Module for table side (``BorderLine2``) struct.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
# region Import
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Tuple, cast, overload, Type, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from ooo.dyn.table.border_line import BorderLine
from ooo.dyn.table.border_line_style import BorderLineStyle
from ooo.dyn.table.border_line2 import BorderLine2
from ooodev.events.args.cancel_event_args import CancelEventArgs
from ooodev.format.inner.common import border_width_impl as mBwi
from ooodev.format.inner.direct.structs.struct_base import StructBase
from ooodev.format.inner.kind.format_kind import FormatKind
from ooodev.meta.deleted_enum_meta import DeletedUnoConstEnumMeta
from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.units.unit_convert import UnitConvert
from ooodev.units.unit_convert import UnitLength
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
from ooodev.units.unit_pt import UnitPT
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.color import Color
from ooodev.utils.color import StandardColor
# endregion Import
_TSide = TypeVar("_TSide", bound="Side")
# region Enums
# if doc are building then use this class for doc purposes.
# Otherwise, Sphinx will error for BorderLineKind
class BorderLineKind(IntEnum):
Enum of Const Class BorderLineStyle
NONE = BorderLineStyle.NONE
No border line.
SOLID = BorderLineStyle.SOLID
Solid border line.
DOTTED = BorderLineStyle.DOTTED
Dotted border line.
DASHED = BorderLineStyle.DASHED
Dashed border line.
DOUBLE = BorderLineStyle.DOUBLE
Double border line.
Widths of the lines and the gap are all equal, and vary equally with the total width.
Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a small gap.
Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a medium gap.
Double border line with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a large gap.
Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a small gap.
Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a medium gap.
Double border line with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a large gap.
3D embossed border line.
3D engraved border line.
OUTSET = BorderLineStyle.OUTSET
Outset border line.
INSET = BorderLineStyle.INSET
Inset border line.
Finely dashed border line.
Double border line consisting of two fixed thin lines separated by a variable gap.
DASH_DOT = BorderLineStyle.DASH_DOT
Line consisting of a repetition of one dash and one dot.
Line consisting of a repetition of one dash and 2 dots.
Maximum valid border line style value.
# Class takes the place of the above class at runtime.
# The reason for this to make sure 'AT_FRAME' enum value is excluded.
# Also, future-proof enum, if later version add new enum values.
[docs] class BorderLineKind(
"""Dynamic Enum. Contains all the constant values of ``com.sun.star.table.BorderLineStyle`` as Enum values"""
def _get_deleted_attribs() -> Tuple[str]:
[docs]class LineSize(Enum):
"""Line Size Options"""
HAIRLINE = (1, 0.05)
VERY_THIN = (2, 0.5)
THIN = (3, 0.75)
MEDIUM = (4, 1.5)
THICK = (4, 2.25)
EXTRA_THICK = (5, 4.5)
def __float__(self) -> float:
return self.value[1]
[docs] def get_value_pt(self) -> float:
Gets instance value in ``pt`` (point) units.
float: Value in ``pt`` units.
return self.value[1]
# endregion Enums
# from some reason LibreOffice sometimes changes the values of BorderLine2 value with certain BorderLineStyleEnum
# such as DOUBLE_THIN, in testing is showed that DOUBLE_THIN caused BorderLine2.LineWidth to be changed.
# However, setting DOUBLE_THIN in libreOffice manually does not have this effect.
[docs]class Side(StructBase):
Side struct.
Represents one side of a border.
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
# region init
[docs] def __init__(
line: BorderLineKind = BorderLineKind.SOLID,
color: Color = StandardColor.BLACK,
width: LineSize | float | UnitT = LineSize.THIN,
) -> None:
Constructs Side
line (BorderLineStyleEnum, optional): Line Style of the border. Default ``BorderLineKind.SOLID``.
color (:py:data:`~.utils.color.Color`, optional): Color of the border. Default ``StandardColor.BLACK``
width (LineSize, float, UnitT, optional): Contains the width in of a single line or the width of outer part of a double line (in ``pt`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. If this value is zero, no line is drawn. Default ``LineSize.THIN``
ValueError: if ``color``, ``width`` or ``width_inner`` is less than ``0``.
