Source code for ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_doc

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, overload, List, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple
from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.beans.property_change_implement import PropertyChangeImplement
from ooodev.adapter.beans.vetoable_change_implement import VetoableChangeImplement
from ooodev.adapter.chart2.chart_document_comp import ChartDocumentComp
from ooodev.adapter.document.storage_change_event_events import StorageChangeEventEvents
from ooodev.adapter.util.close_events import CloseEvents
from ooodev.adapter.util.modify_events import ModifyEvents
from ooodev.calc.chart2.partial.chart_doc_prop_partial import ChartDocPropPartial
from import ListenerEventArgs
from import EventsPartial
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.area.fill_color_partial import FillColorPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.area.transparency.gradient_partial import GradientPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.area.transparency.transparency_partial import TransparencyPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.chart2.area.chart_fill_gradient_partial import ChartFillGradientPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.chart2.area.chart_fill_hatch_partial import ChartFillHatchPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.chart2.area.chart_fill_img_partial import ChartFillImgPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.chart2.area.chart_fill_pattern_partial import ChartFillPatternPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.chart2.borders.border_line_properties_partial import BorderLinePropertiesPartial
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from import chart2 as mChart2
from ooodev.utils.color import Color
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.prop_partial import PropPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.qi_partial import QiPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.service_partial import ServicePartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.the_dictionary_partial import TheDictionaryPartial
from ooodev.calc.chart2.kind.chart_axis_kind import ChartAxisKind
from ooodev.calc.chart2.kind.chart_title_kind import ChartTitleKind
from ooodev.calc.chart2.kind.chart_diagram_kind import ChartDiagramKind
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_doc_prop_partial import CalcDocPropPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_sheet_prop_partial import CalcSheetPropPartial

    from import XChartDocument
    from import ChartDocument  # service
    from import XRegressionCurve
    from import CancelEventArgs
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
    from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
    from ooodev.utils.comp.prop import Prop
    from ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types import ChartTypeNameBase
    from ooodev.utils.kind.curve_kind import CurveKind
    from ooodev.utils.kind.data_point_label_type_kind import DataPointLabelTypeKind
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_axis import ChartAxis
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_data_series import ChartDataSeries
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_diagram import ChartDiagram
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_error_bar import ChartErrorBar
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_title import ChartTitle
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.chart_type import ChartType
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.table_chart import TableChart
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.coordinate.coordinate_general import CoordinateGeneral
    from ooodev.calc.chart2.regression_curve.regression_curve import RegressionCurve
    from import DataProvider
    CoordinateGeneral = Any
    StyleT = Any
    RegressionCurve = Any
    Prop = Any

[docs]class ChartDoc( LoInstPropsPartial, ChartDocumentComp, ModifyEvents, PropPartial, QiPartial, ServicePartial, TheDictionaryPartial, EventsPartial, ChartDocPropPartial, PropertyChangeImplement, VetoableChangeImplement, CloseEvents, StorageChangeEventEvents, FillColorPartial, ChartFillGradientPartial, ChartFillImgPartial, ChartFillPatternPartial, ChartFillHatchPartial, BorderLinePropertiesPartial, TransparencyPartial, GradientPartial, CalcDocPropPartial, CalcSheetPropPartial, ): """ Class for managing Chart2 ChartDocument Component. """
[docs] def __init__(self, owner: TableChart, component: ChartDocument, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: """ Constructor Args: component (Any): UNO Chart2 ChartDocument Component. lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to None. """ if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=lo_inst) ChartDocumentComp.__init__(self, component=component) # type: ignore PropPartial.__init__(self, component=component, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) QiPartial.__init__(self, component=component, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) ServicePartial.__init__(self, component=component, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) TheDictionaryPartial.__init__(self) EventsPartial.__init__(self) ChartDocPropPartial.__init__(self, chart_doc=self) generic_args = self._ComponentBase__get_generic_args() # type: ignore # pylint: disable=no-member ModifyEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_modify_events_add_remove) CloseEvents.__init__(self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_close_events_add_remove) StorageChangeEventEvents.__init__( self, trigger_args=generic_args, cb=self._on_storage_change_events_add_remove ) PropertyChangeImplement.