from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Type
from import XGluePointsSupplier
from ooodev.draw.shapes.draw_shape import DrawShape
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.fill_properties_partial import FillPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.line_properties_partial import LinePropertiesPartial
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.shadow_properties_partial import ShadowPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.text_properties_partial import TextPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.adapter.document.link_target_properties_partial import LinkTargetPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.glue_points_supplier_partial import GluePointsSupplierPartial
from ooodev.adapter.presentation.shape_properties_partial import ShapePropertiesPartial
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.shape_group_partial import ShapeGroupPartial
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.shapes_partial import ShapesPartial
from import OfficeDocumentPropPartial
from ooodev.loader.inst.doc_type import DocType
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.rotation_descriptor_properties_partial import RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
[docs]class ShapeClassFactory(OfficeDocumentPropPartial):
""" "
Generates a class instance of a shape.
If a shape supports a service, a partial class is created for that service.
The partial class is a subclass of the DrawShape class.
The Service to partial class mapping is as follows:
- ```` -> ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.line_properties_partial.LinePropertiesPartial``
- ```` -> ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.fill_properties_partial.FillPropertiesPartial``
- ```` -> ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.shadow_properties_partial.ShadowPropertiesPartial``
- ```` -> ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.rotation_descriptor_properties_partial.RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial``
- ```` -> ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.text_properties_partial.TextPropertiesPartial``
- ````-> ``ooodev.adapter.document.link_target_properties_partial.LinkTargetPropertiesPartial``
If the shape supports the ```` service, the following partial classes are implemented:
- ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.shape_group_partial.ShapeGroupPartial``
- ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.shapes_partial.ShapesPartial``
- ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.rotation_descriptor_properties_partial.RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial``
- ``ooodev.adapter.document.link_target_properties_partial.LinkTargetPropertiesPartial``
If the shape supports the ``XGluePointsSupplier`` interface, the following partial class is also implemented:
- ``ooodev.adapter.drawing.glue_points_supplier_partial.GluePointsSupplierPartial``
If the shape document is of type ``DocType.IMPRESS`` (Impress document) and the shape supports the ```` service, the following partial class is also implemented:
- ``ooodev.adapter.presentation.shape_properties_partial.ShapePropertiesPartial``
[docs] def __init__(
owner: Any,
component: Any,
class_name: str = "",
lo_inst: LoInst | None = None,
base_class: Type[Any] = DrawShape,
) -> None:
owner (Any): Owner of the shape
component (Any): UNO component that represents the shape
class_name (str, optional): Class Name. Default to the name of the ``base_class``.
lo_inst (LoInst | None, optional): Load Office instance. Defaults to None.
base_class (Type[Any], optional): Base Class Parent that the shape inherits from. Defaults to DrawShape.
ValueError: _description_
# in Python 3.7 and later, dict keys are ordered. This is important because the order of the bases
if not isinstance(owner, OfficeDocumentPropPartial):
raise ValueError("owner must be an instance of OfficeDocumentPropPartial")
OfficeDocumentPropPartial.__init__(self, owner.office_doc)
if lo_inst is None:
lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo
self._owner = owner
self._lo_inst = lo_inst
self._name = class_name or base_class.__name__
self._component = component
self._base_class = base_class
self._existing = set(type.mro(base_class))
self._bases_partial: Dict[Type, Any] = {}
self._bases_interfaces: Dict[Type, Any] = {}
self._supported = set(mInfo.Info.get_available_services(self._component))
if "" in self._supported and LinePropertiesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_partial[LinePropertiesPartial] = None
if "" in self._supported and FillPropertiesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_partial[FillPropertiesPartial] = None
if (
"" in self._supported
and ShadowPropertiesPartial not in self._existing
self._bases_partial[ShadowPropertiesPartial] = None
if (
"" in self._supported
and RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial not in self._existing
self._bases_partial[RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial] = None
if "" in self._supported and TextPropertiesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_partial[TextPropertiesPartial] = None
if "" in self._supported and LinkTargetPropertiesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_partial[LinkTargetPropertiesPartial] = None
if "" in self._supported:
if ShapeGroupPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_interfaces[ShapeGroupPartial] = None
if ShapesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_interfaces[ShapesPartial] = None
if RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_partial[RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial] = None
if RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_partial[RotationDescriptorPropertiesPartial] = None
# sourcery skip: swap-nested-ifs
# sourcery skip: merge-nested-ifs
if self.office_doc.DOC_TYPE == DocType.IMPRESS:
# Even though shapes in Draw and Impress are the same, the supported services are different.
# A shape in Draw may say it supports a presentation service but it may not.
# When a shape is drawn on a Drawpage in the Draw program. and the the draw.get_selected_shapes() is used to get
# the selected shapes, the shape will not have the presentation service even thought is is reported in the getAvailableServices()
if "" in self._supported:
self._bases_partial[ShapePropertiesPartial] = None
if mLo.Lo.qi(XGluePointsSupplier, component) is not None:
if GluePointsSupplierPartial not in self._existing:
self._bases_interfaces[GluePointsSupplierPartial] = None
def _generate_class(self, **kwargs) -> type:
Combines all the partial classes and the base class to create a new class.
If there are no new partial classes, the base class is returned
bases = [self._base_class] + list(self._bases_interfaces.keys()) + list(self._bases_partial.keys())
if len(bases) == 1 and not kwargs and self._base_class.__name__ == self._name:
return self._base_class
return type(self._name, tuple(bases), kwargs)
[docs] def get_class(self, **kwargs) -> Any:
Gets the class instance of the shape.
The returned class instance is a subclass of DrawShape and the other partial classes that are supported by the shape.
Any: Shape class instance
# pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
# pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-items
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-dunder-call
clazz = self._generate_class(**kwargs)
instance = clazz(self._owner, self._component, self._lo_inst)
for t in self._bases_interfaces.keys():
t.__init__(instance, self._component, None) # type: ignore
for t in self._bases_partial.keys():
t.__init__(instance, self._component) # type: ignore
return instance