# region imports
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, overload, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from com.sun.star.awt import XToolkit2
from com.sun.star.awt import XControlContainer
from com.sun.star.awt import XWindowPeer
from ooo.dyn.awt.pos_size import PosSize
from ooodev.units.unit_px import UnitPX
from ooodev.units.unit_app_font_height import UnitAppFontHeight
from ooodev.units.unit_app_font_width import UnitAppFontWidth
from ooodev.units.unit_app_font_x import UnitAppFontX
from ooodev.units.unit_app_font_y import UnitAppFontY
from ooodev.adapter.awt.top_window_events import TopWindowEvents
from ooodev.adapter.awt.window_events import WindowEvents
from ooodev.events.args.listener_event_args import ListenerEventArgs
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.adapter.awt.uno_control_dialog_comp import UnoControlDialogComp
from ooodev.adapter.awt.unit_conversion_partial import UnitConversionPartial
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.ctl_base import CtlListenerBase
from ooodev.dialog.dl_control.model.model_dialog import ModelDialog
from com.sun.star.awt import XControl
from com.sun.star.awt import UnoControlDialog # service
from com.sun.star.awt import UnoControlDialogModel # service
from com.sun.star.awt import XToolkit
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
# endregion imports
[docs]class CtlDialog(UnoControlDialogComp, CtlListenerBase, UnitConversionPartial, TopWindowEvents, WindowEvents):
"""Class for Dialog Control"""
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# region init
[docs] def __init__(self, ctl: UnoControlDialog) -> None:
ctl (UnoControlDialog): Dialog Control.
# generally speaking EventArgs.event_data will contain the Event object for the UNO event raised.
UnoControlDialogComp.__init__(self, component=ctl)
CtlListenerBase.__init__(self, ctl)
UnitConversionPartial.__init__(self, component=ctl) # type: ignore
generic_args = self._get_generic_args()
# EventArgs.event_data will contain the ActionEvent
TopWindowEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_top_window_events_listener_add_remove)
WindowEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_window_events_listener_add_remove)
self._model_ex = None
# endregion init
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if hasattr(self, "name"):
return f"CtlDialog({self.name})"
return "CtlDialog"
# region Lazy Listeners
def _on_top_window_events_listener_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None:
# will only ever fire once
event.remove_callback = True
def _on_window_events_listener_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None:
# will only ever fire once
event.remove_callback = True
# endregion Lazy Listeners
# region Overrides
[docs] def get_view(self) -> UnoControlDialog:
view = UnoControlDialogComp.get_view(self)
return cast("UnoControlDialog", view)
[docs] def get_model(self) -> UnoControlDialogModel:
"""Gets the Model for the control"""
model = UnoControlDialogComp.get_model(self)
return cast("UnoControlDialogModel", model)
[docs] def get_uno_srv_name(self) -> str:
"""Returns ``com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog``"""
return "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog"
# region create_peer()
def create_peer(self) -> None:
Creates a child window on the screen using the desktop window as the parent.
def create_peer(self, toolkit: XToolkit) -> None:
Creates a child window on the screen using the desktop window as the parent.
toolkit (XToolkit): The toolkit to use.
def create_peer(self, *, parent: XWindowPeer) -> None:
Creates a child window on the screen.
parent (XWindowPeer): The parent window.
def create_peer(self, toolkit: XToolkit, parent: XWindowPeer) -> None:
Creates a child window on the screen.
toolkit (XToolkit): The toolkit to use.
parent (XWindowPeer): The parent window.
[docs] def create_peer(self, toolkit: XToolkit | None = None, parent: XWindowPeer | None = None) -> None:
Creates a child window on the screen.
