FontUnderlineEnum.SINGLE, color=StandardColor.AUTO_COLOR) return ft @property def under_color_auto(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with underline color set to automatic""" ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_underline fl.color = StandardColor.AUTO_COLOR ft.prop_underline = fl return ft @property def strike(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with strike set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_strike = FontStrikeoutEnum.SINGLE return ft @property def word_mode(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with word mode set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_word_mode = True return ft @property def outline(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with outline set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_outline = True return ft @property def hidden(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with hidden set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_hidden = True return ft @property def shadowed(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with shadow set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_shadowed = True return ft @property def case_upper(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with case set to upper""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_case = CaseMapEnum.UPPERCASE return ft @property def case_lower(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with case set to lower""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_case = CaseMapEnum.LOWERCASE return ft @property def case_title(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with case set to title""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_case = CaseMapEnum.TITLE return ft @property def case_small_caps(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with case set to small caps""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_case = CaseMapEnum.SMALLCAPS return ft @property def case_none(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with no case set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_case = CaseMapEnum.NONE return ft @property def relief_none(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with no relief set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_relief = FontReliefEnum.NONE return ft @property def relief_embossed(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with relief set to embossed""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_relief = FontReliefEnum.EMBOSSED return ft @property def relief_engraved(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: """Gets copy of instance with relief set to engraved""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_relief = FontReliefEnum.ENGRAVED return ft # endregion Style Properties # region Prop Properties @property def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind: """Gets the kind of style""" try: return self._format_kind_prop except AttributeError: self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.CHAR return self._format_kind_prop @property def prop_color(self) -> Color | None: """Gets/Sets the value of the text color.""" return self._get("CharColor") @prop_color.setter def prop_color(self, value: Color | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharColor") return if value < 0: self._set("CharColor", -1) else: self._set("CharColor", value) @property def prop_transparency(self) -> Intensity | None: """Gets/Sets The transparency value""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharTransparence")) return Intensity(pv) if pv is not None else None @prop_transparency.setter def prop_transparency(self, value: Intensity | int | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharTransparence") return self._set("CharTransparence", Intensity(int(value)).value) @property def prop_overline(self) -> FontLine: """This property contains the value for the character overline.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharOverline")) line = None if pv is None else FontUnderlineEnum(pv) return FontLine(line=line, color=cast(Color, self._get("CharOverlineColor"))) @prop_overline.setter def prop_overline(self, value: FontLine | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharOverline") self._remove("CharOverlineColor") self._remove("CharOverlineHasColor") return if value.line is None: self._remove("CharOverline") else: self._set("CharOverline", value.line.value) if value.color is None: self._remove("CharOverlineColor") self._remove("CharOverlineHasColor") elif value.color < 0: # automatic color self._set("CharOverlineHasColor", False) self._set("CharOverlineColor", -1) else: self._set("CharOverlineHasColor", True) self._set("CharOverlineColor", value.color) @property def prop_underline(self) -> FontLine: """This property contains the value for the character underline.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharUnderline")) line = None if pv is None else FontUnderlineEnum(pv) return FontLine(line=line, color=cast(Color, self._get("CharUnderlineColor"))) @prop_underline.setter def prop_underline(self, value: FontLine | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharUnderline") self._remove("CharUnderlineColor") self._remove("CharUnderlineHasColor") return if value.line is None: self._remove("CharUnderline") else: self._set("CharUnderline", value.line.value) if value.color is None: self._remove("CharUnderlineColor") self._remove("CharUnderlineHasColor") elif value.color < 0: # automatic color self._set("CharUnderlineHasColor", False) self._set("CharUnderlineColor", -1) else: self._set("CharUnderlineHasColor", True) self._set("CharUnderlineColor", value.color) @property def prop_strike(self) -> FontStrikeoutEnum | None: """Gets/Sets the type of the strike out of the character.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharStrikeout")) return FontStrikeoutEnum(pv) if pv is not None else None @prop_strike.setter def prop_strike(self, value: FontStrikeoutEnum | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharStrikeout") return self._set("CharStrikeout", value.value) @property def prop_word_mode(self) -> bool | None: """Gets/Sets Character word mode. If this property is ``True``, the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces.""" return self._get("CharWordMode") @prop_word_mode.setter def prop_word_mode(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharWordMode") return self._set("CharWordMode", value) @property def prop_case(self) -> CaseMapEnum | None: """Gets/Sets Font Case Value""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharCaseMap")) return None if pv is None else CaseMapEnum(pv) @prop_case.setter def prop_case(self, value: CaseMapEnum | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharCaseMap") return self._set("CharCaseMap", value.value) @property def prop_relief(self) -> FontReliefEnum | None: """Gets/Sets Font Relief Value""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharRelief")) return None if pv is None else FontReliefEnum(pv) @prop_relief.setter def prop_relief(self, value: FontReliefEnum | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharRelief") return self._set("CharRelief", value.value) @property def prop_outline(self) -> bool | None: """Gets/Sets if the font is outlined""" return self._get("CharContoured") @prop_outline.setter def prop_outline(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharContoured") return self._set("CharContoured", value) @property def prop_hidden(self) -> bool | None: """Gets/Sets if the font is hidden""" return self._get("CharHidden") @prop_hidden.setter def prop_hidden(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharHidden") return self._set("CharHidden", value) @property def prop_shadowed(self) -> bool | None: """Gets/Sets if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect.""" return self._get("CharShadowed") @prop_shadowed.setter def prop_shadowed(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharShadowed") return self._set("CharShadowed", value) @property def default(self: _TFontEffects) -> _TFontEffects: # type: ignore[misc] """Gets Font Position default.""" try: return self._default_inst except AttributeError: # pylint: disable=protected-access # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg fe = self.__class__(_cattribs=self._get_internal_cattribs()) fe._set("CharColor", -1) fe._set("CharOverline", 0) fe._set("CharOverlineColor", -1) fe._set("CharOverlineHasColor", False) fe._set("CharUnderline", 0) fe._set("CharUnderlineColor", -1) fe._set("CharUnderlineHasColor", False) fe._set("CharWordMode", False) fe._set("CharShadowed", False) fe._set("CharContoured", False) fe._set("CharHidden", False) fe._set("CharTransparence", 100) fe._set("CharStrikeout", 0) fe._set("CharCaseMap", 0) fe._set("CharRelief", 0) fe._is_default_inst = True self._default_inst = fe return self._default_inst
# endregion Prop Properties