Source code for ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_grid

# region imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, Iterable, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple
import contextlib

# pylint: disable=useless-import-alias
from import HorizontalAlignment as HorizontalAlignment
from ooo.dyn.view.selection_type import SelectionType
from import XMutableGridDataModel

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.awt.grid.grid_selection_events import GridSelectionEvents
from import ListenerEventArgs
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils.kind.dialog_control_kind import DialogControlKind
from ooodev.utils.kind.dialog_control_named_kind import DialogControlNamedKind
from ooodev.utils.table_helper import TableHelper
from ooodev.utils.type_var import Table
from ooodev.adapter.awt.grid.uno_control_grid_model_partial import UnoControlGridModelPartial
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_base import DialogControlBase, _create_control

    from import UnoControlGrid  # service
    from import UnoControlGridModel  # service
    from import XWindowPeer
    from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_grid import ModelGrid
# endregion imports

[docs]class CtlGrid(DialogControlBase, UnoControlGridModelPartial, GridSelectionEvents): """Class for Grid Control""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument # region init
[docs] def __init__(self, ctl: UnoControlGrid) -> None: """ Constructor Args: ctl (UnoControlGrid): Grid Control """ # generally speaking EventArgs.event_data will contain the Event object for the UNO event raised. DialogControlBase.__init__(self, ctl) UnoControlGridModelPartial.__init__(self, self.get_model()) # type: ignore generic_args = self._get_generic_args() # EventArgs.event_data will contain the ActionEvent GridSelectionEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_grid_listener_add_remove) self._model_ex = None
# endregion init def __repr__(self) -> str: if hasattr(self, "name"): return f"CtlGrid({})" return "CtlGrid" # region Lazy Listeners def _on_grid_listener_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.view.addSelectionListener(self.events_listener_grid_selection) event.remove_callback = True # endregion Lazy Listeners # region Overrides
[docs] def get_view_ctl(self) -> UnoControlGrid: return cast("UnoControlGrid", super().get_view_ctl())
[docs] def get_uno_srv_name(self) -> str: """Returns ````""" return ""
[docs] def get_model(self) -> UnoControlGridModel: """Gets the Model for the control""" return cast("UnoControlGridModel", self.get_view_ctl().getModel())
[docs] def get_control_kind(self) -> DialogControlKind: """Gets the control kind. Returns ``DialogControlKind.GRID_CONTROL``""" return DialogControlKind.GRID_CONTROL
[docs] def get_control_named_kind(self) -> DialogControlNamedKind: """Gets the control named kind. Returns ``DialogControlNamedKind.GRID_CONTROL``""" return DialogControlNamedKind.GRID_CONTROL
# endregion Overrides # region Data
[docs] def set_table_data( self, data: Table, *, widths: Sequence[int] | None = None, align: Iterable[HorizontalAlignment] | str | None = None, row_header_width: int = 10, has_colum_headers: bool | None = None, has_row_headers: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """ Set the data in a table control. Preexisting data is cleared. Args: data (Table): 2D Sequence of data that is the data to set. widths (Sequence[int] | None, optional): Specifies Column Widths. If number of widths is less then the number of columns, the last width is used for the remaining columns. If omitted then each column is auto-sized to fill out the table width. align (Iterable[HorizontalAlignment] | str | None, optional): Specifies column alignments. See Note Below. row_header_width (int, optional): Specifies the width of the row header. Defaults to ``10``. has_colum_headers (bool | None, optional): Specifies if the data has a column header. If omitted the table's ShowColumnHeader property is used. Defaults to ``None``. has_row_headers (bool | None, optional): Specifies if the data has a row header. If omitted the table's ShowRowHeader property is used. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ValueError: if not a valid UnoControlGrid or if no data model. Returns: None: Note: ``align`` can be a string of ``"L"``, ``"R"``, or ``"C"`` for left, right, or center alignment or a list of ``HorizontalAlignment`` values. If ``align`` values is lest then the number of columns, then the remaining columns will be aligned left. If ``has_colum_headers`` is ``True`` then the first row of data is used for the column headers. If ``table.Model.ShowColumnHeader`` is ``False``, then the column header row is not used. If ``has_colum_headers`` is ``False`` and ``table.Model.ShowColumnHeader`` is ``True`` then the column headers are set to the default column names such as (A, B, C, D). If ``has_row_headers`` is ``True`` then the first row of data is used for the row headers. If ``table.Model.ShowRowHeader`` is ``False``, then the row header is not used. If ``has_row_headers`` is ``False`` and ``table.Model.ShowRowHeader`` is ``True`` then the row headers are set to the default row names such as (1, 2, 3, 4). Example: .. code-block:: python # other code tab_sz = self._ctl_tab.getPosSize() ctl_table1 = Dialogs.insert_table_control( dialog_ctrl=self._tab_table, x=tab_sz.X + self._padding, y=tab_sz.Y + self._padding, width=tab_sz.Width - (self._padding * 2), height=300, grid_lines=True, col_header=True, row_header=True, ) tbl = ... # get data as 2d sequence Dialogs.set_table_data( table=ctl_table1, data=tbl, align="RLC", # first column right, second left, third center. All others left widths=(75, 60, 100, 40), # does not need to add up to total width, a factor will be used to auto size where needed. has_row_headers=True, has_colum_headers=True, ) """ # set_table_data() will handle to many or to few widths # widths are applied by using a scale factor to the table width table = self.view tbl_size = table.getSize() model = cast("UnoControlGridModel", table.getModel()) data_model = model.GridDataModel if not data_model: raise ValueError("No data model") data_model = mLo.Lo.qi(XMutableGridDataModel, data_model, True) # Erase any pre-existing data and columns data_model.removeAllRows() if data_model.ColumnCount > 0: # reverse indexes to start removing from the end for i in range(data_model.ColumnCount - 1, -1, -1): model.ColumnModel.removeColumn(i) # Get the headers from data use_col_headers = False use_row_headers = False if has_colum_headers is None: if model.ShowColumnHeader: use_col_headers = True elif has_colum_headers: use_col_headers = True if has_row_headers is None: if model.ShowRowHeader: use_row_headers = True elif has_row_headers: use_row_headers = True col_headers = data[0][1:] if has_row_headers else data[0] # Create the columns for i, header in enumerate(col_headers): column = model.ColumnModel.createColumn() if use_col_headers: column.Title = str(header) elif model.ShowColumnHeader: column.Title = TableHelper.make_column_name(i, zero_index=True) model.ColumnModel.addColumn(column) # Manage row headers width if has_row_headers and model.ShowRowHeader: header_width_row = row_header_width model.RowHeaderWidth = header_width_row else: header_width_row = 0 # Size the columns. Column sizing cannot be done before all the columns are added len_col_headers = len(col_headers) len_widths = 0 if widths: len_widths = len(widths) # Size the columns proportionally with their relative widths rel_width = 0.0 # Compute the sum of the relative widths for i, width in enumerate(widths): if i + 1 >= len_col_headers: break rel_width += width # if widths have less values then columns, add the rest with the last value of widths. if len_widths < len_col_headers: last_width = widths[-1] for i in range(len_widths, len_col_headers): rel_width += last_width # Set absolute column widths # initial testing showed that columns are sized using this factor method even # if the factoring is not done here. if rel_width > 0: width_factor = (tbl_size.Width - header_width_row) / rel_width else: width_factor = 1.0 for i, width in enumerate(widths): if i + 1 > len_col_headers: break model.ColumnModel.getColumn(i).ColumnWidth = int(width * width_factor) # if widths have less values then columns, calculate the rest with the last value of widths. if len_widths < len_col_headers: last_width = widths[-1] for i in range(len_widths, len_col_headers): model.ColumnModel.getColumn(i).ColumnWidth = int(last_width * width_factor) else: # Size header and columns evenly width = (tbl_size.Width - header_width_row) // len_col_headers for i in range(len_col_headers): model.ColumnModel.getColumn(i).ColumnWidth = width # Initialize the column alignment def get_align(s: str): s = s.lower() if s == "l": return HorizontalAlignment.LEFT elif s == "r": return HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT elif s == "c": return HorizontalAlignment.CENTER return HorizontalAlignment.LEFT if align: if isinstance(align, str): align = [get_align(s) for s in align.replace(" ", "")] elif not isinstance(align, list): align = list(align) else: align = [HorizontalAlignment.LEFT for _ in range(len_col_headers)] while len(align) > len_col_headers: _ = align.pop() while len(align) < len_col_headers: align.append(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT) # Feed the table with data # skip column headers row if use_col_headers is False: rng_start = 0 else: rng_start = 1 for i in range(rng_start, len(data)): row = data[i][1:] if use_row_headers else data[i] if not isinstance(row, tuple): row = tuple(row) row_header_text = "" if use_row_headers and model.ShowRowHeader: row_header_text = str(data[i][0]) elif model.ShowRowHeader: if rng_start == 0: row_header_text = str(i + 1) else: row_header_text = str(i) data_model.addRow(row_header_text, row) for i, alignment in enumerate(align): model.ColumnModel.getColumn(i).HorizontalAlign = alignment # type: ignore
# endregion Data # region Static Methods
[docs] @staticmethod def create(win: XWindowPeer, **kwargs: Any) -> "CtlGrid": """ Creates a new instance of the control. Keyword arguments are optional. Extra Keyword args are passed to the control as property values. Args: win (XWindowPeer): Parent Window Keyword Args: x (int, UnitT, optional): X Position in Pixels or UnitT. y (int, UnitT, optional): Y Position in Pixels or UnitT. width (int, UnitT, optional): Width in Pixels or UnitT. height (int, UnitT, optional): Height in Pixels or UnitT. Returns: CtlGrid: New instance of the control. Note: The `UnoControlDialogElement <>`__ interface is not included when creating the control with a window peer. """ ctrl = _create_control("", win, **kwargs) return CtlGrid(ctl=ctrl)
# endregion Static Methods # region Properties @property def model(self) -> UnoControlGridModel: # pylint: disable=no-member return cast("UnoControlGridModel", super().model) @property def model_ex(self) -> ModelGrid: """ Gets the extended Model for the control. This is a wrapped instance for the model property. It add some additional properties and methods to the model. """ # pylint: disable=no-member if self._model_ex is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_grid import ModelGrid self._model_ex = ModelGrid(self.model) return self._model_ex @property def view(self) -> UnoControlGrid: # pylint: disable=no-member return cast("UnoControlGrid", super().view) @property def horizontal_scrollbar(self) -> bool: """ Gets or sets if a horizontal scrollbar should be added to the dialog. Same as ``h_scroll`` property. """ return self.h_scroll @horizontal_scrollbar.setter def horizontal_scrollbar(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets the horizontal scrollbar""" self.h_scroll = value @property def vertical_scrollbar(self) -> bool: """ Gets or sets if a vertical scrollbar should be added to the dialog. Same as ``v_scroll`` property. """ return self.v_scroll @vertical_scrollbar.setter def vertical_scrollbar(self, value: bool) -> None: self.v_scroll = value @property def list_count(self) -> int: """Gets the number of items in the combo box""" with contextlib.suppress(Exception): return self.model.GridDataModel.RowCount return 0 @property def list_index(self) -> int: """ Gets which row index is selected in the gird. Returns: Index of the first selected row or ``-1`` if no rows are selected. """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): model = self.model if model.SelectionModel == SelectionType.SINGLE: return self.view.getCurrentRow() sel = cast(Tuple[int, ...], self.view.getSelectedRows()) if sel: return sel[0] return -1
# endregion Properties if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_grid import ModelGrid