Source code for ooodev.calc.calc_cell

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, overload, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

    # python 3.12+
    from typing import override  # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import override  # noqa # type: ignore

from import RuntimeException

from ooodev.mock import mock_g
from ooodev.adapter.sheet.sheet_cell_comp import SheetCellComp
from import EventsPartial
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.area.fill_color_partial import FillColorPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.alignment.properties_partial import PropertiesPartial as AlignPropertiesPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.alignment.text_align_partial import TextAlignPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.alignment.text_orientation_partial import TextOrientationPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.borders.calc_borders_partial import CalcBordersPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.cell_protection.cell_protection_partial import CellProtectionPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.calc.font.font_effects_partial import FontEffectsPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.font.font_only_partial import FontOnlyPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.font.font_partial import FontPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.partial.numbers.numbers_numbers_partial import NumbersNumbersPartial
from ooodev.format.inner.style_partial import StylePartial
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.loader.inst.lo_inst import LoInst
from import calc as mCalc
from ooodev.units.unit_mm import UnitMM
from ooodev.utils.context.lo_context import LoContext
from ooodev.utils.data_type import cell_obj as mCellObj
from ooodev.utils.data_type.generic_unit_point import GenericUnitPoint
from ooodev.utils.partial.lo_inst_props_partial import LoInstPropsPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.prop_partial import PropPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.qi_partial import QiPartial
from ooodev.utils.partial.service_partial import ServicePartial
from ooodev.utils.gen_util import NULL_OBJ
from ooodev.utils.type_var import Row, Table
from ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict import DotDict
from ooodev.utils.partial.the_dictionary_partial import TheDictionaryPartial
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from import StylePropertyPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_cell_prop_partial import CalcCellPropPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_doc_prop_partial import CalcDocPropPartial
from ooodev.calc.partial.calc_sheet_prop_partial import CalcSheetPropPartial
from ooodev.adapter.table.cell_properties2_partial_props import CellProperties2PartialProps

    from import Point
    from import SolverConstraint  # struct
    from import XGoalSeek
    from import XSheetAnnotation
    from import XTextRange
    from import CellAddress
    from ooo.dyn.sheet.solver_constraint_operator import SolverConstraintOperator
    from ooodev.proto.style_obj import StyleT
    from import CancelEventArgs
    from import StyleCellKind
    from import KeyValCancelArgs
    from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet import CalcSheet
    from ooodev.calc import calc_cell_cursor as mCalcCellCursor
    from ooodev.calc.calc_cell_text_cursor import CalcCellTextCursor
    from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
    from ooodev.calc.controls.cell_control import CellControl
    from ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop import CustomProp
    XSheetAnnotation = Any
    UnitT = Any

[docs]class CalcCell( LoInstPropsPartial, SheetCellComp, EventsPartial, CellProperties2PartialProps, QiPartial, PropPartial, StylePartial, ServicePartial, TheDictionaryPartial, CalcCellPropPartial, CalcSheetPropPartial, CalcDocPropPartial, FontOnlyPartial, FontEffectsPartial, FontPartial, TextAlignPartial, TextOrientationPartial, AlignPropertiesPartial, FillColorPartial, CalcBordersPartial, CellProtectionPartial, NumbersNumbersPartial, StylePropertyPartial, ):
