Source code for ooodev.dialog.partial.dialog_controls_partial

# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# region Imports
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Type

# pylint: disable=unused-import

from import XControl

from ooo.dyn.awt.image_scale_mode import ImageScaleModeEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.pos_size import PosSize as PosSize
from ooo.dyn.awt.push_button_type import PushButtonType
from import VerticalAlignment
from ooo.dyn.awt.pos_size import PosSizeEnum as PosSizeEnum

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.utils.kind.align_kind import AlignKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind import BorderKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.date_format_kind import DateFormatKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.horz_ver_kind import HorzVertKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind import OrientationKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.time_format_kind import TimeFormatKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.tri_state_kind import TriStateKind
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_button import CtlButton
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_check_box import CtlCheckBox
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_combo_box import CtlComboBox
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_currency_field import CtlCurrencyField
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_date_field import CtlDateField
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_file import CtlFile
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_fixed_line import CtlFixedLine
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_fixed_text import CtlFixedText
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_formatted_field import CtlFormattedField
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_grid import CtlGrid
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_group_box import CtlGroupBox
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_hyperlink_fixed import CtlHyperlinkFixed
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_image import CtlImage
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_list_box import CtlListBox
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_numeric_field import CtlNumericField
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_pattern_field import CtlPatternField
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_progress_bar import CtlProgressBar
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_radio_button import CtlRadioButton
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_scroll_bar import CtlScrollBar
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_spin_button import CtlSpinButton
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_tab_page import CtlTabPage
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_tab_page_container import CtlTabPageContainer
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_text_edit import CtlTextEdit
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_time_field import CtlTimeField
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_tree import CtlTree

    from import UnoControlDialog  # service
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import PathOrStr
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT

    # Avoid circular import by creating a property in class instance for Dialogs
    from ooodev.dialog.dialogs import Dialogs
# endregion Imports