self._pts = cast(float, width.get_value_pt()) # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
self._pts = float(width) # type: ignore
if color < 0:
raise ValueError("color must be a positive value")
if self._pts < 0.0:
raise ValueError("width must be a positive value")
if self._pts > 9.0000001:
raise ValueError("Maximum width allowed is 9pt")
lw = round(UnitConvert.convert(num=self._pts, frm=UnitLength.PT, to=UnitLength.MM100))
init_vals = {
"Color": color,
"InnerLineWidth": 0,
"LineDistance": 0,
"LineStyle": line.value,
"LineWidth": lw,
"OuterLineWidth": 0,
self._set_line_values(pts=self._pts, line=line)
def _set_line_values(self, pts: float, line: BorderLineKind) -> None:
# sourcery skip: extract-duplicate-method, inline-immediately-returned-variable, low-code-quality
# taken care of by creating dynamic enum BorderLineKind
# if line.name == BorderLineKind.BORDER_LINE_STYLE_MAX:
# raise ValueError("BORDER_LINE_STYLE_MAX is not supported")
val_keys = ("OuterLineWidth", "InnerLineWidth", "LineDistance")
if line == BorderLineKind.NONE:
for attr in val_keys:
self._set(attr, 0)
twips = round(UnitConvert.to_twips(pts, UnitLength.PT))
single_lns = (
en_em = (BorderLineKind.ENGRAVED, BorderLineKind.EMBOSSED)
vals = None
if line in single_lns:
flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=1.0, nRate2=0.0, nRateGap=0.0)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.DOUBLE:
flags = (
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE2
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=1 / 3, nRate2=1 / 3, nRateGap=1 / 3)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.DOUBLE_THIN:
flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_DIST
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=10.0, nRate2=10.0, nRateGap=1.0)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.THINTHICK_SMALLGAP:
flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(
nFlags=flags, nRate1=1.0, nRate2=mBwi.THINTHICK_SMALLGAP_LINE2, nRateGap=mBwi.THINTHICK_SMALLGAP_GAP
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.THINTHICK_MEDIUMGAP:
flags = (
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE2
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=0.5, nRate2=0.25, nRateGap=0.25)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.THINTHICK_LARGEGAP:
flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_DIST
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(
nFlags=flags, nRate1=mBwi.THINTHICK_LARGEGAP_LINE1, nRate2=mBwi.THINTHICK_LARGEGAP_LINE2, nRateGap=1.0
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP:
flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE2
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(
nFlags=flags, nRate1=mBwi.THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP_LINE1, nRate2=1.0, nRateGap=mBwi.THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP_GAP
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.THICKTHIN_MEDIUMGAP:
flags = (
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE2
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=0.25, nRate2=0.5, nRateGap=0.25)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP:
flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_DIST
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(
nFlags=flags, nRate1=mBwi.THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP_LINE1, nRate2=mBwi.THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP_LINE2, nRateGap=1.0
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line in en_em:
# Word compat: the lines widths are exactly following this rule, should be:
# 0.75pt up to 3pt and then 3pt
flags = (
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
| mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE2
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=0.25, nRate2=0.25, nRateGap=0.5)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.OUTSET:
flags = flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_DIST | mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE2
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=mBwi.OUTSET_LINE1, nRate2=0.5, nRateGap=0.5)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
elif line == BorderLineKind.INSET:
flags = flags = mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_DIST | mBwi.BorderWidthImplFlags.CHANGE_LINE1
bw = mBwi.BorderWidthImpl(nFlags=flags, nRate1=0.5, nRate2=mBwi.INSET_LINE2, nRateGap=0.5)
vals = (bw.get_line1(twips), bw.get_line2(twips), bw.get_gap(twips))
if vals:
for key, value in zip(val_keys, vals):
val = round(UnitConvert.convert_twip_mm100(value))
self._set(key, val)
# endregion init
# region Overrides
def _get_internal_cattribs(self) -> dict:
cattribs = {
"_props_internal_attributes": self._props,
"_supported_services_values": self._supported_services(),
"_format_kind_prop": self.prop_format_kind,
with contextlib.suppress(NotImplementedError):
cattribs["_property_name"] = self._get_property_name()
return cattribs
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
bl2 = None
if isinstance(other, Side):
bl2 = other.get_uno_struct()
elif getattr(other, "typeName", None) == "com.sun.star.table.BorderLine2":
bl2 = cast(BorderLine2, other)
if bl2:
bl1 = self.get_uno_struct()
return (
bl1.Color == bl2.Color
and bl1.InnerLineWidth == bl2.InnerLineWidth
and bl1.LineDistance == bl2.LineDistance
and bl1.LineStyle == bl2.LineStyle
and bl1.LineWidth == bl2.LineWidth
and bl1.OuterLineWidth == bl2.OuterLineWidth
return False
def _supported_services(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return self._supported_services_values
except AttributeError:
self._supported_services_values = ()
return self._supported_services_values
def _on_modifying(self, source: Any, event: CancelEventArgs) -> None:
if self._is_default_inst:
raise ValueError("Modifying a default instance is not allowed")
return super()._on_modifying(source, event)
# region apply()
def apply(self, obj: Any) -> None: # type: ignore
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None:
Applies style to object
obj (object): Object to apply style to.