[docs] def __init__(self, owner: CalcSheet, cell: str | mCellObj.CellObj, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> None: if lo_inst is None: lo_inst = mLo.Lo.current_lo LoInstPropsPartial.__init__(self, lo_inst=lo_inst) self._cell_obj = mCellObj.CellObj.from_cell(cell) # don't use owner.get_cell() here because it will be recursive. sheet_cell = mCalc.Calc.get_cell(sheet=owner.component, cell_obj=self._cell_obj) SheetCellComp.__init__(self, sheet_cell) # type: ignore EventsPartial.__init__(self) CellProperties2PartialProps.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell) # type: ignore QiPartial.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) PropPartial.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) StylePartial.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell) ServicePartial.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) TheDictionaryPartial.__init__(self) CalcCellPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=self) CalcSheetPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner) CalcDocPropPartial.__init__(self, obj=owner.calc_doc) FontOnlyPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) FontEffectsPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) FontPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.general_style.text", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) TextAlignPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst) TextOrientationPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) AlignPropertiesPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=self.lo_inst ) FillColorPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=lo_inst) CalcBordersPartial.__init__(self, factory_name="ooodev.calc.cell", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=lo_inst) CellProtectionPartial.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell) NumbersNumbersPartial.__init__( self, factory_name="ooodev.number.numbers", component=sheet_cell, lo_inst=lo_inst ) StylePropertyPartial.__init__(self, component=sheet_cell, property_name="CellStyle") self._control = None self._custom_properties = None self._init_events()
def _init_events(self) -> None: self._fn_on_before_style_number_number = self._on_before_style_number_number self._fn_on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting = self._on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting self.subscribe_event(event_name="before_style_number_number", callback=self._fn_on_before_style_number_number) self.subscribe_event( event_name="style_by_name_default_prop_setting", callback=self._fn_on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting ) def _on_before_style_number_number(self, src: Any, event: CancelEventArgs) -> None: event.event_data["component"] = self.calc_doc.component def _on_style_by_name_default_prop_setting(self, src: Any, event: KeyValCancelArgs) -> None: # this event is triggered by StylePropertyPartial.style_by_name() # when property is setting default value this is triggered. # In this case we want the style to be set to the default property value. event.default = True # region SimpleTextPartial Overrides
[docs] @override def create_text_cursor(self) -> CalcCellTextCursor: # type: ignore """ Creates a text cursor to travel in the given range context. Cursor can be used to insert text, paragraphs, hyperlinks, and other text content. Returns: CalcCellTextCursor: Text cursor .. versionadded:: 0.28.4 """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooodev.calc.calc_cell_text_cursor import CalcCellTextCursor cursor = self.component.createTextCursor() return CalcCellTextCursor(owner=self, cursor=cursor, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] @override def create_text_cursor_by_range(self, text_position: XTextRange) -> CalcCellTextCursor: # type: ignore """ The initial position is set to ``text_position``. Cursor can be used to insert text, paragraphs, hyperlinks, and other text content. Args: text_position (XTextRange): The initial position of the new text cursor. Returns: CalcCellTextCursor: The new text cursor. .. versionadded:: 0.28.4 """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooodev.calc.calc_cell_text_cursor import CalcCellTextCursor cursor = self.component.createTextCursorByRange(text_position) return CalcCellTextCursor(owner=self, cursor=cursor, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# endregion SimpleTextPartial Overrides
[docs] def create_cursor(self) -> mCalcCellCursor.CalcCellCursor: """ Creates a cell cursor to travel in the given range context. Returns: CalcCellCursor: Cell cursor """ return self.calc_sheet.create_cursor_by_range(cell_obj=self._cell_obj)
# region StylePropertyPartial overrides
[docs] @override def style_by_name(self, name: str | StyleCellKind = "") -> None: """ Assign a style by name to the component. Args: name (str, StyleCellKind, optional): The name of the style to apply. ``StyleCellKind`` contains various style names. If not provided, the default style is applied. Raises: CancelEventError: If the event ``before_style_by_name`` is cancelled and not handled. Returns: None: Hint: - ``StyleCellKind`` can be imported from ```` """ super().style_by_name(name=str(name))
