Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from import XShape
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size as UnoSize

from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from import Size as ShapeSize
from import Position
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.data_type.point import Point as OooDevPoint
from ooodev.utils.data_type.size import Size as OooDevSize
from ooodev.utils.kind.shape_base_point_kind import ShapeBasePointKind

    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT

[docs]def calculate_x_and_y_from_point_kind( x: int, y: int, orig_size: OooDevSize, new_size: OooDevSize, point_kind: ShapeBasePointKind ) -> OooDevPoint: """ Calculates the x and y coordinates from the point kind for a shapes size. Args: x (int): x in ``1/100th mm``. y (int): y in ``1/100th mm``. orig_size (Size): Shape original size in ``1/100th mm``. new_size (Size): Shape new size in ``1/100th mm``. point_kind (ShapeBasePointKind): Point Kind Raises: ValueError: If Shape size is <= 0. ValueError: Unknown point_kind. Returns: Size: Size in ``1/100th mm``. """ if orig_size.width <= 0: raise ValueError(f"orig_size.width must be > 0, not {orig_size.width}") if orig_size.height <= 0: raise ValueError(f"orig_size.height must be > 0, not {orig_size.height}") if new_size.width <= 0: raise ValueError(f"new_size.width must be > 0, not {new_size.width}") if new_size.height <= 0: raise ValueError(f"new_size.height must be > 0, not {new_size.height}") if point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.TOP_LEFT: pass elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.TOP_CENTER: # Shape left will move half the difference -/+ diff_width = orig_size.width - new_size.width if diff_width != 0: x += round(diff_width / 2) elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.TOP_RIGHT: # Shape left will move full difference -/+ diff_width = orig_size.width - new_size.width if diff_width != 0: x += diff_width elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.CENTER_LEFT: # Shape top will move half the difference -/+ diff_height = orig_size.height - new_size.height if diff_height != 0: y += round(diff_height / 2) elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.CENTER: diff_width = orig_size.width - new_size.width if diff_width != 0: x += round(diff_width / 2) diff_height = orig_size.height - new_size.height if diff_height != 0: y += round(diff_height / 2) elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.CENTER_RIGHT: diff_width = orig_size.width - new_size.width if diff_width != 0: x += diff_width diff_height = orig_size.height - new_size.height if diff_height != 0: y += round(diff_height / 2) elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.BOTTOM_LEFT: diff_height = orig_size.height - new_size.height if diff_height != 0: y += diff_height elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.BOTTOM_CENTER: diff_width = orig_size.width - new_size.width if diff_width != 0: x += round(diff_width / 2) diff_height = orig_size.height - new_size.height if diff_height != 0: y += diff_height elif point_kind == ShapeBasePointKind.BOTTOM_RIGHT: diff_width = orig_size.width - new_size.width if diff_width != 0: x += diff_width diff_height = orig_size.height - new_size.height if diff_height != 0: y += diff_height else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown point_kind: {point_kind}") return OooDevPoint(x=x, y=y)
[docs]class Size(ShapeSize): """ Positions a shape. .. versionadded:: 0.17.3 """ # in draw document the page margins are also included in the position. # if page margin is 10mm and shape is positioned at 0,0 in the dialog box then the shape is actually at 10,10 in the position struct. # this means that the position class must be aware of the document margins and add them to the position. # for a chart the margins are not included in the position struct.
[docs] def __init__( self, width: float | UnitT, height: float | UnitT, base_point: ShapeBasePointKind = ShapeBasePointKind.TOP_LEFT, ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: width (float | UnitT): Specifies the width of the shape (in ``mm`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. height (float | UnitT): Specifies the height of the shape (in ``mm`` units) or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. base_point (ShapeBasePointKind): Specifies the base point of the shape used to calculate the X and Y coordinates. Default is ``TOP_LEFT``. Returns: None: """ super().__init__(width=width, height=height) self._base_point = base_point
# draw_page.BorderBottom # region Overridden Methods
[docs] def apply(self, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> None: """ Applies properties to ``obj`` Args: obj (Any): UNO object. Returns: None: """ name = self._get_property_name() if not name: return shape = mLo.Lo.qi(XShape, obj) if shape is None: return new_size = OooDevSize(width=self._width, height=self._height) if self._base_point != ShapeBasePointKind.TOP_LEFT: sz = shape.getSize() orig_size = OooDevSize(width=sz.Width, height=sz.Height) pos = Position.from_obj(obj=obj) pt = calculate_x_and_y_from_point_kind( x=pos._pos_x, y=pos._pos_y, orig_size=orig_size, new_size=new_size, point_kind=self._base_point ) if pt.x != pos._pos_x or pt.y != pos._pos_y: # there is a difference pos._pos_x = pt.x pos._pos_y = pt.y pos.apply(obj=obj) # Draw automatically add the page borders to the position when setting. # struct = UnoPoint(X=size.width + self._draw_page.BorderLeft, Y=size.height + self._draw_page.BorderTop) struct = UnoSize(Width=self._width, Height=self._height) props = kwargs.pop("override_dv", {}) props.update({name: struct}) super().apply(obj=obj, override_dv=props, update_dv=False)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs) -> Size: """ Copy the current instance. Returns: Size: The copied instance. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access cp = cast(Size, super().copy(**kwargs)) cp._base_point = self._base_point return cp
# endregion Overridden Methods # region from_obj() @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any) -> Size: """ Gets size from ``obj`` Args: obj (Any): UNO Shape object. Returns: Size: New instance. """ ... @overload @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> Size: """ Gets size from ``obj`` Args: obj (Any): UNO Shape object. **kwargs: Additional arguments. Returns: Size: New instance. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, **kwargs) -> Size: """ Gets size from ``obj`` Args: obj (Any): UNO Shape object. Returns: Size: New instance. """ inst = cls(width=0, height=0, **kwargs) name = inst._get_property_name() if not name: raise mEx.NotSupportedError("Object is not supported for conversion to Size") if not inst._is_valid_obj(obj): raise mEx.NotSupportedError("Object is not supported for conversion to Size") sz = cast(UnoSize, mProps.Props.get(obj, name, None)) if sz is not None: inst._width = sz.Width inst._height = sz.Height return inst
# endregion from_obj() # region properties @property def prop_base_point(self) -> ShapeBasePointKind: """ Gets/Sets the base point of the shape used to calculate the X and Y coordinates. Returns: ShapeBasePointKind: Base point. """ return self._base_point @prop_base_point.setter def prop_base_point(self, value: ShapeBasePointKind) -> None: self._base_point = value
# endregion properties