Source code for ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple
import contextlib
import unohelper
from import XContainerListener
from import XControlShape
from import XForm
from import XComponent

from ooo.dyn.drawing.text_vertical_adjust import TextVerticalAdjust
from ooo.dyn.beans.property_attribute import PropertyAttributeEnum
from ooo.dyn.awt.size import Size

from ooodev.calc.calc_cell import CalcCell
from ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop_base import CustomPropBase
from ooodev.form.controls.form_ctl_hidden import FormCtlHidden
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.utils import props as mProps
from ooodev.utils.gen_util import NULL_OBJ
from ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict import DotDict

    from import ContainerEvent
    from import XContainer
    from import ControlShape
    from import EventObject
    from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst

# Because the shape that is added to the cell is relative to the cell then when the cell moves the shape moves with it.
# The shapes anchor is a reference to the cell. When the cell is moved the shape Anchor is updated.
# The cell shape contains a reference to the hidden control that holds the custom properties.

# Known Issues:
# 1. When a cell is copied and pasted the custom properties are not copied. This is by design.
# However, when cell is copied it will copy the shape that is in the cell. The duplicated shape will be automatically removed then the next call to original cell or the copied cell for custom properties.
# 2. When a cell is deleted the hidden control for the custom properties are not deleted.
# This is because the hidden control is not part of the cell but part of the form.
# This has no ill effect on the document. To remove all the hidden controls at one the CellCustomProperties Form could be deleted. Although not recommended.
# Removing the form would not remove the shapes. It would be possible for a developer to monitor the sheet and manually remove the hidden controls.
# This is not really an issue because the hidden controls are not visible and do not effect the document.
# See Also:
# Also There is a ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop_clean.CustomPropClean that can be used to clean up the hidden controls if needed.
# this could also be done on a document saving event or other event if needed