# endregion StylePropertyPartial overrides # region dunder methods
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Compares two instances of CalcCell.""" if isinstance(other, CalcCell): return self.cell_obj == other.cell_obj return False
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Compares two instances of CalcCell.""" return not self.__eq__(other)
# endregion dunder methods # region Cell Properties
[docs] def is_first_row(self) -> bool: """Determines if this cell is in the first row of the sheet.""" return self._cell_obj.row == 1
[docs] def is_first_column(self) -> bool: """Determines if this cell is in the first column of the sheet.""" return self._cell_obj.col == "A"
# endregion Cell Properties
[docs] def goto(self) -> None: """ Go to this cell in the spreadsheet. Returns: None: Attention: :py:meth:`~.utils.lo.Lo.dispatch_cmd` method is called along with any of its events. Dispatch command is ``GoToCell``. .. versionadded:: 0.20.2 """ _ = self.calc_sheet.goto_cell(cell_obj=self._cell_obj)
[docs] def goal_seek( self, gs: XGoalSeek, formula_cell_name: str | mCellObj.CellObj, result: int | float, ) -> float: """ Calculates a value which gives a specified result in a formula. Args: gs (XGoalSeek): Goal seeking value for cell formula_cell_name (str | CellObj): formula cell name result (int, float): float or int, result of the goal seek Raises: GoalDivergenceError: If goal divergence is greater than 0.1 Returns: float: result of the goal seek """ return mCalc.Calc.goal_seek( gs=gs, sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_name=self.cell_obj, formula_cell_name=formula_cell_name, result=result, )
[docs] def get_cell_position(self) -> Point: """ Gets a cell name as a Point. - ``Point.X`` is column zero-based index. - ``Point.Y`` is row zero-based index. Returns: Point: cell name as Point with X as col and Y as row """ return mCalc.Calc.get_cell_position(cell_name=self._cell_obj)
# region Other Cells
[docs] def get_cell_left(self) -> CalcCell: """ Gets the cell to the left of this cell. Raises: CellError: If cell is in the first column of the sheet. Returns: CalcCell: Cell to the left of this cell. """ if self.is_first_column(): raise mEx.CellError(f"Cell {self._cell_obj} is in the first column of the sheet.") cell_obj = self._cell_obj.left return CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] def get_cell_right(self) -> CalcCell: """ Gets the cell to the right of this cell. Raises: CellError: If cell is in the last column of the sheet. Returns: CalcCell: Cell to the right of this cell. """ cell_obj = self._cell_obj.right return CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] def get_cell_up(self) -> CalcCell: """ Gets the cell above this cell. Returns: CalcCell: Cell above this cell. """ if self.is_first_row(): raise mEx.CellError(f"Cell {self._cell_obj} is in the first row of the sheet.") cell_obj = self._cell_obj.up return CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
[docs] def get_cell_down(self) -> CalcCell: """ Gets the cell below this cell. Returns: CalcCell: Cell below this cell. """ cell_obj = self._cell_obj.down return CalcCell(owner=self.calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=self.lo_inst)
# endregion Other Cells
[docs] def add_annotation(self, msg: str, is_visible=True) -> XSheetAnnotation: """ Adds an annotation to a cell and makes the annotation visible. Args: sheet (XSpreadsheet): Spreadsheet cell_name (str): Name of cell to add annotation such as 'A1' msg (str): Annotation Text set_visible (bool): Determines if the annotation is set visible Raises: MissingInterfaceError: If interface is missing Returns: XSheetAnnotation: Cell annotation that was added """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): result = mCalc.Calc.add_annotation( sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_name=str(self._cell_obj), msg=msg, is_visible=is_visible ) return result
[docs] def get_annotation(self) -> XSheetAnnotation: """ Gets the annotation of a cell. Returns: XSheetAnnotation: Cell annotation """ return mCalc.Calc.get_annotation(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_name=self._cell_obj)
[docs] def get_annotation_str(self) -> str: """ Gets text of an annotation for a cell. Returns: str: Cell annotation text """ return mCalc.Calc.get_annotation_str(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_name=self._cell_obj)
[docs] def get_string(self) -> str: """ Gets the value of a cell as a string. Returns: str: Cell value as string. """ return mCalc.Calc.get_string(cell=self.component)
[docs] def get_cell_str(self) -> str: """ Gets the cell as a string in format of ``A1`` Returns: str: Cell as str """ return str(self._cell_obj)
