Source code for ooodev.dialog.partial.create_dialog_partial_t

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import overload, TYPE_CHECKING

    from ooodev.dialog import Dialog
    from ooo.dyn.awt.message_box_type import MessageBoxType
    from ooo.dyn.awt.message_box_buttons import MessageBoxButtonsEnum
    from ooo.dyn.awt.message_box_results import MessageBoxResultsEnum
    from typing_extensions import Protocol
    Protocol = object

[docs]class CreateDialogPartialT(Protocol): """Type for CreateDialogPartial"""
[docs] def create_dialog(self, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, title: str) -> Dialog: """ Creates a dialog. Args: x (int): X coordinate. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. y (int): Y coordinate. If ``-1``, the dialog Position is not set. width (int): Width. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. height (int): Height. If ``-1``, the dialog Size is not set. title (str): Dialog title. Returns: Dialog: An empty dialog. The dialog contains methods for adding controls. """ ...
# region msgbox @overload def msgbox(self, msg: str) -> MessageBoxResultsEnum: """ Simple message box. With a title of "Message" and buttons of ``Buttons.BUTTONS_OK``. Args: msg (str): the message for display. Returns: Results: MessageBoxResultsEnum. """ ... @overload def msgbox(self, msg: str, title: str) -> MessageBoxResultsEnum: """ Simple message box. With buttons of ``Buttons.BUTTONS_OK``. Args: msg (str): the message for display. title (str): the title of the message box. Returns: Results: MessageBoxResultsEnum. """ ... @overload def msgbox(self, msg: str, title: str, *, buttons: MessageBoxButtonsEnum | int) -> MessageBoxResultsEnum: """ Simple message box. Args: msg (str): the message for display. title (str, optional): the title of the message box. Defaults to "Message". buttons (MessageBoxButtonsEnum, int, optional): determines what buttons to display. Returns: Results: MessageBoxResultsEnum. """ ... @overload def msgbox(self, msg: str, title: str, boxtype: MessageBoxType | int) -> MessageBoxResultsEnum: """ Simple message box. Args: msg (str): the message for display. title (str): the title of the message box. boxtype (MessageBoxType): determines the type of message box to display. Returns: Results: MessageBoxResultsEnum. Note: If BoxType is an integer, the following values are valid: - 0: ``MESSAGEBOX`` - 1: ``INFOBOX`` - 2: ``WARNINGBOX`` - 3: ``ERRORBOX`` - 4: ``QUERYBOX`` """ ... @overload def msgbox( self, msg: str, title: str, boxtype: MessageBoxType | int, buttons: MessageBoxButtonsEnum | int ) -> MessageBoxResultsEnum: """ Simple message box. Args: msg (str): the message for display. title (str): the title of the message box. boxtype (MessageBoxType): determines the type of message box to display. buttons (MessageBoxButtonsEnum, int): determines what buttons to display. Returns: Results: MessageBoxResultsEnum. Note: If BoxType is an integer, the following values are valid: - 0: ``MESSAGEBOX`` - 1: ``INFOBOX`` - 2: ``WARNINGBOX`` - 3: ``ERRORBOX`` - 4: ``QUERYBOX`` """ ... # endregion msgbox # region input
[docs] def input_box( self, title: str, msg: str, input_value: str = "", ok_lbl: str = "OK", cancel_lbl: str = "Cancel", is_password: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Displays an input box and returns the results. Args: title (str): Title for the dialog msg (str): Message to display such as "Input your Name" input_value (str, optional): Value of input box when first displayed. ok_lbl (str, optional): OK button Label. Defaults to "OK". cancel_lbl (str, optional): Cancel Button Label. Defaults to "Cancel". is_password (bool, optional): Determines if the input box is masked for password input. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: str: The value of input or empty string. """ ...
# endregion input