from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
import contextlib
from ooodev.adapter.awt.gradient_struct_comp import GradientStructComp
from ooodev.adapter.drawing.hatch_struct_comp import HatchStructComp
from ooodev.adapter.text.graphic_crop_struct_comp import GraphicCropStructComp
from import Events
from ooodev.utils import info as mInfo
from ooodev.units.unit_mm100 import UnitMM100
from import FillProperties
from import Color # type def
from import XBitmap
from import Gradient # Struct
from import Hatch # Struct
from import GraphicCrop # Struct
from ooo.dyn.drawing.rectangle_point import RectanglePoint
from ooo.dyn.drawing.fill_style import FillStyle
from ooo.dyn.drawing.bitmap_mode import BitmapMode
from import KeyValArgs
[docs]class FillPropertiesPartial:
Partial class for FillProperties.
See Also:
`API FillProperties <>`_
[docs] def __init__(self, component: FillProperties) -> None:
component (FillProperties): UNO Component that implements ```` interface.
self.__event_provider = Events(self)
self.__props = {}
self.__component = component
def on_comp_struct_changed(src: Any, event_args: KeyValArgs) -> None:
prop_name = str(event_args.event_data["prop_name"])
if hasattr(self.__component, prop_name):
setattr(self.__component, prop_name, event_args.source.component)
self.__fn_on_comp_struct_changed = on_comp_struct_changed
# pylint: disable=no-member
self.__event_provider.subscribe_event("com_sun_star_awt_Gradient_changed", self.__fn_on_comp_struct_changed)
self.__event_provider.subscribe_event("com_sun_star_drawing_Hatch_changed", self.__fn_on_comp_struct_changed)
# region FillProperties
def fill_background(self) -> bool:
Gets/Sets whether the transparent background of a hatch filled area is drawn in the current background color.
If this is ``True``, the transparent background of a hatch filled area is drawn in the current background color.
return self.__component.FillBackground
def fill_background(self, value: bool) -> None:
self.__component.FillBackground = value
def fill_bitmap(self) -> XBitmap | None:
Gets/Sets the bitmap used for filling.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.BITMAP``, this is the bitmap used.
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
return self.__component.FillBitmap
return None
def fill_bitmap(self, value: XBitmap) -> None:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
self.__component.FillBitmap = value
def fill_bitmap_logical_size(self) -> bool:
Gets/Sets if the size is given in percentage or as an absolute value.
If this is ``True``, the properties ``fill_bitmap_size_x`` and ``fill_bitmap_size_y`` contain the size of the tile in percent of the size of the original bitmap.
If this is ``False``, the size of the tile is specified with ``1/100th mm``.
return self.__component.FillBitmapLogicalSize
def fill_bitmap_logical_size(self, value: bool) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapLogicalSize = value
def fill_bitmap_mode(self) -> BitmapMode:
Gets/Sets how an area is filled with a single bitmap.
This enum selects how an area is filled with a single bitmap.
This property corresponds to the properties ``fill_bitmap_stretch`` and ``fill_bitmap_tile``.
If set to ``BitmapMode.REPEAT``, the property ``fill_bitmap_stretch`` is set to ``False``, and the property ``fill_bitmap_tile`` is set to ``True``.
If set to ``BitmapMode.STRETCH``, the property ``fill_bitmap_stretch`` is set to ``True``, and the property ``fill_bitmap_tile`` is set to ``False``.
If set to ``BitmapMode.NO_REPEAT``, both properties ``fill_bitmap_stretch`` and ``fill_bitmap_tile`` are set to ``False``.
BitmapMode: Bitmap Mode
- ``BitmapMode`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.drawing.bitmap_mode``.
return self.__component.FillBitmapMode # type: ignore
def fill_bitmap_mode(self, value: BitmapMode) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapMode = value # type: ignore
def fill_bitmap_name(self) -> str:
If the property FillStyle is set to ``FillStyle.BITMAP``, this is the name of the used fill bitmap style.
return self.__component.FillBitmapName
def fill_bitmap_name(self, value: str) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapName = value
def fill_bitmap_offset_x(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets - Every second line of tiles is moved the given percent of the width of the bitmap.
return self.__component.FillBitmapOffsetX
def fill_bitmap_offset_x(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapOffsetX = value
def fill_bitmap_offset_y(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets - Every second row of tiles is moved the given percent of the height of the bitmap.
return self.__component.FillBitmapOffsetY
def fill_bitmap_offset_y(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapOffsetY = value
def fill_bitmap_position_offset_x(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets the horizontal offset where the tile starts.