[docs] def get_type_enum(self) -> mCalc.Calc.CellTypeEnum: """ Gets enum representing the Type Returns: CellTypeEnum: Enum of cell type """ # does not need context manager return mCalc.Calc.get_type_enum(cell=self.component)
[docs] def get_type_string(self) -> str: """ Gets String representing the Type Returns: str: String of cell type """ return str(self.get_type_enum())
[docs] def get_num(self) -> float: """ Get cell value a float Returns: float: Cell value as float. If cell value cannot be converted then 0.0 is returned. """ return mCalc.Calc.get_num(cell=self.component)
[docs] def get_val(self) -> Any | None: """ Gets cell value Returns: Any | None: Cell value cell has a value; Otherwise, None """ return mCalc.Calc.get_val(cell=self.component)
# region set_array_cell()
[docs] def set_array_cell(self, values: Table, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Inserts array of data into spreadsheet Args: range_name (str): Range to insert data such as 'A1:E12'. values (Table): A 2-Dimensional array of value such as a list of list or tuple of tuples. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to cell range. """ if styles is None: self.calc_sheet.set_array_cell(cell_obj=self._cell_obj, values=values) else: self.calc_sheet.set_array_cell(cell_obj=self._cell_obj, values=values, styles=styles)
# endregion set_array_cell()
[docs] def set_date(self, day: int, month: int, year: int) -> None: """ Writes a date with standard date format into a spreadsheet Args: day (int): Date day part. month (int): Date month part. year (int): Date year part. """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.set_date( sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_name=self._cell_obj, day=day, month=month, year=year )
# region set_row()
[docs] def set_row(self, values: Row) -> None: """ Inserts a row of data into spreadsheet Raises: MissingInterfaceError: if unable to obtain interface Args: values (Row): Row Data. """ self.calc_sheet.set_row( values=values, cell_obj=self._cell_obj, )
# endregion set_row()
[docs] def set_row_height( self, height: int | UnitT, ) -> None: """ Sets column width. height is in ``mm``, e.g. 6 Args: height (int, UnitT): Width in ``mm`` units or :ref:`proto_unit_obj`. idx (int): Index of Row Raises: CancelEventError: If SHEET_ROW_HEIGHT_SETTING event is canceled. Returns: None: :events: .. cssclass:: lo_event - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-row-height-setting` - :py:attr:`` :eventref:`src-docs-sheet-event-row-height-set` Note: Event args ``index`` is set to ``idx`` value, ``event_data`` is set to ``height`` value (``mm100`` units). """ index = self._cell_obj.row - 1 self.calc_sheet.set_row_height(height=height, idx=index)
[docs] def set_style(self, styles: Sequence[StyleT]) -> None: """ Sets style for cell Args: styles (Sequence[StyleT]): One or more styles to apply to cell. Returns: None: See Also: - :ref:`help_calc_format_style_cell` - :ref:`help_calc_format_direct_cell` """ mCalc.Calc.set_style_cell(sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_obj=self._cell_obj, styles=styles)
[docs] def set_val(self, value: Any, styles: Sequence[StyleT] | None = None) -> None: """ Sets the value of a cell Args: value (object): Value for cell. cell_obj (CellObj): Cell Object. styles (Sequence[StyleT], optional): One or more styles to apply to cell. Returns: None: """ if styles is None: self.calc_sheet.set_val(value=value, cell_obj=self._cell_obj) else: self.calc_sheet.set_val(value=value, cell_obj=self._cell_obj, styles=styles)
[docs] def split_window(self) -> None: """ Splits window Args: doc (XSpreadsheetDocument): Spreadsheet Document cell_name (str): Cell to preform split on. e.g. 'C4' Returns: None: See Also: :ref:`ch23_splitting_panes` """ with LoContext(self.lo_inst): mCalc.Calc.split_window(doc=self.calc_sheet.calc_doc.component, cell_name=str(self._cell_obj))
# region make_constraint() @overload def make_constraint(self, num: int | float, op: str) -> SolverConstraint: """ Makes a constraint for a solver model. Args: num (Number): Constraint number such as float or int. op (str): Operation such as ``<=``. Returns: SolverConstraint: Solver constraint that can be use in a solver model. """ ... @overload def make_constraint(self, num: int | float, op: SolverConstraintOperator) -> SolverConstraint: """ Makes a constraint for a solver model. Args: num (Number): Constraint number such as float or int. op (SolverConstraintOperator): Operation such as ``SolverConstraintOperator.EQUAL``. Returns: SolverConstraint: Solver constraint that can be use in a solver model. Hint: - ``SolverConstraintOperator`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.sheet.solver_constraint_operator`` """ ...
