Source code for

Module for managing character fonts.

.. versionadded:: 0.9.0

# region Import
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Tuple, cast, overload, TypeVar
import contextlib
from ooo.dyn.awt.char_set import CharSetEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_family import FontFamilyEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_slant import FontSlant
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_strikeout import FontStrikeoutEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_underline import FontUnderlineEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.font_weight import FontWeightEnum
from ooo.dyn.table.shadow_format import ShadowFormat

from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from import FontLine
from import CharSpacingKind
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.format.inner.style_base import StyleBase
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.units.angle import Angle
from ooodev.units.unit_convert import UnitConvert
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
from ooodev.units.unit_pt import UnitPT
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.utils.color import Color

# endregion Import

_TFont = TypeVar("_TFont", bound="Font")

[docs]class Font(StyleBase): """ Character Font Any properties starting with ``prop_`` set or get current instance values. All methods starting with ``fmt_`` can be used to chain together font properties. Many properties such as ``bold``, ``italic``, ``underline`` can be chained together. Example: .. code-block:: python # chaining fonts together to add new properties ft = Font().bold.italic.underline ft_color = Font().style_color(CommonColor.GREEN).style_bg_color(CommonColor.LIGHT_BLUE) .. seealso:: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_char_font` .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, b: bool | None = None, i: bool | None = None, u: bool | None = None, bg_color: Color | None = None, bg_transparent: bool | None = None, charset: CharSetEnum | None = None, color: Color | None = None, family: FontFamilyEnum | None = None, name: str | None = None, overline: FontLine | None = None, rotation: int | Angle | None = None, shadow_fmt: ShadowFormat | None = None, shadowed: bool | None = None, size: float | UnitT | None = None, slant: FontSlant | None = None, spacing: CharSpacingKind | float | UnitT | None = None, strike: FontStrikeoutEnum | None = None, subscript: bool | None = None, superscript: bool | None = None, underline: FontLine | None = None, weight: FontWeightEnum | float | None = None, word_mode: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """ Font options used in styles. Args: b (bool, optional): Shortcut to set ``weight`` to bold. i (bool, optional): Shortcut to set ``slant`` to italic. u (bool, optional): Shortcut ot set ``underline`` to underline. bg_color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The value of the text background color. bg_transparent (bool, optional): Determines if the text background color is set to transparent. charset (CharSetEnum, optional): The text encoding of the font. color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The value of the text color. Setting to ``-1`` will cause automatic color. family (FontFamilyEnum, optional): Font Family. name (str, optional): This property specifies the name of the font style. It may contain more than one name separated by comma. overline (FontLine, optional): Character overline values. rotation (int, Angle, optional): Specifies the rotation of a character in degrees. Depending on the implementation only certain values may be allowed. shadow_fmt: (ShadowFormat, optional): Determines the type, color, and width of the shadow. shadowed (bool, optional): Specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect. size (float, UnitT, optional): This value contains the size of the characters in ``pt`` (point) units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. slant (FontSlant, optional): The value of the posture of the document such as ``FontSlant.ITALIC``. spacing (CharSpacingKind, float, UnitT, optional): Specifies character spacing in ``pt`` (point) units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. strike (FontStrikeoutEnum, optional): Determines the type of the strike out of the character. subscript (bool, optional): Subscript option. superscript (bool, optional): Superscript option. underline (FontLine, optional): Character underline values. weight (FontWeightEnum, float, optional): The value of the font weight. word_mode(bool, optional): If ``True``, the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_writer_format_direct_char_font` """ # sourcery skip: low-code-quality # could not find any documentation in the API or elsewhere online for Overline # see: super().__init__() if b is not None: self.prop_is_bold = b if i is not None: self.prop_is_italic = i if u is not None: self.prop_is_underline = u if bg_color is not None: self.prop_bg_color = bg_color if bg_transparent is not None: self.prop_bg_color_transparent = bg_transparent if charset is not None: self.prop_charset = charset if color is not None: self.prop_color = color if family is not None: self.prop_family = family if name is not None: self.prop_name = name if overline is not None: self.prop_overline = overline if rotation is not None: self.prop_rotation = rotation if shadow_fmt is not None: self.prop_shadow_fmt = shadow_fmt if shadowed is not None: self.prop_shadowed = shadowed if size is not None: self.prop_size = size if slant is not None: self.prop_slant = slant if spacing is not None: self.prop_spacing = spacing if strike is not None: self.prop_strike = strike # superscript and subscript use the same internal properties,CharEscapementHeight, CharEscapement if subscript is not None: self.prop_subscript = subscript if superscript is not None: self.prop_superscript = superscript if underline is not None: self.prop_underline = underline if weight is not None: self.prop_weight = weight if word_mode is not None: self.prop_word_mode = word_mode
# region methods def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: try: return self._supported_services_values except AttributeError: self._supported_services_values = ( "", "", "", "", ) return self._supported_services_values # region apply() @overload def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: # type: ignore ... @overload def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Applies styles to object Args: obj (object): UNO object that has supports ```` service. Returns: None: """ super().apply(obj, **kwargs)
def _props_set(self, obj: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: try: super()._props_set(obj, **kwargs) except mEx.MultiError as e: mLo.Lo.print("Font.apply(): Unable to set Property") for err in e.errors: mLo.Lo.print(f" {err}") # endregion apply() # endregion methods # region Format Methods