__init__(self, component=component, trigger_args=generic_args) # type: ignore VetoableChangeImplement.__init__(self, component=component, trigger_args=generic_args) # type: ignore FillColorPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=component, lo_inst=lo_inst) pg_bg = self.component.getPageBackground() ChartFillGradientPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) ChartFillImgPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) ChartFillPatternPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) ChartFillHatchPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) BorderLinePropertiesPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.line", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) TransparencyPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) GradientPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.chart2.general", component=pg_bg, lo_inst=lo_inst) CalcDocPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.calc_doc) CalcSheetPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.calc_sheet) self._owner = owner self._axis_x = None self._axis2_x = None self._axis_y = None self._axis2_y = None self._first_diagram = None self._init_events()
# region Lazy Listeners def _on_modify_events_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.component.addModifyListener(self.events_listener_modify) # type: ignore event.remove_callback = True def _on_close_events_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.component.addCloseListener(self.events_listener_close) # type: ignore event.remove_callback = True def _on_storage_change_events_add_remove(self, source: Any, event: ListenerEventArgs) -> None: # will only ever fire once self.component.addStorageChangeListener(self.events_listener_storage_change_event) # type: ignore event.remove_callback = True # endregion Lazy Listeners # region context manage def __enter__(self) -> ChartDoc: self.lock_controllers() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: self.unlock_controllers() # endregion context manage # region Events def _init_events(self) -> None: """ Initialize Events """ self._fn_on_area_fill_color_changing = self._on_area_fill_color_changing self.subscribe_event("before_style_area_color", self._fn_on_area_fill_color_changing) self.subscribe_event("before_style_area_color_get", self._fn_on_area_fill_color_changing) def _on_area_fill_color_changing(self, source: Any, event: CancelEventArgs) -> None: """ On Area Fill Color Changing """ event.event_data["this_component"] = self.component.getPageBackground() # endregion Events # region GradientPartial Overrides def _GradientPartial_transparency_get_chart_doc(self) -> XChartDocument | None: return self.component # endregion GradientPartial Overrides # region ChartDocumentPartial Overrides
[docs] def get_data_provider(self) -> DataProvider: """ Returns the currently set data provider. This may be an internal one, if createInternalDataProvider() has been called before, or an external one if XDataReceiver.attachDataProvider() has been called. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .data.data_provider import DataProvider dp = self.component.getDataProvider() return DataProvider(owner=self, component=dp, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# endregion ChartDocumentPartial Overrides # region Methods
[docs] def set_title(self, title: str) -> ChartTitle[ChartDoc]: """Adds a Chart Title.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import XTitled from import XTitle from import XFormattedString from .chart_title import ChartTitle x_title = self.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XTitle, "", raise_err=True) x_title_str = self.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf( XFormattedString, "", raise_err=True ) x_title_str.setString(title) title_arr = (x_title_str,) x_title.setText(title_arr) titled = self.qi(XTitled, True) titled.setTitleObject(x_title) return ChartTitle( owner=self, chart_doc=self, component=titled.getTitleObject(), title_kind=ChartTitleKind.TITLE, lo_inst=self.lo_inst, )
[docs] def get_title(self) -> ChartTitle[ChartDoc] | None: """Gets the Chart Title Component.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import XTitled from .chart_title import ChartTitle titled = self.qi(XTitled, True) comp = titled.getTitleObject() if comp is None: return None return ChartTitle( owner=self, chart_doc=self, component=comp, title_kind=ChartTitleKind.TITLE, lo_inst=self.lo_inst )
[docs] def set_bg_color(self, color: Color) -> None: """Sets the background color.""" mChart2.Chart2.set_background_colors(self.component, bg_color=color, wall_color=Color(-1))
[docs] def set_wall_color(self, color: Color) -> None: """Sets the wall color.""" mChart2.Chart2.set_background_colors(self.component, bg_color=Color(-1), wall_color=color)
# region get_data_series() @overload def get_data_series(self) -> Tuple[ChartDataSeries[ChartDoc], ...]: """ Gets data series for a chart of a given chart type. Returns: Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: Data Series """ ... @overload def get_data_series(self, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase) -> Tuple[ChartDataSeries[ChartDoc], ...]: """ Gets data series for a chart of a given chart type. Args: chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase): Chart Type. Returns: Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: Data Series See Also: :ref:`ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types` """ ... @overload def get_data_series(self, chart_type: str) -> Tuple[ChartDataSeries[ChartDoc], ...]: """ Gets data series for a chart of a given chart type. Args: chart_type (str): Chart Type. Returns: Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: Data Series """ ...