[docs]class CustomProp(CustomPropBase): """A partial class for Calc Cell custom properties."""
[docs] class ContainerListener(unohelper.Base, XContainerListener):
[docs] def __init__( self, form_name: str, cp: CustomProp, lo_inst: LoInst, subscriber: XContainer | None = None ) -> None: super().__init__() self._form_name = form_name self._cp = cp self._lo_inst = lo_inst if subscriber: subscriber.addContainerListener(self)
[docs] def is_element_monitored_form(self, element: Any) -> bool: form = self.lo_inst.qi(XForm, element) if form is None: return False return form.Name == self._form_name # type: ignore
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self._cp._reset()
# region XContainerListener
[docs] def elementInserted(self, event: ContainerEvent) -> None: """ Event is invoked when a container has inserted an element. """ # replaced element should be a form if self.is_element_monitored_form(event.Element): self.reset()
[docs] def elementRemoved(self, event: ContainerEvent) -> None: """ Event is invoked when a container has removed an element. """ if self.is_element_monitored_form(event.Element): self.reset()
[docs] def elementReplaced(self, event: ContainerEvent) -> None: """ Event is invoked when a container has replaced an element. """ if self.is_element_monitored_form(event.ReplacedElement): self.reset()
[docs] def disposing(self, event: EventObject) -> None: """ Gets called when the broadcaster is about to be disposed. All listeners and all other objects, which reference the broadcaster should release the reference to the source. No method should be invoked anymore on this object ( including ``XComponent.removeEventListener()`` ). This method is called for every listener registration of derived listener interfaced, not only for registrations at ``XComponent``. """ self.reset()
@property def lo_inst(self) -> LoInst: return self._lo_inst
[docs] def __init__(self, cell: CalcCell) -> None: CustomPropBase.__init__(self, cell.calc_sheet) self._cell = cell self._forbidden_keys = set(("HiddenValue", "Name", "ClassId", "Tag")) self._attribute_name = "CustomPropertiesId" self._ctl_name = None self._row = self._cell.cell_obj.row - 1 self._col = self._cell.cell_obj.col_obj.index self._container_listener: CustomProp.ContainerListener self._container_listener = CustomProp.ContainerListener( form_name=self._form_name, cp=self, lo_inst=self._cell.lo_inst, subscriber=self._draw_page.forms.component )
# region Manage Cell Shape def _get_control_id(self) -> Tuple[XControlShape, str]: key = "control_id" if key in self.cache: return self.cache[key] shape = self._find_shape_by_cell_row_col(self._row, self._col) if shape is None: shape, s = self._add_shape_to_cell() return shape, s s = self._get_hidden_control_name_from_shape(shape) self.cache[key] = shape, s return shape, s def _get_shapes_dict(self) -> Dict[str, List[XControlShape]]: comp = self.draw_page.component shapes = {} # find all shapes on the draw page that start with prefix and end with suffix for shape in comp: # type: ignore if not hasattr(shape, "supportsService"): continue if not shape.supportsService(""): continue try: name = cast(str, shape.Name) except AttributeError: continue if name.startswith(self.shape_prefix) and name.endswith(self.shape_suffix): if name in shapes: shapes[name].append(shape) else: shapes[name] = [shape] return shapes def _find_shape_by_cell_row_col(self, row: int, col: int) -> XControlShape | None: # When a cell has been copied and pasted there will be a duplicate shape in the dest cell. # For this reason a small cleanup is done if needed to remove any duplicate shapes. # The duplicate shapes will have a higher z-order then the original shape. The higher z-order shapes are removed. # Depending on environment there may not be duplicates with the exact shape name. It may be an artifact such as '_cprop_idhdkuy07hizr3eh_id 1' # In this case the artifact is removed when the cell custom properties that contains the artifact is accessed. key = f"shape_{row}_{col}" if key in self.cache: return self.cache[key] comp = self.draw_page.component found_shape = None cleanup = [] for shape in comp: # type: ignore if not hasattr(shape, "supportsService"): # Added in Version 0.47.16 # Some shapes do not have a supportsService attribute. Just ignore them here. continue if not shape.supportsService(""): continue if not hasattr(shape, "Name"): # Added in Version 0.47.15 # Some shapes do not have a Name attribute. Just ignore them here. continue anchor = shape.Anchor if anchor is None: continue if anchor.getImplementationName() != "ScCellObj": continue if not shape.Name.startswith(self.shape_prefix): continue cell_address = anchor.CellAddress if cell_address.Row == row and cell_address.Column == col: if shape.Name.endswith(self.shape_suffix): if found_shape is None: found_shape = shape else: cleanup.append(shape) if found_shape is None: if cleanup: for shape in cleanup: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self._draw_page.remove(shape) cleanup.clear() return None def get_result(shp: Any) -> Any: nonlocal row, col anchor = shp.Anchor if anchor is None: return None if anchor.getImplementationName() != "ScCellObj": return None cell_address = anchor.CellAddress if cell_address.Row == row and cell_address.Column == col: # the current shape may be the original shape in another cell. # That means this cell is a copy. return shp return None result = None shapes_dict = self._get_shapes_dict() shapes = shapes_dict[found_shape.Name] if len(shapes) == 1: result = found_shape else: # sort shapes by zorder found_shape = None result = None shapes.sort(key=lambda x: x.ZOrder) # type: ignore # if there is more then one shape then the first shape is the original # if cleanup is not empty at this point then it will contain artifacts such as '_cprop_idhdkuy07hizr3eh_id 1' that need to be removed. cleanup.extend(shapes[1:]) result = get_result(shapes[0]) if cleanup: for shape in cleanup: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self.draw_page.remove(shape) if result: self.cache[key] = result return result def _create_shape(self) -> XControlShape: shape = cast( "ControlShape", self.sheet.lo_inst.create_instance_msf(XControlShape, "", raise_err=True), ) # Setting shape.Visible does not work here. It does work after shape has been added to the draw page. # shape.setPropertyValue("Visible", False) # shape.Visible = False return shape def _add_shape_to_cell(self) -> Tuple[XControlShape, str]: # There is a strange issue, maybe a bug, when the shape is added the the cell the sheet must be activated. # If the sheet is not active when the shape is added then everything seems to work fine until you try to save the document. # The document will hang and not