if not mProps.Props.has(obj, self._get_property_name()):
struct = self.get_uno_struct()
props = {self.property_name: struct}
super().apply(obj=obj, override_dv=props)
# endregion apply()
# region copy()
def copy(self: _TSide) -> _TSide: ...
def copy(self: _TSide, **kwargs) -> _TSide: ...
[docs] def copy(self: _TSide, **kwargs) -> _TSide:
"""Gets a copy of instance as a new instance"""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
cp = super().copy(**kwargs)
cp._pts = self._pts
self._copy_missing_attribs(self, cp, "_property_name", "_supported_services_values")
return cp
# endregion copy()
# endregion Overrides
# region methods
[docs] def get_uno_struct_border_line(self) -> BorderLine:
Gets UNO ``BorderLine`` from instance.
BorderLine: ``BorderLine`` instance
b2 = self.get_uno_struct()
return BorderLine(
[docs] def get_uno_struct(self) -> BorderLine2:
Gets UNO ``BorderLine2`` from instance.
BorderLine2: ``BorderLine2`` instance
line = BorderLine2() # create the borderline
for key, val in self._dv.items():
setattr(line, key, val)
return line
# endregion methods
# region static methods
# region from_obj()
def from_obj(cls: Type[_TSide], obj: Any) -> _TSide: ...
def from_obj(cls: Type[_TSide], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TSide: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def from_obj(cls: Type[_TSide], obj: Any, **kwargs) -> _TSide:
Gets instance from object
obj (object): UNO object
Side: Instance from object
nu = cls(**kwargs)
border = cast(BorderLine2, mProps.Props.get(obj, nu._get_property_name()))
return cls.from_uno_struct(border, **kwargs)
# endregion from_obj()
# region from_uno_struct()
def from_uno_struct(cls: Type[_TSide], border: BorderLine2) -> _TSide: ...
def from_uno_struct(cls: Type[_TSide], border: BorderLine2, **kwargs) -> _TSide: ...
[docs] @classmethod
def from_uno_struct(cls: Type[_TSide], border: BorderLine2, **kwargs) -> _TSide:
Gets instance that is populated from UNO ``BorderLine2``.
border (BorderLine2): UNO struct
Side: instance.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
pt_width = round(UnitConvert.convert(num=border.LineWidth, frm=UnitLength.MM100, to=UnitLength.PT), 2)
inst = cls(width=pt_width, **kwargs)
inst._set("Color", border.Color)
inst._set("InnerLineWidth", border.InnerLineWidth)
inst._set("LineDistance", border.LineDistance)
inst._set("LineStyle", border.LineStyle)
inst._set("LineWidth", border.LineWidth)
inst._set("OuterLineWidth", border.OuterLineWidth)
return inst
# endregion from_uno_struct()
# endregion static methods
# region style methods
[docs] def fmt_style(self: _TSide, value: BorderLineKind) -> _TSide:
Gets copy of instance with style set.