[docs]class DialogControlsPartial: """Partial Class for Dialog Controls."""
[docs] def __init__(self, dialog_ctl: UnoControlDialog, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: """ Dialog Controls Constructor. Args: dialog_ctl (UnoControlDialog): Main Dialog Window Control. lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to None. """ if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo self.__lo_inst = lo_inst self.__ctl = dialog_ctl
# region Insert Controls # region Insert Button
[docs] def insert_button( self, *, label: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, btn_type: PushButtonType | None = None, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlButton: """ Insert Button Control. Args: label (str): Button Label. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. btn_type (PushButtonType | None, optional): Type of Button. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create button control. Returns: CtlButton: Button control. Hint: - ``PushButtonType`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.push_button_type``. See Also: `API UnoControlButtonModel Service <>`_ """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_button( dialog_ctrl, label=label, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, btn_type=btn_type, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Button # region Insert CheckBox
[docs] def insert_check_box( self, *, label: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 8, tri_state: bool = True, state: TriStateKind = TriStateKind.CHECKED, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlCheckBox: """ Inserts a check box control. Args: label (str): Checkbox label text. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int,, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``8``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. tri_state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies that the control may have the state "don't know". Defaults to ``True``. state (TriStateKind, optional): Specifies the state of the control.Defaults to ``TriStateKind.CHECKED``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of Checkbox. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create checkbox control. Returns: CtlCheckBox: Check box control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``TriStateKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.tri_state_kind``. See Also: `API UnoControlCheckBoxModel Service <>`_ """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_check_box( dialog_ctrl, label=label, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, tri_state=tri_state, state=state, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert CheckBox # region Insert ComboBox
[docs] def insert_combo_box( self, *, entries: Iterable[str], x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, max_text_len: int = 0, drop_down: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlComboBox: """ Insert a combo box control. Args: entries (Iterable[str]): Combo box entries. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. max_text_len (int, optional): Specifies the maximum character count, There's no limitation, if set to 0. Defaults to ``0``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``True``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create combo box control. Returns: CtlComboBox: Combo box control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. See Also: `API UnoControlComboBoxModel Service <>`_ """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_combo_box( dialog_ctrl, entries=entries, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, max_text_len=max_text_len, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert ComboBox # region Insert Currency Field
[docs] def insert_currency_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, value: float = 0.0, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlCurrencyField: """ Inserts a currency control. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. value (float, optional): Control Value. Defaults to ``0.0``. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create currency field box control. Returns: CtlCurrencyField: Currency field control. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_currency_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, value=value, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Currency Field # region Insert Date Field
[docs] def insert_date_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, date_value: datetime.datetime | None = None, min_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), max_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0), drop_down: bool = True, date_format: DateFormatKind = DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlDateField: """ Create a new control of type DateField in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. date_value (datetime.datetime | None, optional): Specifics control datetime. Defaults to ``None``. min_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_date (datetime.datetime, optional): Specifics control Min datetime. Defaults to ``datetime(2200, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0)``. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control is a dropdown. Defaults to ``True``. date_format (DateFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``DateFormatKind.SYSTEM_SHORT``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create date field control. Returns: CtlDateField: Date field control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``DateFormatKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.date_format_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_date_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, date_value=date_value, min_date=min_date, max_date=max_date, drop_down=drop_down, date_format=date_format, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Date Field # region Insert File Control
[docs] def insert_file_control( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlFile: """ Create a new control of type FileControl in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create file control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. Returns: CtlFile: File Control. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_file_control( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert File Control # region Insert Fixed Line
[docs] def insert_fixed_line( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 1, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlFixedLine: """ Create a new control of type Fixed Line in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``1``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. orientation (OrientationKind, optional): Orientation. Defaults to ``OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create fixed line control. Returns: CtlFixedLine: Fixed Line Control. Hint: - ``OrientationKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_fixed_line( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, orientation=orientation, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Fixed Line # region Insert Formatted Field
[docs] def insert_formatted_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, value: float | None = None, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlFormattedField: """ Create a new control of type FormattedField in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. value (float, optional): Control Value. Defaults to ``0.0``. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create formatted field control. Returns: CtlFormattedField: Formatted Field. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_formatted_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, value=value, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Formatted Field # region Insert Group Box
[docs] def insert_group_box( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, label: str = "", name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlGroupBox: """ Create a new control of type GroupBox in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. label (str, optional): Group box label. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create group box control. Returns: CtlGroupBox: Group box Control. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_group_box( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, label=label, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Group Box # region Insert Hyperlink # endregion Insert Hyperlink # region Insert Image Control
