Source code for ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop_base

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast, TYPE_CHECKING
from import XControlShape
from import XForm
from ooodev.utils.partial.the_dictionary_partial import TheDictionaryPartial

    from import Form
    from import HiddenControl
    from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet import CalcSheet
    from ooodev.calc.spreadsheet_draw_page import SpreadsheetDrawPage

[docs]class CustomPropBase(TheDictionaryPartial):
[docs] def __init__(self, sheet: CalcSheet) -> None: TheDictionaryPartial.__init__(self) self._shape_prefix = "_cprop_" self._shape_suffix = "_id" # suffix is important for ensure shape duplicates are removed. self._sheet = sheet self._form_name = "CellCustomProperties" self._cache = {} self._draw_page = self._sheet.draw_page
def _get_hidden_control_simple(self, name: str) -> HiddenControl | None: frm = self._get_form() if not frm.hasByName(name): return None return frm.getByName(name) def _get_hidden_control_name_from_shape(self, shape: XControlShape) -> str: # Name is in format of _cprop_idofhsvtcky1hgom_id name = shape.Name # type: ignore prefix_len = len(self.shape_prefix) suffix_len = len(self.shape_suffix) name = name[prefix_len:] name = name[:-suffix_len] return name def _get_form(self) -> Form: key = self._form_name if key in self._cache: return self._cache[key] forms = self.draw_page.forms.component if len(forms) == 0: # type: ignore # insert a default form1. # The reason for this is many users many working in forms[0]. # This way there will be a from to work with that is not for properties. # This is not critical but it is a good practice. # If the user deletes Forms[0] it will not wipe the property forms. # Also if the user draws control on the spreadsheet or other document it will use this form. frm = cast( "Form", self.sheet.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XForm, "", raise_err=True), ) frm.Name = "Form1" forms.insertByName("Form1", frm) if forms.hasByName(key): frm = forms.getByName(key) else: frm = cast( "Form", self.sheet.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf(XForm, "", raise_err=True), ) frm.Name = key forms.insertByName(key, frm) self._cache[key] = frm return frm def _reset(self) -> None: self._cache.clear() def __del__(self) -> None: pass # region Properties @property def cache(self) -> dict: return self._cache @property def draw_page(self) -> SpreadsheetDrawPage: return self._draw_page @property def form_name(self) -> str: return self._form_name @property def shape_prefix(self) -> str: return self._shape_prefix @property def shape_suffix(self) -> str: return self._shape_suffix @property def sheet(self) -> CalcSheet: return self._sheet
# endregion Properties