[docs] def fmt_bg_color(self: _TFont, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text background color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The text background color. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_bg_color = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_bg_transparent(self: _TFont, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text background transparency set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The text background transparency. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_bg_color_transparent = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_charset(self: _TFont, value: CharSetEnum | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Gets a copy of instance with charset set or removed. Args: value (CharSetEnum, optional): The text encoding of the font. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_charset = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_color(self: _TFont, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The text color. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_color = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_family(self: _TFont, value: FontFamilyEnum | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Gets a copy of instance with charset set or removed. Args: value (FontFamilyEnum, optional): The Font Family. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_family = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_size(self: _TFont, value: float | UnitT | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text size set or removed. Args: value (float, UnitT, optional): The size of the characters in ``pt`` (point) units :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_size = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_name(self: _TFont, value: str | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with name set or removed. Args: value (str, optional): The name of the font style. It may contain more than one name separated by comma. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_name = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_overline(self: _TFont, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with overline set or removed. Args: value (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): The size of the characters in point units. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_overline fl.line = value ft.prop_overline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_overline_color(self: _TFont, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text overline color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The color is used for an overline. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_overline fl.color = value ft.prop_overline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_rotation(self: _TFont, value: int | Angle | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with rotation set or removed. Args: value (int, Angle, optional): The rotation of a character in degrees. Depending on the implementation only certain values may be allowed. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_rotation = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_slant(self: _TFont, value: FontSlant | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with slant set or removed. Args: value (FontSlant, optional): The value of the posture of the document such as ``FontSlant.ITALIC``. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed Note: This method changes or removes any italic settings. """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_slant = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_spacing(self: _TFont, value: float | UnitT | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with spacing set or removed. Args: value (float, UnitT, optional): The character spacing in ``pt`` (point) units :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_spacing = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_shadow_fmt(self: _TFont, value: ShadowFormat | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with shadow format set or removed. Args: value (ShadowFormat, optional): The type, color, and width of the shadow. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_shadow_fmt = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_strike(self: _TFont, value: FontStrikeoutEnum | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with strike set or removed. Args: value (FontStrikeoutEnum, optional): The type of the strike out of the character. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_strike = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_subscript(self: _TFont, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text subscript set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The subscript. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_subscript = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_superscript(self: _TFont, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with text superscript set or removed. Args: value (bool, optional): The superscript. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_superscript = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_underline(self: _TFont, value: FontUnderlineEnum | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with underline set or removed. Args: value (FontUnderlineEnum, optional): The value for the character underline. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_underline fl.line = value ft.prop_underline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_underline_color(self: _TFont, value: Color | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Gets copy of instance with text underline color set or removed. Args: value (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): The color is used for an underline. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() fl = ft.prop_underline fl.color = value ft.prop_underline = fl return ft
[docs] def fmt_weight(self: _TFont, value: FontWeightEnum | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with weight set or removed. Args: value (FontWeightEnum, optional): The value of the font weight. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed Note: This method changes or removes any bold settings. """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_weight = value return ft
[docs] def fmt_word_mode(self: _TFont, value: bool | None = None) -> _TFont: """ Get copy of instance with word mode set or removed. The underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces when set to ``True``. Args: value (bool, optional): The word mode. If ``None`` style is removed. Default ``None`` Returns: Font: Font with style added or removed """ ft = self.copy() ft.prop_word_mode = value return ft
