Source code for ooodev.calc.calc_cell_cursor

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, List, TYPE_CHECKING, overload

from import XCellRange

from ooodev.adapter.sheet.sheet_cell_cursor_comp import SheetCellCursorComp
from ooodev.format.inner.style_partial import StylePartial
from import calc as mCalc
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.prop_partial import PropPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.qi_partial import QiPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.service_partial import ServicePartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.the_dictionary_partial import TheDictionaryPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_doc_prop_partial import CalcDocPropPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_sheet_prop_partial import CalcSheetPropPartial
from ooodev.calc import calc_cell_range as mCalcCellRange
from ooodev.calc import calc_cell as mCalcCell
from ooodev.utils.data_type.cell_obj import CellObj
from ooodev.utils.data_type.range_obj import RangeObj
from ooodev.utils.data_type.range_values import RangeValues
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx

    from import SheetCell
    from import CellAddress
    from import XCell
    from import XSheetCellCursor
    from ooodev.utils.data_type import cell_obj as mCellObj
    from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet import CalcSheet
    XSheetCellCursor = Any

[docs]class CalcCellCursor( LoInstPropsPartial, SheetCellCursorComp, QiPartial, PropPartial, StylePartial, ServicePartial, CalcDocPropPartial, CalcSheetPropPartial, TheDictionaryPartial, ):
[docs] def __init__(self, owner: CalcSheet, cursor: XSheetCellCursor, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo self._owner = owner LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=lo_inst) SheetCellCursorComp.__init__(self, cursor) # type: ignore QiPartial.__init__(self, component=cursor, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) # type: ignore PropPartial.__init__(self, component=cursor, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) # type: ignore StylePartial.__init__(self, component=cursor) ServicePartial.__init__(self, component=cursor, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) CalcSheetPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.calc_sheet) CalcDocPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.calc_doc) TheDictionaryPartial.__init__(self)
[docs] def find_used_cursor(self) -> mCalcCellRange.CalcCellRange: """ Find used cursor Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if unable to find interface Returns: CalcCellRange: Cell range """ found = mCalc.Calc.find_used_cursor(self.component) return mCalcCellRange.CalcCellRange(owner=self.calc_sheet, rng=found, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] def find_used_range_obj(self, content_flags: int = 23) -> RangeObj: """ Finds used range object. The used range is found by querying the current range for content specified by the ``content_flags``. Args: content_flags (int, optional): CellFlags. Defaults to 23. Raises: CellRangeError: If unable to get used range object Returns: RangeObj: The Range object that represents the used range. Note: Default ``CellFlags`` is: ``CellFlags.FORMULA | CellFlags.VALUE | CellFlags.DATETIME | CellFlags.STRING`` ``CellFlags`` can be imported from ````. See Also: `API CellFlags <>`_ .. versionadded:: 0.47.7 """ try: # content_flags = CellFlags.FORMULA | CellFlags.VALUE | CellFlags.DATETIME | CellFlags.STRING cell_range = self.qi(XCellRange, True) rng_obj = self.calc_doc.range_converter.get_range_obj(cell_range=cell_range) cursor = self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(range_obj=rng_obj) q_result = cursor.component.queryContentCells(content_flags) if q_result is None: raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: queryContentCells() returned None") cells = q_result.getCells() if cells is None: raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: getCells() returned None") if not cells.hasElements(): raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: getCells() has no elements") enum = cells.createEnumeration() if enum is None: raise mEx.CellRangeError("Error getting used range object: createEnumeration() returned None") sheet_cells: List[CellObj] = [] while enum.hasMoreElements(): sc = cast("SheetCell", enum.nextElement()) sheet_cells.append(CellObj.from_cell(sc.getCellAddress())) if len(sheet_cells) < 2: raise mEx.CellRangeError( f"Error getting used range object: Not enough cells found. Minimum is 2. Found: {len(sheet_cells)}" ) sheet_cells.sort() cell_start = sheet_cells[0] cell_end = sheet_cells[-1] addr_start = cell_start.get_cell_values() addr_end = cell_end.get_cell_values() result = RangeValues( col_start=addr_start.col, row_start=addr_start.row, col_end=addr_end.col, row_end=addr_end.row, sheet_idx=rng_obj.sheet_idx, ) # cursor.component.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False) and gotoEndOfUsedArea(True) are not working # correctly. The goto methods go outside the bounds of the range. return RangeObj.from_range(result) except mEx.CellRangeError: raise except Exception as e: raise mEx.CellRangeError(f"Error getting used range object: {e}") from e