It is given in percent in relation to the width of the bitmap.
return self.__component.FillBitmapPositionOffsetX
def fill_bitmap_position_offset_x(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapPositionOffsetX = value
def fill_bitmap_position_offset_y(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets the vertical offset where the tile starts.
It is given in percent in relation to the height of the bitmap.
return self.__component.FillBitmapPositionOffsetY
def fill_bitmap_position_offset_y(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapPositionOffsetY = value
def fill_bitmap_rectangle_point(self) -> RectanglePoint:
Gets/Sets - RectanglePoint specifies the position inside of the bitmap to use as the top left position for rendering.
RectanglePoint: RectanglePoint specifies the position inside of the bitmap to use as the top left position for rendering.
- ``RectanglePoint`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.drawing.rectangle_point``.
return self.__component.FillBitmapRectanglePoint # type: ignore
def fill_bitmap_rectangle_point(self, value: RectanglePoint) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapRectanglePoint = value # type: ignore
def fill_bitmap_size_x(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets the width of the tile for filling.
Depending on the property ``fill_bitmap_logical_size``, this is either relative or absolute.
If ``fill_bitmap_logical_size`` is ``True`` then property contain the size of the tile in percent
of the size of the original bitmap; Otherwise, the size of the tile is specified with 1/100th mm.
# percentage or 1/100th mm
return self.__component.FillBitmapSizeX
def fill_bitmap_size_x(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapSizeX = value
def fill_bitmap_size_y(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets the height of the tile for filling.
This is the height of the tile for filling.
Depending on the property FillBitmapLogicalSize, this is either relative or absolute.
If ``fill_bitmap_logical_size`` is ``True`` then property contain the size of the tile in percent
of the size of the original bitmap; Otherwise, the size of the tile is specified with 1/100th mm.
return self.__component.FillBitmapSizeY
def fill_bitmap_size_y(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillBitmapSizeY = value
def fill_bitmap_stretch(self) -> bool | None:
Gets/Sets if the fill bitmap is stretched to fill the area of the shape.
This property should not be used anymore and is included here for completeness.
The ``fill_bitmap_mode`` property can be used instead to set all supported bitmap modes.
If set to ``True``, the value of the ``fill_bitmap_mode`` property changes to ``BitmapMode.STRETCH``.
BUT: behavior is undefined, if the property ``fill_bitmap_tile`` is ``True`` too.
If set to ``False``, the value of the ``fill_bitmap_mode`` property changes to ``BitmapMode.REPEAT``
or ``BitmapMode.NO_REPEAT``, depending on the current value of the ``fill_bitmap_tile`` property.
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
return self.__component.FillBitmapStretch
return None
def fill_bitmap_stretch(self, value: bool) -> None:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
self.__component.FillBitmapStretch = value
def fill_bitmap_tile(self) -> bool | None:
Get/Sets the fill bitmap is repeated to fill the area of the shape.
This property should not be used anymore and is included here for completeness.
The ``fill_bitmap_mode`` property can be used instead to set all supported bitmap modes.
If set to ``True``, the value of the ``fill_bitmap_mode`` property changes to ``BitmapMode.REPEAT``.
BUT: behavior is undefined, if the property ``fill_bitmap_stretch`` is ``True`` too.
If set to ``False``, the value of the ``fill_bitmap_mode`` property changes to ``BitmapMode.STRETCH``
or ``BitmapMode.NO_REPEAT``, depending on the current value of the ``fill_bitmap_stretch`` property.
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
return self.__component.FillBitmapTile
return None
def fill_bitmap_tile(self, value: bool) -> None:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
self.__component.FillBitmapTile = value
def fill_bitmap_url(self) -> str | None:
Gets/Sets the URL of the bitmap used for filling.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.BITMAP``, this is a URL to the bitmap used.
Note the new behavior since it this was deprecated: This property can only be set and only external URLs are supported (no more scheme).
When a URL is set, then it will load the bitmap and set the ``fill_bitmap`` property.