If the parent is ``None``, then the desktop window of the toolkit is the parent.
toolkit (XToolkit, optional): The toolkit to use. Defaults to ``None``.
parent (XWindowPeer, optional): The parent window. Defaults to ``None``.
if toolkit is None:
# window = self.lo_inst.get_frame().getContainerWindow()
toolkit = cast(XToolkit2, self.get_model().createInstance("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit"))
if toolkit is None:
toolkit = self.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XToolkit2, "com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit", raise_err=True)
if parent is None:
parent = toolkit.getDesktopWindow() # may still be None but that's ok
if parent is None:
parent = self.lo_inst.qi(XWindowPeer, self.lo_inst.get_frame().getContainerWindow(), True)
UnoControlDialogComp.create_peer(self, toolkit, parent) # type: ignore
# endregion create_peer()
[docs] def set_pos_size(
self, x: int | UnitT, y: int | UnitT, width: int | UnitT, height: int | UnitT, flags: int = PosSize.POSSIZE
) -> None:
Sets the outer bounds of the window.
x (int, UnitT): The x-coordinate of the window. In ``Pixels`` or ``UnitT``.
y (int, UnitT): The y-coordinate of the window. In ``Pixels`` or ``UnitT``.
width (int, UnitT): The width of the window. In ``Pixels`` or ``UnitT``.
height (int, UnitT): The height of the window. In ``Pixels`` or ``UnitT``.
flags (int, UnitT): A combination of ``com.sun.star.awt.PosSize`` flags. Default set to ``PosSize.POSSIZE``.
The Model is in AppFont units where as the View is in Pixels.
The values are converted from Pixels to AppFont units and assigned to the model.
If the values are passed in as ``UnitAppFontX``, ``UnitAppFontY``, ``UnitAppFontWidth``, or ``UnitAppFontHeight``
then they are assigned directly to the model without conversion.
def is_flag_set(value: int, flag: int) -> bool:
return (value & flag) != 0
if is_flag_set(flags, PosSize.X):
if isinstance(x, UnitAppFontX):
self.model.PositionX = int(x) # type: ignore
px_x = UnitPX.from_unit_val(x)
self.model.PositionX = int(UnitAppFontX.from_unit_val(px_x)) # type: ignore
if is_flag_set(flags, PosSize.Y):
if isinstance(y, UnitAppFontY):
self.model.PositionY = int(y) # type: ignore
px_y = UnitPX.from_unit_val(y)
self.model.PositionY = int(UnitAppFontY.from_unit_val(px_y)) # type: ignore
if is_flag_set(flags, PosSize.WIDTH):
if isinstance(width, UnitAppFontWidth):
self.model.Width = int(width)
px_width = UnitPX.from_unit_val(width)
self.model.Width = int(UnitAppFontWidth.from_unit_val(px_width))
if is_flag_set(flags, PosSize.HEIGHT):
if isinstance(height, UnitAppFontHeight):
self.model.Height = int(height)
px_height = UnitPX.from_unit_val(height)
self.model.Height = int(UnitAppFontHeight.from_unit_val(px_height))
# endregion Overrides
# region Dialog Methods
# def execute(self) -> int:
# """
# Runs the dialog modally: shows it, and waits for the execution to end.
# Returns:
# int: Returns an exit code (e.g., indicating the button that was used to end the execution).
# """
# return self.control.execute()
[docs] def dispose(self) -> None:
Disposes the dialog
[docs] def get_dialog_controls_arr(self) -> Tuple[XControl, ...]:
Gets all controls for the dialog
Tuple[XControl, ...]: controls
ctrl_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlContainer, self.control, True)
return ctrl_con.getControls()
[docs] def find_control(self, name: str) -> XControl:
Finds control by name
name (str): Name to find
XControl: Control
ctrl_con = mLo.Lo.qi(XControlContainer, self.control, True)
return ctrl_con.getControl(name)
# endregion Dialog Methods
# region Properties
def control(self) -> UnoControlDialog:
"""Returns the control"""
return self.get_view()
def model_ex(self) -> ModelDialog:
Gets the extended Model for the control.
This is a wrapped instance for the model property.
It add some additional properties and methods to the model.
if self._model_ex is None:
self._model_ex = ModelDialog(self.get_model())
return self._model_ex
def title(self) -> str:
"""Gets the title of the dialog"""
return self.get_title()
def title(self, value: str) -> None:
"""Sets the title of the dialog"""
# endregion Properties