[docs] def get_calc_cell_range(self) -> mCalcCellRange.CalcCellRange: """ Get calc cell range Returns: CalcCellRange: Cell range """ cell_range = self.qi(XCellRange, True) return mCalcCellRange.CalcCellRange(owner=self.calc_sheet, rng=cell_range, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# region get_cell_by_position() @overload def get_cell_by_position(self) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get current active cell Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ ... @overload def get_cell_by_position(self, cell_name: str) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get cell by position Args: cell_name (str): Cell name. Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ ... @overload def get_cell_by_position(self, addr: CellAddress) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get cell by position Args: addr (CellAddress): Cell Address. Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ ... @overload def get_cell_by_position(self, cell: XCell) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get cell by position Args: cell (XCell): Cell. Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ ... @overload def get_cell_by_position(self, cell_obj: mCellObj.CellObj) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get cell by position Args: cell_obj (CellObj): Cell Object. If passed in the same CellObj is returned. Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ ... @overload def get_cell_by_position(self, col: int, row: int) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get cell by position Args: col (int): Zero-based column index. row (int): Zero-based row index. Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ ...
[docs] def get_cell_by_position(self, *args, **kwargs) -> mCalcCell.CalcCell: """ Get cell by position Args: cell_name (str): Cell name. addr (CellAddress): Cell Address. cell (XCell): Cell. cell_obj (CellObj): Cell Object. If passed in the same CellObj is returned. col (int): Zero-based column index. row (int): Zero-based row index. Returns: CalcCell: Cell """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell_obj = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj(*args, **kwargs) # x_cell = self.component.getCellByPosition(cell_obj.col_obj.index, cell_obj.row_obj.index) return mCalcCell.CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# endregion get_cell_by_position() # region Cursor Move Movement
[docs] def go_to_start(self) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to start. Points the cursor to a single cell which is the beginning of a contiguous series of (filled) cells. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoStart() with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
[docs] def go_to_next(self) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to next. Points the cursor to the next unprotected cell. If the sheet is not protected, this is the next cell to the right. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoNext() with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
[docs] def go_to_previous(self) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to next. Points the cursor to the previous unprotected cell. If the sheet is not protected, this is the next cell to the left. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoPrevious() with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
[docs] def go_to_end(self) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to end. Points the cursor to a single cell which is the end of a contiguous series of (filled) cells. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoEnd() with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
[docs] def go_to_offset(self, col_offset: int, row_offset: int) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to next. Moves the origin of the cursor relative to the current position. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoOffset(col_offset, row_offset) with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
[docs] def go_to_start_of_used_area(self, expand: bool = False) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to end. points the cursor to the start of the used area. Args: expand (bool): If ``True`` then the used area is expanded to the left and up if necessary. ``False``sets size of the cursor to a single cell. Default is ``False``. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoStartOfUsedArea(expand) if expand: with LoContext(self.lo_inst): range_obj = mCalc.Calc.find_used_range_obj(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component) return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(range_obj=range_obj) with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
[docs] def go_to_end_of_used_area(self, expand: bool = False) -> CalcCellCursor: """ Go to end. points the cursor to the end of the used area. Args: expand (bool): If ``True`` then the used area is expanded to the right and down if necessary. ``False``sets size of the cursor to a single cell. Default is ``False``. Returns: CalcCellCursor: New instance of CalcCellCursor """ self.component.gotoEndOfUsedArea(expand) if expand: with LoContext(self.lo_inst): range_obj = mCalc.Calc.find_used_range_obj(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component) return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(range_obj=range_obj) with LoContext(self.lo_inst): cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell_obj() return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=cell)
# endregion Cursor Move Movement