# region Import
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Type, cast, overload, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from enum import Enum
import uno
from com.sun.star.beans import XPropertySet
from ooo.dyn.style.tab_align import TabAlign
from ooo.dyn.style.tab_stop import TabStop
from ooodev.events.args.cancel_event_args import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.events.args.event_args import EventArgs
from ooodev.events.format_named_event import FormatNamedEvent
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.direct.structs.struct_base import StructBase
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.units.unit_convert import UnitConvert
from ooodev.units.unit_mm import UnitMM
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
# endregion Import
_TTabStopStruct = TypeVar("_TTabStopStruct", bound="TabStopStruct")
[docs]class FillCharKind(Enum):
"""Tab Fill Char"""
NONE = " "
DASH = "-"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.value
[docs]class TabStopStruct(StructBase):
Paragraph Tab
Any properties starting with ``prop_`` set or get current instance values.
All methods starting with ``fmt_`` can be used to chain together properties.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
# region init
[docs] def __init__(
position: float | UnitT = 0.0,
align: TabAlign = TabAlign.LEFT,
decimal_char: str = ".",
fill_char: FillCharKind | str = FillCharKind.NONE,
) -> None:
position (float, UnitT, optional): Specifies the position of the tabulator in relation to the left border (in ``mm`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`.
Defaults to ``0.0``
align (TabAlign, optional): Specifies the alignment of the text range before the tabulator. Defaults to ``TabAlign.LEFT``
decimal_char (str, optional): Specifies which delimiter is used for the decimal.
Argument is expected to be a single character string.
This argument is only used when ``align`` is set to ``TabAlign.DECIMAL``.
fill_char (FillCharKind, str, optional): specifies the character that is used to fill up the space between the text in the text range and the tabulators.
If string value then argument is expected to be a single character string.
Defaults to ``FillCharKind.NONE``
If argument ``type`` is ``None`` then all other argument are ignored
# https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1style_1_1ParagraphProperties-members.html
# in Writer when a tab is added it is static. That is it remains when subsequent paragraphs are added.
# existing paragraph can can add or remove Tabs. This will not affect the tabs of other existing paragraphs.
# most likely it would be best practice not to back up and restore this property
# (ParaLineSpacing) when appending paragraphs in Writer.
init_vals = {"FillChar": str(fill_char)[:1], "Alignment": align, "DecimalChar": decimal_char[:1]}
init_vals["Position"] = position.get_value_mm100() # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
init_vals["Position"] = UnitConvert.convert_mm_mm100(position) # type: ignore
if align != TabAlign.DECIMAL:
init_vals["DecimalChar"] = " "
# endregion init
# region methods
def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return self._supported_services_values
except AttributeError:
self._supported_services_values = ()
return self._supported_services_values
def _get_property_name(self) -> str:
return self._property_name
except AttributeError:
self._property_name = "ParaTabStops"
return self._property_name
[docs] def get_attrs(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return (self._get_property_name(),)
# region apply()
def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: ...
def apply(self, obj: Any, keys: Dict[str, str]) -> None: ...
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore
Applies tab properties to ``obj``
If a Tab instance with the same position is existing it is updated;
Otherwise, a new Tab is added.
obj (object): UNO object that supports ``com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties`` service.
keys (Dict[str, str], optional): Property key, value items that map properties.
.. cssclass:: lo_event
- :py:attr:`~.events.format_named_event.FormatNamedEvent.STYLE_APPLYING` :eventref:`src-docs-event-cancel`
- :py:attr:`~.events.format_named_event.FormatNamedEvent.STYLE_APPLIED` :eventref:`src-docs-event`
# sourcery skip: dict-assign-update-to-union
if not self._is_valid_obj(obj):
# will not apply on this class but may apply on child classes
cargs = CancelEventArgs(source=f"{self.apply.__qualname__}")
cargs.event_data = self
if cargs.cancel:
self._events.trigger(FormatNamedEvent.STYLE_APPLYING, cargs)
if cargs.cancel:
keys = {"prop": self._get_property_name()}
if "keys" in kwargs:
key = keys["prop"]
tss = cast(Tuple[TabStop, ...], mProps.Props.get(obj, key))
match = -1
# often Writer will change Position values, 800 to 801 etc.
# for this reason using a range to check plus or minus 2
pos = int(self._get("Position"))
pos_rng = range(pos - 2, pos + 3) # plus or minus 2
for i, ts in enumerate(tss):
if pos == ts.Position:
# also covers 0
match = i
if ts.Position in pos_rng:
match = i
ts = self.get_uno_struct()
tss_lst = list(tss)
if match >= 0:
tss_lst[match] = ts
self._set_obj_tabs(obj, tss_lst, key)
eargs = EventArgs.from_args(cargs)
self._events.trigger(FormatNamedEvent.STYLE_APPLIED, eargs)
# mProps.Props.set(obj, **{key: tuple(tss_lst)})
# endregion apply()
[docs] def get_uno_struct(self) -> TabStop:
Gets UNO ``TabStop`` from instance.
TabStop: ``TabStop`` instance
dec = self._get("DecimalChar") if self.prop_align == TabAlign.DECIMAL else " "
return TabStop(
# region from_obj()
def from_obj(cls: Type[_TTabStopStruct], obj: Any) -> _TTabStopStruct: ...
def from_obj(cls: Type[_TTabStopStruct], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TTabStopStruct: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def from_obj(cls: Type[_TTabStopStruct], obj: Any, index: int = 0, **kwargs) -> _TTabStopStruct:
Gets instance from object
obj (object): UNO object
index (int, optional): Index of tab stop. Default ``0``.