# endregion Format Methods # region Style Properties @property def bold(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with bold set""" # ft = self.copy() ft = self.copy() ft.prop_is_bold = True return ft @property def italic(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with italic set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_is_italic = True return ft @property def underline(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with underline set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_is_underline = True return ft @property def bg_transparent(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with background transparent set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_bg_color_transparent = True return ft @property def overline(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with overline set""" ft = self.copy() fl = self.prop_overline fl.line = FontUnderlineEnum.SINGLE ft.prop_overline = fl return ft @property def shadowed(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with shadow set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_shadowed = True return ft @property def strike(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with strike set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_strike = FontStrikeoutEnum.SINGLE return ft @property def subscript(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with sub script set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_subscript = True return ft @property def superscript(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with super script set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_superscript = True return ft @property def word_mode(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with word mode set""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_word_mode = True return ft @property def spacing_very_tight(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with spacing set to very tight value""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_spacing = CharSpacingKind.VERY_TIGHT return ft @property def spacing_tight(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with spacing set to tight value""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_spacing = CharSpacingKind.TIGHT return ft @property def spacing_normal(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with spacing set to normal value""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_spacing = CharSpacingKind.NORMAL return ft @property def spacing_loose(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with spacing set to loose value""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_spacing = CharSpacingKind.LOOSE return ft @property def spacing_very_loose(self: _TFont) -> _TFont: """Gets copy of instance with spacing set to very loose value""" ft = self.copy() ft.prop_spacing = CharSpacingKind.VERY_LOOSE return ft # endregion Style Properties # region Prop Properties @property def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind: """Gets the kind of style""" try: return self._format_kind_prop except AttributeError: self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.CHAR return self._format_kind_prop @property def prop_is_bold(self) -> bool: """Specifies bold""" pv = cast(float, self._get("CharWeight")) return pv == FontWeightEnum.BOLD.value if pv is not None else False @prop_is_bold.setter def prop_is_bold(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharWeight") return if value: self._set("CharWeight", FontWeightEnum.BOLD.value) else: self._set("CharWeight", FontWeightEnum.NORMAL.value) @property def prop_bg_color(self) -> Color | None: """This property contains the text background color.""" return self._get("CharBackColor") @prop_bg_color.setter def prop_bg_color(self, value: Color | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharBackColor") return self._set("CharBackColor", value) @property def prop_bg_color_transparent(self) -> bool | None: """This property contains the text background color.""" return self._get("CharBackTransparent") @prop_bg_color_transparent.setter def prop_bg_color_transparent(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharBackTransparent") return self._set("CharBackTransparent", value) @property def prop_is_italic(self) -> bool | None: """Specifies italic""" pv = cast(FontSlant, self._get("CharPosture")) return pv == FontSlant.ITALIC if pv is not None else None @prop_is_italic.setter def prop_is_italic(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharPosture") return if value: self._set("CharPosture", FontSlant.ITALIC) else: self._set("CharPosture", FontSlant.NONE) @property def prop_is_underline(self) -> bool | None: """Specifies underline""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharUnderline")) return pv != FontUnderlineEnum.NONE.value if pv is not None else None @prop_is_underline.setter def prop_is_underline(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharUnderline") return if value: self._set("CharUnderline", FontUnderlineEnum.SINGLE.value) else: self._set("CharUnderline", FontUnderlineEnum.NONE.value) @property def prop_underline(self) -> FontLine: """This property contains the value for the character underline.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharUnderline")) line = None if pv is None else FontUnderlineEnum(pv) return FontLine(line=line, color=cast(Color, self._get("CharUnderlineColor"))) @prop_underline.setter def prop_underline(self, value: FontLine | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharUnderline") self._remove("CharUnderlineColor") self._remove("CharUnderlineHasColor") return if value.line is None: self._remove("CharUnderline") else: self._set("CharUnderline", value.line.value) if value.color is None: self._remove("CharUnderlineColor") self._remove("CharUnderlineHasColor") elif value.color < 0: # automatic color self._set("CharUnderlineHasColor", False) self._set("CharUnderlineColor", -1) else: self._set("CharUnderlineHasColor", True) self._set("CharUnderlineColor", value.color) @property def prop_charset(self) -> CharSetEnum | None: """This property contains the text encoding of the font.