from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from import XNotifyingDispatch
from ooodev.adapter.frame.dispatch_partial import DispatchPartial
from import GenericArgs
from ooodev.utils import gen_util as gUtil
from ooodev.adapter.frame.dispatch_result_listener import DispatchResultListener
from import URL
from import PropertyValue
from ooodev.utils.type_var import EventArgsCallbackT
from ooodev.utils.type_var import UnoInterface
[docs]class NotifyingDispatchPartial(DispatchPartial):
Class for managing Status Events.
[docs] def __init__(self, component: XNotifyingDispatch, interface: UnoInterface | None = XNotifyingDispatch) -> None:
subscriber (XNotifyingDispatch): An UNO object that implements the ``XNotifyingDispatch`` interface.
trigger_args (GenericArgs, optional): Args that are passed to events when they are triggered.
DispatchPartial.__init__(self, component, interface)
self._NotifyingDispatchPartial__listeners = {}
def _on_dispatched(*args, **kwargs):
# don't hold on to the listener after the event is dispatched.
# A new one will be created with the next dispatch.
unique_id = kwargs.pop("unique_id", "")
if unique_id:
_ = self._NotifyingDispatchPartial__listeners.pop(unique_id, None)
self.__fn_dispatched = _on_dispatched
self.__component = component
# region XNotifyingDispatch
[docs] def dispatch_with_notification(self, *args: PropertyValue, url: URL, cb: EventArgsCallbackT) -> None:
Do the same like ``XDispatch.dispatch()`` but notifies listener in every case.
Should be used if result must be known.
The call back ``event_data`` will contain a UNO ```` struct.
url (URL): Specifies full parsed URL describes the feature which should be dispatched (executed).
args (PropertyValue, optional): Optional arguments for this request.
cb (EventArgsCallbackT): Callback that is invoked when an event is dispatched.
The Callback, ``cb``, is only a one-time event for each call to this method.
If needed you can use the same callback for multiple calls to this method.
unique_id = gUtil.Util.generate_random_string(10)
g_args = GenericArgs(unique_id=unique_id)
listener = DispatchResultListener(trigger_args=g_args)
listener.on("dispatchFinished", cb)
listener.on("dispatchFinished", self.__fn_dispatched)
self._NotifyingDispatchPartial__listeners[unique_id] = listener
self.__component.dispatchWithNotification(url, args, listener)
# endregion XNotifyingDispatch