PropertyNotFoundError: If ``obj`` does not have required property
Tab: ``Tab`` instance that represents ``obj`` Tab properties.
# sourcery skip: raise-from-previous-error
# this nu is only used to get Property Name
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
nu = cls(**kwargs)
prop_name = nu._get_property_name()
tss = cast(Tuple[TabStop, ...], mProps.Props.get(obj, prop_name))
except mEx.PropertyNotFoundError:
raise mEx.PropertyNotFoundError(prop_name, f"from_obj() obj as no {prop_name} property")
# can expect for ts to contain at least one TabAlign
ts = tss[index]
return cls.from_uno_struct(ts, **kwargs)
# endregion from_obj()
# region from_tab_stop()
def from_uno_struct(cls: Type[_TTabStopStruct], ts: TabStop) -> _TTabStopStruct: ...
def from_uno_struct(cls: Type[_TTabStopStruct], ts: TabStop, **kwargs) -> _TTabStopStruct: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def from_uno_struct(cls: Type[_TTabStopStruct], ts: TabStop, **kwargs) -> _TTabStopStruct:
Converts a Tab Stop instance to a Tab
ts (TabStop): Tab stop
Tab: Tab set with Tab Stop properties
# pylint: disable=protected-access
inst = cls(**kwargs)
inst._set("FillChar", ts.FillChar)
inst._set("Alignment", ts.Alignment)
inst._set("DecimalChar", ts.DecimalChar)
inst._set("Position", ts.Position)
return inst
# endregion from_tab_stop()
def _set_obj_tabs(self, obj: Any, tabs: Iterable[TabStop], prop: str = "") -> None:
if not prop:
prop = self._get_property_name()
prop_set = mLo.Lo.qi(XPropertySet, obj, raise_err=True)
seq = uno.Any("[]com.sun.star.style.TabStop", tabs) # type: ignore
uno.invoke(prop_set, "setPropertyValue", (prop, seq)) # type: ignore
# endregion methods
# region dunder methods
def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(oth, TabStopStruct):
return (
self._get("Position") == oth._get("Position")
and self._get("Alignment") == oth._get("Alignment")
and self._get("DecimalChar") == oth._get("DecimalChar")
and self._get("FillChar") == oth._get("FillChar")
if hasattr(oth, "typeName") and getattr(oth, "typeName") == "com.sun.star.style.TabStop":
ts = cast(TabStop, oth)
return (
self._get("Position") == ts.Position
and self._get("Alignment") == ts.Alignment
and self._get("DecimalChar") == ts.DecimalChar
and self._get("FillChar") == ts.FillChar
return NotImplemented
# endregion dunder methods
# region format methods
[docs] def fmt_position(self: _TTabStopStruct, value: float | UnitT) -> _TTabStopStruct:
Gets a copy of instance with position set.
value (float, UnitT): Position value (in ``mm`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`.
Tab: Tab instance
cp = self.copy()
cp.prop_position = value
return cp
[docs] def fmt_align(self: _TTabStopStruct, value: TabAlign) -> _TTabStopStruct:
Gets a copy of instance with align set.
value (float): Align value.
Tab: Tab instance
cp = self.copy()
cp.prop_align = value
return cp
[docs] def fmt_decimal_char(self: _TTabStopStruct, value: str) -> _TTabStopStruct:
Gets a copy of instance with decimal char set.
value (float): Decimal char value.
Tab: Tab instance
cp = self.copy()
cp.prop_decimal_char = value
return cp
[docs] def fmt_fill_char(self: _TTabStopStruct, value: FillCharKind | str) -> _TTabStopStruct:
Gets a copy of instance with fill char set.
value (float): Fill char value.
Tab: Tab instance
cp = self.copy()
cp.prop_fill_char = value
return cp
# endregion format methods
# region properties
def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind:
"""Gets the kind of style"""
return self._format_kind_prop
except AttributeError:
self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.PARA | FormatKind.STATIC
return self._format_kind_prop
def prop_position(self) -> UnitMM:
"""Gets/Sets the position of the tabulator in relation to the left border (in ``mm`` units)."""
return UnitMM.from_mm100(self._get("Position"))
def prop_position(self, value: float | UnitT) -> None:
self._set("Position", value.get_value_mm100()) # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
self._set("Position", UnitConvert.convert_mm_mm100(value)) # type: ignore
def prop_align(self) -> TabAlign:
"""Gets/Sets the alignment of the text range before the tabulator"""
return self._get("Alignment")
def prop_align(self, value: TabAlign) -> None:
self._set("Alignment", value)
def prop_decimal_char(self) -> str:
"""Gets/Sets which delimiter is used for the decimal."""
return self._get("DecimalChar")
def prop_decimal_char(self, value: str) -> None:
# tab align is not decimal then get_tab_stop() will replace
# DecimalChar with " "
# so there is no concern about letting any value being set here.
self._set("DecimalChar", value[:1])
def prop_fill_char(self) -> str:
"""Gets/Sets which delimiter is used for the decimal."""
return self._get("FillChar")
def prop_fill_char(self, value: FillCharKind | str) -> None:
self._set("FillChar", str(value)[:1])
# endregion properties