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharFontCharSet")) return CharSetEnum(pv) if pv is not None else None @prop_charset.setter def prop_charset(self, value: CharSetEnum | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharFontCharSet") return self._set("CharFontCharSet", value.value) @property def prop_color(self) -> Color | None: """This property contains the value of the text color.""" return self._get("CharColor") @prop_color.setter def prop_color(self, value: Color | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharColor") return self._set("CharColor", value) @property def prop_family(self) -> FontFamilyEnum | None: """This property contains font family.""" pv = cast(FontFamilyEnum, self._get("CharFontFamily")) return FontFamilyEnum(pv) if pv is not None else None @prop_family.setter def prop_family(self, value: FontFamilyEnum | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharFontFamily") return self._set("CharFontFamily", value.value) @property def prop_size(self) -> UnitPT | None: """This value contains the size of the characters in ``pt`` (point) units.""" pv = cast(float, self._get("CharHeight")) return None if pv is None else UnitPT(pv) @prop_size.setter def prop_size(self, value: float | UnitT | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharHeight") return try: self._set("CharHeight", value.get_value_pt()) # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._set("CharHeight", float(value)) # type: ignore @property def prop_name(self) -> str | None: """This property specifies the name of the font style. It may contain more than one name separated by comma.""" return self._get("CharFontName") @prop_name.setter def prop_name(self, value: str | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharFontName") return self._set("CharFontName", value) @property def prop_strike(self) -> FontStrikeoutEnum | None: """This property determines the type of the strike out of the character.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharStrikeout")) return FontStrikeoutEnum(pv) if pv is not None else None @prop_strike.setter def prop_strike(self, value: FontStrikeoutEnum | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharStrikeout") return self._set("CharStrikeout", value.value) @property def prop_weight(self) -> FontWeightEnum | None: """This property contains the value of the font weight.""" pv = cast(float, self._get("CharWeight")) return FontWeightEnum(pv) if pv is not None else None @prop_weight.setter def prop_weight(self, value: FontWeightEnum | float | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharWeight") return with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): self._set("CharWeight", value.value) # type: ignore return self._set("CharWeight", float(value)) # type: ignore @property def prop_slant(self) -> FontSlant | None: """This property contains the value of the posture of the document such as ``FontSlant.ITALIC``""" return self._get("CharPosture") @prop_slant.setter def prop_slant(self, value: FontSlant | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharPosture") return self._set("CharPosture", value) @property def prop_spacing(self) -> UnitPT | None: """This value contains character spacing in ``pt`` (point) units""" pv = self._get("CharKerning") return None if pv is None else UnitPT.from_mm100(pv) @prop_spacing.setter def prop_spacing(self, value: float | CharSpacingKind | UnitT | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharKerning") return try: self._set("CharKerning", value.get_value_mm100()) # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._set("CharKerning", UnitConvert.convert_pt_mm100(float(value))) # type: ignore @property def prop_shadowed(self) -> bool | None: """This property specifies if the characters are formatted and displayed with a shadow effect.""" return self._get("CharShadowed") @prop_shadowed.setter def prop_shadowed(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharShadowed") return self._set("CharShadowed", value) @property def prop_shadow_fmt(self) -> ShadowFormat | None: """This property specifies the type, color, and width of the shadow.""" return self._get("CharShadowFormat") @prop_shadow_fmt.setter def prop_shadow_fmt(self, value: ShadowFormat | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharShadowFormat") return if mInfo.Info.is_type_struct(value, ""): self._set("CharShadowFormat", value) @property def prop_superscript(self) -> bool | None: """Specifies if the font is super script""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharEscapement")) return pv > 0 if pv is not None else None @prop_superscript.setter def prop_superscript(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharEscapementHeight") self._remove("CharEscapement") return if value: self._set("CharEscapementHeight", 58) self._set("CharEscapement", 14_000) else: self._set("CharEscapementHeight", 100) self._set("CharEscapement", 0) @property def prop_subscript(self) -> bool | None: """Specifies if the font is sub script""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharEscapement")) return pv < 0 if pv is not None else None @prop_subscript.setter def prop_subscript(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharEscapementHeight") self._remove("CharEscapement") return if value: self._set("CharEscapementHeight", 58) self._set("CharEscapement", -14_000) else: self._set("CharEscapementHeight", 100) self._set("CharEscapement", 0) @property def prop_overline(self) -> FontLine: """This property contains the value for the character overline.""" pv = cast(int, self._get("CharOverline")) line = None if pv is None else FontUnderlineEnum(pv) return FontLine(line=line, color=cast(Color, self._get("CharOverlineColor"))) @prop_overline.setter def prop_overline(self, value: FontLine | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharOverline") self._remove("CharOverlineColor") self._remove("CharOverlineHasColor") return if value.line is None: self._remove("CharOverline") else: self._set("CharOverline", value.line.value) if value.color is None: self._remove("CharOverlineColor") self._remove("CharOverlineHasColor") elif value.color < 0: # automatic color self._set("CharOverlineHasColor", False) self._set("CharOverlineColor", -1) else: self._set("CharOverlineHasColor", True) self._set("CharOverlineColor", value.color) @property def prop_rotation(self) -> Angle | None: """ This optional property determines the rotation of a character in degrees. Depending on the implementation only certain values may be allowed. """ pv = cast(int, self._get("CharRotation")) return None if pv is None else Angle(round(pv / 10)) @prop_rotation.setter def prop_rotation(self, value: int | Angle | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharRotation") return self._set("CharRotation", Angle(int(value)).value * 10) @property def prop_word_mode(self) -> bool | None: """If this property is ``True``, the underline and strike-through properties are not applied to white spaces.""" return self._get("CharWordMode") @prop_word_mode.setter def prop_word_mode(self, value: bool | None) -> None: if value is None: self._remove("CharWordMode") return self._set("CharWordMode", value)
# endregion Prop Properties