Source code for ooodev.adapter.frame.frame2_partial

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

from import XFrame2

from ooodev.adapter.frame.layout_manager_comp import LayoutManagerComp
from ooodev.utils.builder.default_builder import DefaultBuilder
from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.adapter.container.name_container_comp import NameContainerComp
from ooodev.adapter.frame import dispatch_provider_partial
from ooodev.adapter.frame import dispatch_information_provider_partial
from ooodev.adapter.frame import dispatch_provider_interception_partial
from ooodev.adapter.frame import frames_supplier_partial
from ooodev.adapter.task import status_indicator_supplier_partial

    from import XDispatchRecorderSupplier
    from import XInterface
    from import XNameContainer
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import UnoInterface

[docs]class Frame2Partial( dispatch_provider_partial.DispatchProviderPartial, dispatch_information_provider_partial.DispatchInformationProviderPartial, dispatch_provider_interception_partial.DispatchProviderInterceptionPartial, frames_supplier_partial.FramesSupplierPartial, status_indicator_supplier_partial.StatusIndicatorSupplierPartial, ): """ Partial class for XFrame2. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def __init__(self, component: XFrame2, interface: UnoInterface | None = XFrame2) -> None: """ Constructor Args: component (XFrame2 ): UNO Component that implements ```` interface. interface (UnoInterface, optional): The interface to be validated. Defaults to ``XFrame2``. """ def validate(comp: Any, obj_type: Any) -> None: if obj_type is None: return if not mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(comp, obj_type): raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(obj_type) validate(component, interface) dispatch_provider_partial.DispatchProviderPartial.__init__(self, component=component, interface=None) dispatch_information_provider_partial.DispatchInformationProviderPartial.__init__( self, component=component, interface=None ) dispatch_provider_interception_partial.DispatchProviderInterceptionPartial.__init__( self, component=component, interface=None ) frames_supplier_partial.FramesSupplierPartial.__init__(self, component=component, interface=None) status_indicator_supplier_partial.StatusIndicatorSupplierPartial.__init__( self, component=component, interface=None # type: ignore ) self.__component = component
# region XFrame2 @property def dispatch_recorder_supplier(self) -> XDispatchRecorderSupplier | None: """ Provides access to the dispatch recorder of the frame. Such recorder can be used to record dispatch requests. The supplier contains a dispatch recorder and provide the functionality to use it for any dispatch object from outside which supports the interface XDispatch. A supplier is available only, if recording was enabled. That means: if someone wishes to enable recoding on a frame he must set a supplier with a recorder object inside of it. Every user of dispatches has to check then if such supplier is available at this frame property. If value of this property is ``None`` they must call ``XDispatch.dispatch()`` on the original dispatch object. If it's a valid value he must use the supplier by calling the method ``XDispatchRecorderSupplier.dispatchAndRecord()`` with the original dispatch object as argument. Note: It's not recommended to cache an already gotten supplier. Because there exist no possibility to check for enabled/disabled recording then. **since** OOo 1.1.2 """ return self.__component.DispatchRecorderSupplier @dispatch_recorder_supplier.setter def dispatch_recorder_supplier(self, value: XDispatchRecorderSupplier) -> None: self.__component.DispatchRecorderSupplier = value @property def layout_manager(self) -> LayoutManagerComp: """ Provides access to the LayoutManager of the frame. When setting can be instance of ``XLayoutManager2`` or ``LayoutManagerComp``. """ lm = self.__component.LayoutManager if lm is None: return None # type: ignore return LayoutManagerComp(lm) @layout_manager.setter def layout_manager(self, value: XInterface | LayoutManagerComp) -> None: if mInfo.Info.is_instance(value, LayoutManagerComp): self.__component.LayoutManager = value.component else: self.__component.LayoutManager = value # type: ignore @property def title(self) -> str: """ If possible it sets/gets the UI title on/from the frame container window It depends from the type of the frame container window. If it is a system task window all will be OK. Otherwise the title can't be set. Setting/getting of the pure value of this property must be possible in every case. Only showing on the UI can be fail. """ return self.__component.Title @title.setter def title(self, value: str) -> None: self.__component.Title = value @property def user_defined_attributes(self) -> NameContainerComp | None: """ Contains user defined attributes. When setting can be instance of ``XNameContainer`` or ``NameContainerComp``. Returns: NameContainerComp: User defined attributes. """ attribs = self.__component.UserDefinedAttributes if attribs is None: return None return NameContainerComp(attribs) @user_defined_attributes.setter def user_defined_attributes(self, value: XNameContainer | NameContainerComp) -> None: if mInfo.Info.is_instance(value, NameContainerComp): self.__component.UserDefinedAttributes = value.component else: self.__component.UserDefinedAttributes = value # type: ignore
# endregion XFrame2
[docs]def get_builder(component: Any) -> DefaultBuilder: """ Get the builder for the component. Args: component (Any): The component. Returns: DefaultBuilder: Builder instance. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel builder = DefaultBuilder(component) builder.merge(dispatch_provider_partial.get_builder(component)) builder.merge(dispatch_information_provider_partial.get_builder(component)) builder.merge(dispatch_provider_interception_partial.get_builder(component)) builder.merge(frames_supplier_partial.get_builder(component)) builder.merge(status_indicator_supplier_partial.get_builder(component)) builder.auto_add_interface("", False) return builder