value (BorderLineStyleEnum): style value
Side: Side with style set
return self.__class__(line=value, width=self._pts, color=self.prop_color)
[docs] def fmt_color(self: _TSide, value: Color) -> _TSide:
Gets copy of instance with color set.
value (Color): color value
Side: Side with color set
cp = self.copy()
cp.prop_color = value
return cp
[docs] def fmt_width(self: _TSide, value: float) -> _TSide:
Gets copy of instance with width set.
value (float): width value
Side: Side with width set
return self.__class__(line=self.prop_line, width=value, color=self.prop_color)
# endregion style methods
# region Style Properties
def line_none(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with no borderline"""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.NONE)
def line_solid(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with solid borderline"""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.SOLID)
def line_dotted(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with dotted borderline"""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.DOTTED)
def line_dashed(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with dashed borderline"""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.DASHED)
def line_double(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with double borderline"""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.DOUBLE)
def line_thin_thick_small_gap(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
Gets instance with double borderline with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a small gap.
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.THINTHICK_SMALLGAP)
def line_thin_thick_medium_gap(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
Gets instance with double borderline with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a medium gap.
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.THINTHICK_MEDIUMGAP)
def line_thin_thick_large_gap(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
Gets instance with double borderline with a thin line outside and a thick line inside separated by a large gap.
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.THINTHICK_LARGEGAP)
def line_thick_thin_small_gap(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
Gets instance with double borderline with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a small gap.
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.THICKTHIN_SMALLGAP)
def line_thick_thin_medium_gap(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
Gets instance with double borderline with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a medium gap.
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.THICKTHIN_MEDIUMGAP)
def line_thick_thin_large_gap(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
Gets instance with double borderline with a thick line outside and a thin line inside separated by a large gap.
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.THICKTHIN_LARGEGAP)
def line_embossed(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with 3D embossed borderline."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.EMBOSSED)
def line_engraved(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with 3D engraved borderline."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.ENGRAVED)
def line_outset(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with outset borderline."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.OUTSET)
def line_inset(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with inset borderline."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.INSET)
def line_fine_dashed(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with finely dashed borderline."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.FINE_DASHED)
def line_double_thin(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with Double borderline consisting of two fixed thin lines separated by a variable gap."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.DOUBLE_THIN)
def line_dash_dot(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with line consisting of a repetition of one dash and one dot."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.DASH_DOT)
def line_dash_dot_dot(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets instance with line consisting of a repetition of one dash and 2 dots."""
return self.fmt_style(BorderLineKind.DASH_DOT_DOT)
# endregion Style Properties
# region properties
def prop_format_kind(self) -> FormatKind:
"""Gets the kind of style"""
return self._format_kind_prop
except AttributeError:
self._format_kind_prop = FormatKind.STRUCT
return self._format_kind_prop
def prop_line(self) -> BorderLineKind:
"""Gets borderline style"""
pv = cast(int, self._get("LineStyle"))
return BorderLineKind(pv)
def prop_line(self, value: BorderLineKind) -> None:
self._set("LineStyle", value.value)
self._set_line_values(self._pts, value)
def prop_color(self) -> Color:
"""Gets borderline Color"""
return self._get("Color")
def prop_color(self, value: Color) -> None:
self._set("Color", value)
def property_name(self) -> str:
Gets/Sets property name
This is the name of the property that the side should be applied to. Such as ``LeftBorder``, ``RightBorder`` etc.
return self._get_property_name()
def property_name(self, value: str) -> None:
def prop_width(self) -> UnitPT:
Gets borderline Width.
Contains the width of a single line or the width of outer part of a double line (in ``pt`` units).
If this value is zero, no line is drawn.
return UnitPT(self._pts)
def empty(self: _TSide) -> _TSide:
"""Gets an empty side. When applied formatting is removed"""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
return self._empty_inst
except AttributeError:
self._empty_inst = self.__class__(
line=BorderLineKind.NONE, color=0, width=0.0, _cattribs=self._get_internal_cattribs() # type: ignore
self._empty_inst._is_default_inst = True
return self._empty_inst
# endregion properties