save. # Testing is showing that by activate the sheet before adding the shape the issue is resolved. # This also works in headless mode. # Once a cell has a shape for the custom properties it will not be added again and this is no longer an issue. active_sheet = self.sheet.calc_doc.get_active_sheet() activated = False if != activated = True self.sheet.calc_sheet.set_active() shape = cast("ControlShape", self._create_shape()) str_id = "id" + gUtil.Util.generate_random_alpha_numeric(14).lower() shape.Name = f"{self.shape_prefix}{str_id}{self.shape_suffix}" # type: ignore self.draw_page.add(shape) # note setting visible to true here cause the document to hang when be saved. This is a critical failure. shape.Anchor = self._cell.component # type: ignore shape_key_val = { "Decorative": False, "TextVerticalAdjust": TextVerticalAdjust.CENTER, "HoriOrient": 0, "MoveProtect": False, "Printable": False, "ResizeWithCell": True, "SizeProtect": False, "Visible": True, } for key, val in shape_key_val.items(): if hasattr(shape, key): setattr(shape, key, val) shape.setSize(Size(1, 1)) if activated: active_sheet.set_active() return shape, str_id # endregion Manage Cell Shape # region Manage Hidden Control def _get_hidden_control(self) -> FormCtlHidden: _, ctl_name = self._get_control_id() key = f"hidden_ctl_{ctl_name}" if key in self.cache: return cast(FormCtlHidden, self.cache[key]) frm = self._get_form() if not frm.hasByName(ctl_name): comp = self._cell.lo_inst.create_instance_mcf( XComponent, "", raise_err=True ) comp.HiddenValue = "" # type: ignore frm.insertByName(ctl_name, comp) ctl = FormCtlHidden(frm.getByName(ctl_name), self.sheet.lo_inst) self.cache[key] = ctl return ctl # endregion Manage Hidden Control # region Property Access
[docs] def get_custom_property(self, name: str, default: Any = NULL_OBJ) -> Any: """ Gets a custom property. Args: name (str): The name of the property. default (Any, optional): The default value to return if the property does not exist. Raises: AttributeError: If the property is not found. Returns: Any: The value of the property. """ ctl = self._get_hidden_control() info = ctl.get_property_set_info() if info.hasPropertyByName(name): return ctl.get_property(name) if default is not NULL_OBJ: return default raise AttributeError(f"Property '{name}' not found.")
[docs] def get_custom_properties(self) -> DotDict: """ Gets custom properties. Returns: DotDict: custom properties. Hint: DotDict is a class that allows you to access dictionary keys as attributes or keys. DotDict can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict.DotDict``. """ ctl = self._get_hidden_control() props = ctl.get_property_values() lst = [] for prop in props: if prop.Name not in self._forbidden_keys: lst.append(prop) return mProps.Props.props_to_dot_dict(lst)
[docs] def has_custom_property(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Gets if a custom property exists. Args: name (str): The name of the property to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the property exists, otherwise ``False``. """ key = self.form_name if key not in self.cache: # form has not been loaded yet, It may not exist if not self.draw_page.forms.has_by_name(self._form_name): # if there is no form there is no properties for any cell yet. return False key = "control_id" if key not in self.cache: # shape has not been loaded shape = self._find_shape_by_cell_row_col(self._row, self._col) # if the cell has no shape it has no properties if shape is None: return False ctl = self._get_hidden_control() info = ctl.get_property_set_info() return info.hasPropertyByName(name)
[docs] def has_custom_properties(self) -> bool: """ Gets if a custom property exists. Args: name (str): The name of the property to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the property exists, otherwise ``False``. """ key = self.form_name if key not in self.cache: # form has not been loaded yet, It may not exist if not self.draw_page.forms.has_by_name(self.form_name): # if there is no form there is no properties for any cell yet. return False key = "control_id" shape = None if key not in self.cache: # shape has not been loaded shape = self._find_shape_by_cell_row_col(self._row, self._col) # if the cell has no shape it has no properties if shape is None: return False hidden = self._get_hidden_control_name_from_shape(shape) if hidden is None: return False props = self.get_custom_properties() return len(props) > 0
[docs] def set_custom_property(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Sets a custom property. Args: name (str): The name of the property. value (Any): The value of the property. Raises: AttributeError: If the property is a forbidden key. """ if name in self._forbidden_keys: raise AttributeError(f"Property '{name}' is forbidden. Forbidden keys: {self._forbidden_keys}") ctl = self._get_hidden_control() info = ctl.get_property_set_info() if info.hasPropertyByName(name): ctl.remove_property(name) ctl.add_property(name, PropertyAttributeEnum.REMOVABLE, value)
[docs] def set_custom_properties(self, properties: DotDict) -> None: """ Sets custom properties. Args: properties (DotDict): custom properties to set. Hint: DotDict is a class that allows you to access dictionary keys as attributes or keys. DotDict can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict.DotDict``. """ for name, value in properties.items(): self.set_custom_property(name, value)
[docs] def remove_custom_property(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a custom property. Args: name (str): The name of the property to remove. Raises: AttributeError: If the property is a forbidden key. Returns: None: """ if name in self._forbidden_keys: raise AttributeError(f"Property '{name}' is forbidden. Forbidden keys: {self._forbidden_keys}") ctl = self._get_hidden_control() info = ctl.get_property_set_info() if info.hasPropertyByName(name): ctl.remove_property(name)
[docs] def remove_custom_properties(self) -> None: """ Removes all custom properties. Returns: None: """ # remove hidden control # remove form if it is empty # remove shape forms = self.draw_page.forms if forms.has_by_name(self.form_name): _, ctl_id = self._get_control_id() form = forms[self.form_name] form.remove_by_name(ctl_id) if not form.has_elements(): forms.remove_by_name(self.form_name) form = None shape = self._find_shape_by_cell_row_col(self._row, self._col) if shape: self._draw_page.remove(shape) shape = None
# endregion Property Access def __del__(self) -> None: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): comp = self._draw_page.forms.component if self._container_listener and comp: comp.removeContainerListener(self._container_listener) self._container_listener = None # type: ignore super().__del__()