[docs] def get_data_series(self, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str = "") -> Tuple[ChartDataSeries[ChartDoc], ...]: """ Gets data series for a chart of a given chart type. Args: chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase, str, optional): Chart Type. Raises: ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: Tuple[XDataSeries, ...]: Data Series See Also: - :py:meth:`` - :ref:`ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types` """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_data_series import ChartDataSeries data_series = mChart2.Chart2.get_data_series(chart_doc=self.component, chart_type=chart_type) series = tuple( ChartDataSeries(owner=self, chart_doc=self, component=comp, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) for comp in data_series ) return series # type: ignore
# endregion get_data_series()
[docs] def get_templates(self) -> List[str]: """ Gets a list of chart templates (services). Raises: ChartError: If error occurs Returns: List[str]: List of chart templates """ return mChart2.Chart2.get_chart_templates(self.component)
[docs] def set_y_error_bar(self, data_label: str, data_range: str) -> ChartErrorBar: """ Set Error Bar Raises: ChartError: If any error occurs. Returns: ChartErrorBar: Chart Error Bar """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_error_bar import ChartErrorBar from ooo.dyn.chart.error_bar_style import ErrorBarStyle from ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_data_role_kind import DataRoleKind try: eb = ChartErrorBar(chart_doc=self, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) eb.set_property(ShowPositiveError=True, ShowNegativeError=True, ErrorBarStyle=ErrorBarStyle.FROM_DATA) dp = self.get_data_provider() with LoContext(self.lo_inst): pos_err_seq = mChart2.Chart2.create_ld_seq( dp=dp.component, role=DataRoleKind.ERROR_BARS_Y_POSITIVE, data_label=data_label, data_range=data_range, ) neg_err_seq = mChart2.Chart2.create_ld_seq( dp=dp.component, role=DataRoleKind.ERROR_BARS_Y_NEGATIVE, data_label=data_label, data_range=data_range, ) ld_seq = (pos_err_seq, neg_err_seq) eb.set_data(ld_seq) data_series = self.get_data_series()[0] data_series.set_property(ErrorBarY=eb.component) return eb except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error setting error bar", e)
[docs] def add_stock_line(self, data_label: str, data_range: str) -> None: """ Add Stock Line Args: data_label (str): Data Label data_range (str): Data Range Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mChart2.Chart2.add_stock_line(self.component, data_label, data_range)
[docs] def add_chart_type(self, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str) -> ChartType[CoordinateGeneral]: """ Add Chart Type Args: chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase): Chart Type Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: See Also: :ref:`ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types` """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_type import ChartType from import XChartType try: ct = self.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XChartType, f"{chart_type}", raise_err=True) coord_sys = self.first_diagram.get_coordinate_system() if coord_sys is None: raise mEx.ChartError("Coordinate System not found") coord_sys.add_chart_type(ct) return ChartType(owner=coord_sys, chart_doc=self, component=ct, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error adding chart type", e)
[docs] def add_cat_labels(self, data_label: str, data_range: str) -> None: """ Add Category Labels. Args: data_label (str): Data label. data_range (str): Data range. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ dp = self.get_data_provider() dp.add_cat_labels(data_label, data_range)
[docs] def create_curve(self, curve_kind: CurveKind) -> RegressionCurve: """ Creates a regression curve. Matches the regression constants defined in ``curve_kind`` to regression services offered by the API: Args: curve_kind (CurveKind): Curve kind. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XRegressionCurve: Regression Curve object. Hint: - ``CurveKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.curve_kind``. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .regression_curve.regression_curve import RegressionCurve from import XRegressionCurve try: curve = self.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XRegressionCurve, curve_kind.to_namespace(), raise_err=True) return RegressionCurve(owner=self, component=curve, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error creating curve") from e
[docs] def get_number_format_key(self, nf_str: str) -> int: """ Converts a number format string into a number format key, which can be assigned to ``NumberFormat`` property. |lo_safe| Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document nf_str (str): Number format string. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: int: Number format key. Note: The string-to-key conversion is straight forward if you know what number format string to use, but there's little documentation on them. Probably the best approach is to use the Format Cells menu item in a spreadsheet document, and examine the dialog """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooo.dyn.lang.locale import Locale try: n_formats = self.get_number_formats() # locale = Locale("en", "us", "") # locale = mInfo.Info.language_locale # note the empty locale for default locale key = int(n_formats.queryKey(nf_str, Locale(), False)) if key == -1: self.lo_inst.print(f'Could not access key for number format: "{nf_str}"') return key except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error getting number format key") from e
[docs] def dash_lines(self) -> None: """ Sets chart data series to dashed lines. Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ mChart2.Chart2.dash_lines(self.component)
