Source code for ooodev.form.partial.form_partial

"""Partial Class for Form Component. Not intended to be used directly."""

# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING
import datetime

from import XForms
from import XChild
from import XControl
from import XControlModel
from import XDrawPage

from ooo.dyn.text.text_content_anchor_type import TextContentAnchorType

from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.form import forms as mForms
from ooodev.proto.component_proto import ComponentT
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind import BorderKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.date_format_kind import DateFormatKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind import OrientationKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.state_kind import StateKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.time_format_kind import TimeFormatKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.tri_state_kind import TriStateKind
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_button import FormCtlButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_check_box import FormCtlCheckBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_combo_box import FormCtlComboBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_currency_field import FormCtlCurrencyField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_date_field import FormCtlDateField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_file import FormCtlFile
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_formatted_field import FormCtlFormattedField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_grid import FormCtlGrid
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_group_box import FormCtlGroupBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_image_button import FormCtlImageButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_fixed_text import FormCtlFixedText
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_hidden import FormCtlHidden
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_list_box import FormCtlListBox
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_navigation_tool_bar import FormCtlNavigationToolBar
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_numeric_field import FormCtlNumericField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_pattern_field import FormCtlPatternField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_radio_button import FormCtlRadioButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_rich_text import FormCtlRichText
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_scroll_bar import FormCtlScrollBar
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_spin_button import FormCtlSpinButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_submit_button import FormCtlSubmitButton
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_text_field import FormCtlTextField
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_time_field import FormCtlTimeField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_check_box import FormCtlDbCheckBox
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_combo_box import FormCtlDbComboBox
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_currency_field import FormCtlDbCurrencyField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_date_field import FormCtlDbDateField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_formatted_field import FormCtlDbFormattedField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_list_box import FormCtlDbListBox
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_numeric_field import FormCtlDbNumericField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_pattern_field import FormCtlDbPatternField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_radio_button import FormCtlDbRadioButton
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_text_field import FormCtlDbTextField
from ooodev.form.controls.database.form_ctl_db_time_field import FormCtlDbTimeField

    from import Form
    from import XComponent
    from import XShape
    from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_base import FormCtlBase
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
    from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr

# endregion Imports

[docs]class FormPartial: """ Method for adding controls and other form elements to a form. """
[docs] def __init__( self, owner: ComponentT, draw_page: XDrawPage, component: Form, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None ) -> None: """ Constructor Args: owner (ComponentT): Class that owns this component. draw_page (XDrawPage): Draw Page component (Form): Form component """ if lo_inst is None: self.__lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo else: self.__lo_inst = lo_inst assert mInfo.Info.support_service( component, "" ), "component must support service" self.__owner = owner self.__component = component self.__draw_page = draw_page with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): forms = mLo.Lo.qi(XForms, component.getParent(), True) self.__doc = cast("XComponent", mLo.Lo.qi(XChild, forms, True).getParent())
# region Insert Control Methods
[docs] def insert_control_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, label: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlButton: """ Inserts a button control. By Default the button has tab stop and does focus on click. Args: doc (XComponent): Component x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int, UnitT, optional): Button Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Button Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. label (str, optional): Button label (text). anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. parent_form (XNameContainer, optional): Parent form in which to add control. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlButton: Button Control """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): result = mForms.Forms.insert_control_button( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, label=label, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return result
[docs] def insert_control_check_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, label: str = "", tri_state: bool = True, state: TriStateKind = TriStateKind.NOT_CHECKED, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlCheckBox: """ Inserts a check box control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. label (str, optional): Label (text) to assign to checkbox. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlCheckBox: Checkbox Control Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``TriStateKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.tri_state_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): result = mForms.Forms.insert_control_check_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, label=label, tri_state=tri_state, state=state, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return result
[docs] def insert_control_combo_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, max_text_len: int = 0, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlComboBox: """ Inserts a ComboBox control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. max_text_len (int, optional): Specifies the maximum character count, There's no limitation, if set to 0. Defaults to ``0``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlComboBox: ComboBox Control Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): result = mForms.Forms.insert_control_combo_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, entries=entries, max_text_len=max_text_len, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return result
[docs] def insert_control_currency_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlCurrencyField: """ Inserts a currency field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlCurrencyField: Currency Field Control Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): result = mForms.Forms.insert_control_currency_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return result
[docs] def insert_control_date_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), max_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), drop_down: bool = True, date_format: DateFormatKind = DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDateField: """ Inserts a Date field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. date_value (datetime.datetime | None, optional): Specifics control datetime. Defaults to ``None``. min_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control Min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. date_format (DateFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDateField: Date Field Control Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``DateFormatKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.date_format_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_date_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_date=min_date, max_date=max_date, drop_down=drop_down, date_format=date_format, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_file( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlFile: """ Inserts a file control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlFile: File Control """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_file( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_formatted_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlFormattedField: """ Inserts a currency field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlFormattedField: Currency Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_formatted_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_group_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, label: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlGroupBox: """ Inserts a Groupbox control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT): Height. label (str, optional): Groupbox label. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlGroupBox: Groupbox Control """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_group_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, label=label, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_grid( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, label: str = "", anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlGrid: """ Inserts a Grid control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate width (int | UnitT): Width height (int, UnitT): Height. label (str, optional): Grid label. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlGrid: Grid Control """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_grid( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, label=label, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_hidden(self, *, name: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> FormCtlHidden: """ Inserts a Hidden control into the form. Args: name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. Returns: FormCtlHidden: Hidden Control. """ # **kwargs are just for backwards compatibility. # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_hidden( name=name, parent_form=self.__component, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_image_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, image_url: PathOrStr = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlImageButton: """ Inserts an Image Button control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. image_url (PathOrStr, optional): Image URL. When setting the value it can be a string or a Path object. If a string is passed it can be a URL or a path to a file. Value such as ``file:///path/to/image.png`` and ``/path/to/image.png`` are valid. Relative paths are supported. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlImageButton: Image Button Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_image_button( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, image_url=image_url, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_label( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, label: str, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlFixedText: """ Inserts a Label control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. label (str): Contents of label. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlFixedText: Label Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_label( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, label=label, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_list_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, line_count: int = 5, multi_select: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlListBox: """ Inserts a ListBox control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. line_count (int, optional): Specifies the number of lines to display. Defaults to ``5``. multi_select (int, optional): Specifies if multiple entries can be selected. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlListBox: ListBox Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_list_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, entries=entries, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, line_count=line_count, multi_select=multi_select, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_navigation_toolbar( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlNavigationToolBar: """ Inserts a Navigation Toolbar control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlNavigationToolBar: Navigation Toolbar Control """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_navigation_toolbar( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_numeric_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlNumericField: """ Inserts a Numeric field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlNumericField: Numeric Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_numeric_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_pattern_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, edit_mask: str = "", literal_mask: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlPatternField: """ Inserts a Pattern field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. edit_mask (str, optional): Specifies a character code that determines what the user may enter. Defaults to ``""``. literal_mask (str, optional): Specifies the initial values that are displayed in the pattern field. Defaults to ``""``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlPatternField: Pattern Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_pattern_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, edit_mask=edit_mask, literal_mask=literal_mask, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_radio_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, label: str = "", state: StateKind = StateKind.NOT_CHECKED, multiline: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlRadioButton: """ Inserts a radio button control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. label (str, optional): Label (text) of control. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. state (StateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``StateKind.NOT_CHECKED``. multiline (bool, optional): Specifies if the control can display multiple lines of text. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlRadioButton: Radio Button Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``StateKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.state_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_radio_button( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, label=label, state=state, multiline=multiline, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_rich_text( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlRichText: """ Inserts a Rich Text control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlRichText: Rich Text Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_rich_text( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_scroll_bar( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlScrollBar: """ Inserts a Scrollbar control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``100``. orientation (OrientationKind, optional): Orientation. Defaults to ``OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlScrollBar: Scrollbar Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``OrientationKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_scroll_bar( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, orientation=orientation, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_spin_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, value: int = 0, min_value: int = -1000000, max_value: int = 1000000, increment: int = 1, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlSpinButton: """ Inserts a Spin Button control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. value (int, optional): Specifies the initial value of the control. Defaults to ``0``. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlSpinButton: Spin Button Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_spin_button( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, value=value, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, increment=increment, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_submit_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlSubmitButton: """ Inserts a submit button control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlSubmitButton: Submit Button Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_submit_button( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_text_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, text: str = "", echo_char: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlTextField: """ Inserts a Text field control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. text (str, optional): Text value. echo_char (str, optional): Character used for masking. Must be a single character. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlTextField: Text Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_text_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, text=text, height=height, echo_char=echo_char, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_control_time_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, time_value: datetime.time | None = None, min_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0), max_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999_999), time_format: TimeFormatKind = TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H, spin_button: bool = True, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlTimeField: """ Inserts a Time field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. time_value (datetime.time | None, optional): Specifics the control time. Defaults to ``None``. min_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to ``time(0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to a ``time(23, 59, 59, 999_999)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. time_format (TimeFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H``. pin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``True``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlTimeField: Time Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``TimeFormatKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.time_format_kind``. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_control_time_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, time_value=time_value, min_time=min_time, max_time=max_time, time_format=time_format, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_check_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, tri_state: bool = True, state: TriStateKind = TriStateKind.CHECKED, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbCheckBox: """ Inserts a database check box control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbCheckBox: Database Checkbox Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_check_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, tri_state=tri_state, state=state, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_combo_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, max_text_len: int = 0, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbComboBox: """ Inserts a Database ComboBox control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. max_text_len (int, optional): Specifies the maximum character count, There's no limitation, if set to 0. Defaults to ``0``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbComboBox: Database ComboBox Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_combo_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, entries=entries, height=height, max_text_len=max_text_len, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_currency_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbCurrencyField: """ Inserts a database currency field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbCurrencyField: Database Currency Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_currency_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_date_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), max_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), drop_down: bool = True, date_format: DateFormatKind = DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbDateField: """ Inserts a Database Date field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. date_value (datetime.datetime | None, optional): Specifics control datetime. Defaults to ``None``. min_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control Min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. date_format (DateFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbDateField: Database Date Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_date_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_date=min_date, max_date=max_date, drop_down=drop_down, date_format=date_format, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_formatted_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbFormattedField: """ Inserts a Database currency field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbFormattedField: Database Currency Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_formatted_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_list_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, entries: Iterable[str] | None = None, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, line_count: int = 5, multi_select: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbListBox: """ Inserts a Database ListBox control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT): Height. entries (Iterable[str], optional): Combo box entries drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. line_count (int, optional): Specifies the number of lines to display. Defaults to ``5``. multi_select (int, optional): Specifies if multiple entries can be selected. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbListBox: Database ListBox Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_list_box( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, entries=entries, height=height, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, line_count=line_count, multi_select=multi_select, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_numeric_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbNumericField: """ Inserts a Database Numeric field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbNumericField: Database Numeric Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_numeric_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_pattern_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, edit_mask: str = "", literal_mask: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbPatternField: """ Inserts a Database Pattern field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. edit_mask (str, optional): Specifies a character code that determines what the user may enter. Defaults to ``""``. literal_mask (str, optional): Specifies the initial values that are displayed in the pattern field. Defaults to ``""``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbPatternField: Database Pattern Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_pattern_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, edit_mask=edit_mask, literal_mask=literal_mask, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_radio_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, state: StateKind = StateKind.NOT_CHECKED, multiline: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbRadioButton: """ Inserts a Database radio button control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType | None, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. tri_state (StateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``StateKind.NOT_CHECKED``. multiline (bool, optional): Specifies if the control can display multiple lines of text. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbRadioButton: Database Radio Button Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_radio_button( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, state=state, multiline=multiline, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_text_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, text: str = "", echo_char: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbTextField: """ Inserts a Database Text field control. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. text (str, optional): Text value. echo_char (str, optional): Character used for masking. Must be a single character. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlDbTextField: Database Text Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_text_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, text=text, height=height, echo_char=echo_char, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
[docs] def insert_db_control_time_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 6, time_value: datetime.time | None = None, min_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0), max_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999_999), time_format: TimeFormatKind = TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H, spin_button: bool = True, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, anchor_type: TextContentAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH, name: str = "", styles: Iterable[StyleT] | None = None, ) -> FormCtlDbTimeField: """ Inserts a Database Time field control into the form. Args: x (int | UnitT): X Coordinate. y (int | UnitT): Y Coordinate. width (int | UnitT): Width. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height. Defaults to ``6`` mm. time_value (datetime.time | None, optional): Specifics the control time. Defaults to ``None``. min_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to ``time(0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to a ``time(23, 59, 59, 999_999)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. time_format (TimeFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H``. pin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``True``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. anchor_type (TextContentAnchorType, optional): Control Anchor Type. Defaults to ``TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH`` name (str, optional): Name of control. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. styles (Iterable[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to the control shape. Returns: FormCtlTimeField: Database Time Field Control. """ # when control is created, it will automatically get the same lo instance as LoContext. with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.insert_db_control_time_field( doc=self.__doc, draw_page=self.__draw_page, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, time_value=time_value, min_time=min_time, max_time=max_time, time_format=time_format, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, anchor_type=anchor_type, name=name, parent_form=self.__component, styles=styles, ) return results
# endregion Insert Control Methods # region Other Form Methods
[docs] def bind_form_to_sql(self, src_name: str, cmd: str) -> None: """ Bind the form to the database in the ``src_name`` URL, and send a SQL cmd Args: src_name (str): Source Name URL cmd (str): Command Returns: None: """ with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): mForms.Forms.bind_form_to_sql(self.__component, src_name, cmd)
[docs] def bind_form_to_table(self, src_name: str, tbl_name: str) -> None: """ Bind the form to the database in the src_name URL Args: src_name (str): Source Name URL tbl_name (str): Table Name Returns: None: """ with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): mForms.Forms.bind_form_to_table(self.__component, src_name, tbl_name)
[docs] def get_control(self, ctl_model: XControlModel) -> XControl: """ Gets the control from the specified control model. Args: ctl_model (XControlModel): Control Model Raises: Exception: If unable to get control Returns: XControl: Control """ with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): results = mForms.Forms.get_control(self.__doc, ctl_model) return results
[docs] def get_control_model(self, ctl_name: str) -> XControlModel: """ Gets Control Model by Name Args: ctl_name (str): Name of control Raises: MissingNameError: If control not found Returns: XControlModel | None: Control Model if found; Otherwise, None """ if self.__component.hasByName(ctl_name): with LoContext(self.__lo_inst): result = mForms.Forms.get_control_model(self.__doc, ctl_name) if result is None: raise mEx.MissingNameError(f"Control '{ctl_name}' not found") return result else: raise mEx.MissingNameError(f"Control '{ctl_name}' not found")
[docs] def get_control_index(self, ctl: FormCtlBase | XControlModel) -> int: """ Get the index of the control within the form. Args: ctl (FormCtlBase, XControlModel): Control object. Returns: int: Control Index within the form or ``-1`` if not found. .. versionadded:: 0.38.0 """ return mForms.Forms.get_control_index(self.__component, ctl)
[docs] def find_shape_for_control(self, ctl: FormCtlBase | XControlModel) -> XShape | None: """ Find the shape for a control. Args: control (FormCtlBase | XControlModel): control to find shape for. Returns: XShape | None: Shape for the control or ``None`` if not found. .. versionadded:: 0.38.0 """ return mForms.Forms.find_shape_for_control(self.__draw_page, ctl)
# endregion Other Form Methods