[docs] def insert_image_control( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, scale: int | ImageScaleModeEnum = ImageScaleModeEnum.NONE, image_url: PathOrStr = "", name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlImage: """ Create a new control of type ImageControl in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, , UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. image_url (PathOrStr, optional): Image URL. When setting the value it can be a string or a Path object. If a string is passed it can be a URL or a path to a file. Value such as ``file:///path/to/image.png`` and ``/path/to/image.png`` are valid. Relative paths are supported. scale (int | ImageScaleModeEnum, optional): Image scale mode. Defaults to ``ImageScaleModeEnum.NONE``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create image control. Returns: CtlImage: Image Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``ImageScaleModeEnum`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.image_scale_mode``. - ``VerticalAlignment`` can be imported from ````. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_image_control( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, border=border, scale=scale, image_url=image_url, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Image Control # region Insert Label
[docs] def insert_label( self, *, label: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlFixedText: """ Insert a Fixed Text into a control. Args: label (str): Contents of label. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Default ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create Fixed Text. Returns: CtlFixedText: Fixed Text Control. See Also: `API UnoControlFixedTextModel Service <>`_ """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_label( dialog_ctrl, label=label, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Label # region Insert List Box
[docs] def insert_list_box( self, *, entries: Iterable[str], x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 100, drop_down: bool = False, read_only: bool = False, line_count: int = 5, multi_select: bool = False, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlListBox: """ Insert a list box control. Args: entries (Iterable[str]): List box entries. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``100``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. drop_down (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a drop down button. Defaults to ``False``. read_only (bool, optional): Specifies that the content of the control cannot be modified by the user. Defaults to ``False``. line_count (int, optional): Specifies the number of lines to display. Defaults to ``5``. multi_select (int, optional): Specifies if multiple entries can be selected. Defaults to ``False``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create list box control. Returns: CtlListBox: List box control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_list_box( dialog_ctrl, entries=entries, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, drop_down=drop_down, read_only=read_only, line_count=line_count, multi_select=multi_select, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert List Box # region Insert Numeric Field
[docs] def insert_numeric_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, value: float | None = None, min_value: float = -1000000.0, max_value: float = 1000000.0, spin_button: bool = False, increment: int = 1, accuracy: int = 2, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlNumericField: """ Create a new control of type NumericField in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Default ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. value (float, optional): Control Value. Defaults to ``0.0``. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``-1000000.0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``1000000.0``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``False``. increment (int, optional): The step when the spin button is pressed. Defaults to ``1``. accuracy (int, optional): Specifies the decimal accuracy. Default is ``2`` decimal digits border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create numeric field control. Returns: CtlNumericField: Numeric Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_numeric_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, value=value, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, spin_button=spin_button, increment=increment, accuracy=accuracy, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Numeric Field # region Insert Password Field
[docs] def insert_password_field( self, *, text: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlTextEdit: """ Inserts a password field. Args: text (str): Text value. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create text field. Returns: CtlTextEdit: Text Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. See Also: :py:meth:`~.dialogs.self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_text_field`. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_password_field( dialog_ctrl, text=text, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Password Field # region Insert Pattern Field
[docs] def insert_pattern_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, edit_mask: str = "", literal_mask: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, name: str = "", **props: Any, ) -> CtlPatternField: """ Create a new control of type PatternField in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Default``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. edit_mask (str, optional): Specifies a character code that determines what the user may enter. Defaults to ``""``. literal_mask (str, optional): Specifies the initial values that are displayed in the pattern field. Defaults to ``""``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create pattern field control. Returns: CtlPatternField: Pattern Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_pattern_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, edit_mask=edit_mask, literal_mask=literal_mask, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Pattern Field # region Insert Progress Bar
[docs] def insert_progress_bar( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, value: int = 0, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlProgressBar: """ Create a new control of type Progress Control in the actual dialog. Args: x (int): X coordinate. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``100``. value (int, optional): The value initial value of the progress bar. Defaults to ``0``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create numeric field control. Returns: CtlProgressBar: Progress Bar Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_progress_bar( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, value=value, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Progress Bar # region Insert Radio Button
[docs] def insert_radio_button( self, *, label: str, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, multiline: bool = False, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlRadioButton: """ Create a new control of type RadioButton in the actual dialog. Args: label (str): Contents of label. x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Default ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. multiline (bool, optional): Specifies if the control can display multiple lines of text. Defaults to ``False``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create radio button. Returns: CtlRadioButton: Radio button control. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_radio_button( dialog_ctrl, label=label, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, multiline=multiline, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Radio Button # region Insert Scroll Bar
[docs] def insert_scroll_bar( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlScrollBar: """ Create a new control of type ScrollBar in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``100``. orientation (OrientationKind, optional): Orientation. Defaults to ``OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create scroll bar control. Returns: CtlScrollBar: Scroll Bar Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``OrientationKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_scroll_bar( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, orientation=orientation, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Scroll Bar # region Insert Spin Button