[docs] def make_constraint(self, num: int | float, op: SolverConstraintOperator | str) -> SolverConstraint: """ Makes a constraint for a solver model. Args: num (Number): Constraint number such as float or int. op (str | SolverConstraintOperator): Operation such as ``<=``. Returns: SolverConstraint: Solver constraint that can be use in a solver model. Hint: - ``SolverConstraintOperator`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.sheet.solver_constraint_operator`` """ if isinstance(op, str): return mCalc.Calc.make_constraint(num=num, op=op, sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_obj=self._cell_obj) else: return mCalc.Calc.make_constraint( num=num, op=op, sheet=self.calc_sheet.component, cell_name=str(self._cell_obj) )
# endregion make_constraint() # region Refresh
[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """ Refreshes this instance cell. This method should be call if the sheet has rows or columns inserted or deleted since this instance was created that affect the cell address. Raises: CellDeletedError: If the cell has been deleted. Returns: None: See Also: - :py:meth:`~.calc_cell.CalcCell.is_cell_deleted` .. versionadded:: 0.45.0 """ if self.is_cell_deleted(): raise mEx.CellDeletedError(f"Cell {self._cell_obj} has been deleted.") self._custom_properties = None cell = self.component.getCellAddress() cell_obj = mCellObj.CellObj.from_cell(cell) if self._cell_obj != cell_obj: self._cell_obj = cell_obj
[docs] def is_cell_deleted(self) -> bool: """ Determines if this cell has been deleted. Returns: bool: ``True`` if cell is deleted; Otherwise, ``False``. .. versionadded:: 0.45.2 """ try: assert self.component.AbsoluteName except RuntimeException: return True return False
# endregion Refresh # region Custom Properties Methods def _get_custom_properties(self) -> CustomProp: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if self._custom_properties is not None: return self._custom_properties from ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop import CustomProp self._custom_properties = CustomProp(cell=self) return self._custom_properties # endregion Custom Properties # region Properties Methods # region Properties # region Custom Properties
[docs] def get_custom_property(self, name: str, default: Any = NULL_OBJ) -> Any: """ Gets a custom property. Args: name (str): The name of the property. default (Any, optional): The default value to return if the property does not exist. Raises: AttributeError: If the property is not found. Returns: Any: The value of the property. """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() return cp.get_custom_property(name=name, default=default)
[docs] def get_custom_properties(self) -> DotDict: """ Gets custom properties. Returns: DotDict: custom properties. Hint: DotDict is a class that allows you to access dictionary keys as attributes or keys. DotDict can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict.DotDict``. """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() return cp.get_custom_properties()
[docs] def has_custom_property(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Gets if a custom property exists. Args: name (str): The name of the property to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the property exists, otherwise ``False``. """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() return cp.has_custom_property(name=name)
[docs] def has_custom_properties(self) -> bool: """ Gets if a custom properties exists. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the properties exists, otherwise ``False``. """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() return cp.has_custom_properties()
[docs] def set_custom_property(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Sets a custom property. Args: name (str): The name of the property. value (Any): The value of the property. Raises: AttributeError: If the property is a forbidden key. """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() cp.set_custom_property(name=name, value=value)