[docs] def draw_regression_curve( self, curve_kind: CurveKind, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None ) -> Prop[RegressionCurve]: """ Draws a regression curve. Args: chart_doc (XChartDocument): Chart Document curve_kind (CurveKind): Curve kind. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): Styles to apply to the curve. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: XPropertySet: Regression curve property set. Hint: Styles that can be applied are found in the following subpackages: - :doc:` </src/format/>` - :doc:` </src/format/>` - ``CurveKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.curve_kind``. .. versionchanged:: 0.9.4 Added ``styles`` argument, and now returns the regression curve property set. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from import XRegressionCurveContainer try: data_series_arr = self.get_data_series() rc_con = self.lo_inst.qi(XRegressionCurveContainer, data_series_arr[0].component, True) curve = self.create_curve(curve_kind) rc_con.addRegressionCurve(curve.component) ps = curve.get_equation_properties() ps.set_property(ShowCorrelationCoefficient=True, ShowEquation=True) key = self.get_number_format_key(nf_str="0.00") # 2 dp if key != -1: ps.set_property(NumberFormat=key) if styles: supported = ( "", "", "", "", ) for style in styles: if style.support_service(*supported): style.apply(ps) return ps except mEx.ChartError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.ChartError("Error drawing regression curve") from e
[docs] def eval_curve(self, curve: XRegressionCurve) -> None: """ Uses ``XRegressionCurve.getCalculator()`` to access the ``XRegressionCurveCalculator`` interface. It sets up the data and parameters for a particular curve, and prints the results of curve fitting to the console. Args: curve (XRegressionCurve): Regression Curve object. Returns: None: """ mChart2.Chart2.eval_curve(self.component, curve)
[docs] def calc_regressions(self) -> None: """ Calculate regressions. Several different regression functions are calculated using the chart's data. Their equations and ``R2`` values are printed to the console Raises: ChartError: If error occurs. Returns: None: """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mChart2.Chart2.calc_regressions(self.component)
[docs] def find_chart_type(self, chart_type: ChartTypeNameBase | str) -> ChartType[ChartDoc]: """ Finds a chart for a given chart type. Args: chart_type (ChartTypeNameBase | str): Chart type. Raises: NotFoundError: If chart is not found ChartError: If any other error occurs. Returns: ChartType[ChartDoc]: Found chart type. See Also: :ref:`ooodev.utils.kind.chart2_types` """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_type import ChartType found_type = mChart2.Chart2.find_chart_type(chart_doc=self.component, chart_type=chart_type) return ChartType(owner=self, chart_doc=self, component=found_type, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] def set_data_point_labels(self, label_type: DataPointLabelTypeKind) -> None: """ Set data point labels for a given chart type. Args: label_type (DataPointLabelTypeKind): Data point label type. Raises: ChartError: If any error occurs. Returns: None: Hint: - ``DataPointLabelTypeKind`` can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.kind.data_point_label_type_kind``. """ ds_arr = self.get_data_series() for ds in ds_arr: ds.set_data_point_labels(label_type=label_type)
@property def owner(self) -> TableChart: """Gets the owner.""" return self._owner @property def first_diagram(self) -> ChartDiagram: """Gets the first diagram.""" if self._first_diagram is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_diagram import ChartDiagram diagram = self.get_first_diagram() self._first_diagram = ChartDiagram( owner=self, component=diagram, diagram_kind=ChartDiagramKind.FIRST, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) return self._first_diagram @property def axis_x(self) -> ChartAxis: """Gets the X Axis Component.""" if self._axis_x is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_axis import ChartAxis axis = mChart2.Chart2.get_x_axis(self.component) self._axis_x = ChartAxis(owner=self, axis_kind=ChartAxisKind.X, component=axis, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._axis_x @property def axis2_x(self) -> ChartAxis | None: """Gets the X Axis Component.""" if self._axis2_x is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_axis import ChartAxis try: axis = mChart2.Chart2.get_x_axis2(self.component) except mEx.ChartError: return None self._axis2_x = ChartAxis(owner=self, axis_kind=ChartAxisKind.X2, component=axis, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._axis2_x @property def axis_y(self) -> ChartAxis: """Gets the Y Axis Component.""" if self._axis_y is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_axis import ChartAxis axis = mChart2.Chart2.get_y_axis(self.component) self._axis_y = ChartAxis(owner=self, component=axis, axis_kind=ChartAxisKind.Y, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._axis_y @property def axis2_y(self) -> ChartAxis | None: """Gets the Y Axis Component.""" if self._axis2_y is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from .chart_axis import ChartAxis try: axis = mChart2.Chart2.get_y_axis2(self.component) except mEx.ChartError: return None self._axis2_y = ChartAxis(owner=self, component=axis, axis_kind=ChartAxisKind.Y2, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) return self._axis2_y
# endregion Methods if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: from import XRegressionCurve from .chart_axis import ChartAxis from .chart_data_series import ChartDataSeries from .chart_diagram import ChartDiagram from .chart_error_bar import ChartErrorBar from .chart_title import ChartTitle from .chart_type import ChartType from .data.data_provider import DataProvider from .regression_curve.regression_curve import RegressionCurve