[docs] def insert_spin_button( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, orientation: OrientationKind = OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlSpinButton: """ Create a new control of type SpinButton in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. min_value (float, optional): Specifies the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``0``. max_value (float, optional): Specifies the largest value that can be entered in the control. Defaults to ``100``. orientation (OrientationKind, optional): Orientation. Defaults to ``OrientationKind.HORIZONTAL``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create scroll bar control. Returns: CtlSpinButton: Scroll Bar Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``OrientationKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.orientation_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_spin_button( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, orientation=orientation, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Spin Button # region Insert Tab Control
[docs] def insert_tab_control( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 1, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, ) -> CtlTabPageContainer: """ Create a new control of type tab in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``1``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create tab control. Returns: CtlTabPageContainer: Tab Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. See Also: :py:meth:`~.dialogs.self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_tab_page`. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_tab_control( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, border=border, name=name, ) return result
# endregion Insert Tab Control # region Insert Tab Page
[docs] def insert_tab_page( self, *, tab_ctrl: CtlTabPageContainer, title: str, tab_position: int, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlTabPage: """ Create a new control of type Tab Page in the actual tab control. Args: tab_ctrl (CtlTabPageContainer): Tab Container. title (str): Tab title. tab_position (int): Tab position. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create tab page control. Returns: CtlTabPage: Tab Page Control. See Also: :py:meth:`~.dialogs.self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_tab_control`. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_tab_page( dialog_ctrl, tab_ctrl=tab_ctrl, title=title, tab_position=tab_position, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Tab Page # region Insert Table Control
[docs] def insert_table_control( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, row_header: bool = True, col_header: bool = True, grid_lines: bool = False, scroll_bars: HorzVertKind = HorzVertKind.NONE, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlGrid: """ Create a new control of type TableControl in the actual dialog. To add data to the table use :py:meth:`~.dialogs.self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.set_table_data`. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. row_header (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a row header. Defaults to ``True``. col_header (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has a column header. Defaults to ``True``. grid_lines (bool, optional): Specifies if the control has grid lines. when True horizontal and vertical lines are painted between the grid cells. Defaults to ``False``. scroll_bars (HorzVertKind, optional): Specifies if the control has scroll bars. Scrollbars always appear dynamically when they are needed. Defaults to ``HorzVertKind.NONE``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create table control. Returns: CtlGrid: Table Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``HorzVertKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.horz_ver_kind``. See Also: :py:meth:`~.dialogs.self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.set_table_data`. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_table_control( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, row_header=row_header, col_header=col_header, grid_lines=grid_lines, scroll_bars=scroll_bars, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Table Control # region Insert Text Field
[docs] def insert_text_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, text: str = "", echo_char: str = "", border: BorderKind = BorderKind.NONE, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlTextEdit: """ Inserts a text Field. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. text (str, optional): Text value. echo_char (str, optional): Character used for masking. Must be a single character. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.NONE``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create text field. Returns: CtlTextEdit: Text Field Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. See Also: `API UnoControlEditModel Service <>`_ """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_text_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, text=text, echo_char=echo_char, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Text Field # region Insert Time Field
[docs] def insert_time_field( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT = 20, time_value: datetime.time | None = None, min_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0), max_time: datetime.time = datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999_999), time_format: TimeFormatKind = TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H, spin_button: bool = True, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlTimeField: """ Create a new control of type TimeField in the actual dialog. Args: x (int, UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int, UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int, UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. Defaults to ``20``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. time_value (datetime.time | None, optional): Specifics the control time. Defaults to ``None``. min_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to ``time(0, 0, 0, 0)``. max_time (datetime.time, optional): Specifics control min time. Defaults to a ``time(23, 59, 59, 999_999)``. time_format (TimeFormatKind, optional): Date format. Defaults to ``TimeFormatKind.SHORT_24H``. spin_button (bool, optional): When ``True``, a spin button is present. Defaults to ``True``. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create time field control. Returns: CtlTimeField: Time field control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. - ``TimeFormatKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.time_format_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_time_field( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, time_value=time_value, min_time=min_time, max_time=max_time, time_format=time_format, spin_button=spin_button, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Time Field # region Insert Tree Control
[docs] def insert_tree_control( self, *, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, border: BorderKind = BorderKind.BORDER_3D, name: str = "", dialog_ctrl: XControl | None = None, **props: Any, ) -> CtlTree: """ Create a new control of type Tree in the actual dialog. Args: x (int , UnitT): X coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int , UnitT): Y coordinate in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int , UnitT): Width in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int , UnitT): Height in Pixels or ``UnitT``. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. border (BorderKind, optional): Border option. Defaults to ``BorderKind.BORDER_3D``. name (str, optional): Name of button. Must be a unique name. If empty, a unique name is generated. dialog_ctrl (XControl, optional): control. Defaults to class instance. props (dict, optional): Extra properties to set for control. Raises: DialogError: If unable to create Tree control. Returns: CtlTree: Tree Control. Hint: - ``BorderKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.border_kind``. """ if dialog_ctrl is None: dialog_ctrl = self.__ctl with LoContext(inst=self.__lo_inst): result = self._DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class.insert_tree_control( dialog_ctrl, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, border=border, name=name, **props, ) return result
# endregion Insert Tree Control @property def _DialogControlsPartial_dialogs_class(self) -> Type[Dialogs]: try: # avoid circular import. return self._dialogs_class_instance except AttributeError: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooodev.dialog.dialogs import Dialogs self._dialogs_class_instance = Dialogs return self._dialogs_class_instance
# endregion Insert Controls if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: from ooodev.dialog.dialogs import Dialogs