[docs] def set_custom_properties(self, properties: DotDict) -> None: """ Sets custom properties. Args: properties (DotDict): custom properties to set. Hint: DotDict is a class that allows you to access dictionary keys as attributes or keys. DotDict can be imported from ``ooodev.utils.helper.dot_dict.DotDict``. """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() cp.set_custom_properties(properties=properties)
[docs] def remove_custom_property(self, name: str) -> None: """ Removes a custom property. Args: name (str): The name of the property to remove. Raises: AttributeError: If the property is a forbidden key. Returns: None: """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() cp.remove_custom_property(name=name)
[docs] def remove_custom_properties(self) -> None: """ Removes any custom properties. Returns: None: """ cp = self._get_custom_properties() cp.remove_custom_properties()
# endregion Custom Properties # region Static Methods
[docs] @classmethod def from_obj(cls, obj: Any, lo_inst: LoInst | None = None) -> CalcCell | None: """ Creates a CalcCell from an object. Args: obj (Any): Object to create CalcCell from. Can be a CalcCell, CalcCellPropPartial, or any object that can be converted to a CalcCell such as a cell. lo_inst (LoInst, optional): Lo Instance. Use when creating multiple documents. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: CalcSheet: CalcSheet if found; Otherwise, ``None`` .. versionadded:: 0.46.0 """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ooodev.calc.calc_sheet import CalcSheet if mInfo.Info.is_instance(obj, CalcCellPropPartial): return obj.calc_cell calc_sheet = CalcSheet.from_obj(obj=obj, lo_inst=lo_inst) if calc_sheet is None: return None if hasattr(obj, "component"): obj = obj.component if not hasattr(obj, "getImplementationName"): return None cell = None imp_name = obj.getImplementationName() if imp_name == "ScCellObj": cell = obj if cell is None: return None addr = cast("CellAddress", cell.getCellAddress()) cell_obj = mCellObj.CellObj.from_idx(col_idx=addr.Column, row_idx=addr.Row, sheet_idx=addr.Sheet) return cls(owner=calc_sheet, cell=cell_obj, lo_inst=lo_inst)
# endregion Static Methods @property def cell_obj(self) -> mCellObj.CellObj: """Cell object.""" return self._cell_obj @property def position(self) -> GenericUnitPoint[UnitMM, float]: """ Gets the Position of the cell in ``UnitMM`` Values. Contains the position of the top left cell of this range. This property contains the absolute position in the whole sheet, not the position in the visible area. .. versionchanged:: 0.20.1 Now return :ref:`generic_unit_point` instead of ``Point``. """ ps = self.component.Position return GenericUnitPoint(UnitMM.from_mm100(ps.X), UnitMM.from_mm100(ps.Y)) @property def value(self) -> str | float | None: """ Gets/Sets the value of cell. If the cell has a value, then the value is returned; Otherwise, None is returned. .. versionadded:: 0.20.1 """ return self.get_val() @value.setter def value(self, value: Any) -> None: """Sets value of cell.""" self.set_val(value=value) @property def control(self) -> CellControl: """ Gets access to class for managing cell control. Returns: CellControl: Cell control instance. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if self._control is None: from ooodev.calc.controls.cell_control import CellControl self._control = CellControl(self, self.lo_inst) self._control.add_event_observers(self.event_observer) return self._control
# endregion Properties if mock_g.FULL_IMPORT: from ooodev.calc.calc_cell_text_cursor import CalcCellTextCursor from ooodev.calc.controls.cell_control import CellControl from ooodev.calc.cell.custom_prop import CustomProp