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
return self.__component.FillBitmapURL
return None
def fill_bitmap_url(self, value: str) -> None:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
self.__component.FillBitmapURL = value
def fill_color(self) -> Color:
Gets/Sets the color used for filling.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.SOLID``, this is the color used.
return self.__component.FillColor
def fill_color(self, value: Color) -> None:
self.__component.FillColor = value
def fill_gradient(self) -> GradientStructComp | None:
Gets/Sets the gradient used for filling.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.GRADIENT``, this describes the gradient used.
Note when setting the gradient it can be a ``GradientStructComp`` or a ``Gradient`` struct.
GradientStructComp | None: Gradient Struct Component or None if not supported.
- ``Gradient`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.gradient``.
key = "FillGradient"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
prop = self.__props.get(key, None)
if prop is None:
prop = GradientStructComp(self.__component.FillGradient, key, self.__event_provider)
self.__props[key] = prop
return cast(GradientStructComp, prop)
def fill_gradient(self, value: Gradient | GradientStructComp) -> None:
key = "FillGradient"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
if mInfo.Info.is_instance(value, GradientStructComp):
self.__component.FillGradient = value.copy()
self.__component.FillGradient = cast("Gradient", value)
if key in self.__props:
del self.__props[key]
def fill_gradient_name(self) -> str:
Gets/Sets the name of the used fill gradient style.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.GRADIENT``, this is the name of the used fill gradient style.
return self.__component.FillGradientName
def fill_gradient_name(self, value: str) -> None:
self.__component.FillGradientName = value
def fill_hatch(self) -> HatchStructComp | None:
Gets/Sets the hatch used for filling.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.HATCH``, this describes the hatch used.
key = "FillHatch"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
prop = self.__props.get(key, None)
if prop is None:
prop = HatchStructComp(self.__component.FillHatch, key, self.__event_provider)
self.__props[key] = prop
return cast(HatchStructComp, prop)
def fill_hatch(self, value: Hatch | HatchStructComp) -> None:
key = "FillHatch"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
if mInfo.Info.is_instance(value, HatchStructComp):
self.__component.FillHatch = value.copy()
self.__component.FillHatch = cast("Hatch", value)
if key in self.__props:
del self.__props[key]
def fill_hatch_name(self) -> str:
Gets/Sets the name of the used fill hatch style.
If the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.HATCH``, this is the name of the used fill hatch style.
return self.__component.FillHatchName
def fill_hatch_name(self, value: str) -> None:
self.__component.FillHatchName = value
def fill_style(self) -> FillStyle:
Gets/Sets the enumeration selects the style the area will be filled with.
FillStyle: Fill Style
- ``FillStyle`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.drawing.fill_style``.
return self.__component.FillStyle # type: ignore
def fill_style(self, value: FillStyle) -> None:
self.__component.FillStyle = value # type: ignore
def fill_transparence(self) -> int:
Gets/Sets the transparence of the filled area.
This property is only valid if the property ``fill_style`` is set to ``FillStyle.SOLID``.
return self.__component.FillTransparence
def fill_transparence(self, value: int) -> None:
self.__component.FillTransparence = value
def fill_transparence_gradient(self) -> GradientStructComp | None:
Gets/Sets the transparency of the fill area as a gradient.
Note when setting the gradient it can be a ``GradientStructComp`` or a ``Gradient`` struct.
GradientStructComp | None: Gradient Struct Component or None if not supported.
- ``Gradient`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.awt.gradient``.
key = "FillTransparenceGradient"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
prop = self.__props.get(key, None)
if prop is None:
prop = GradientStructComp(self.__component.FillTransparenceGradient, key, self.__event_provider)
self.__props[key] = prop
return cast(GradientStructComp, prop)
def fill_transparence_gradient(self, value: Gradient | GradientStructComp) -> None:
key = "FillTransparenceGradient"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
if mInfo.Info.is_instance(value, GradientStructComp):
self.__component.FillTransparenceGradient = value.copy()
self.__component.FillTransparenceGradient = cast("Gradient", value)
if key in self.__props:
del self.__props[key]
def fill_transparence_gradient_name(self) -> str:
Gets/Sets the name of the used transparence gradient style.
If a gradient is used for transparency, this is the name of the used transparence gradient style or it is empty.
If you set the name of a transparence gradient style contained in the document, this style used.
return self.__component.FillTransparenceGradientName
def fill_transparence_gradient_name(self, value: str) -> None:
self.__component.FillTransparenceGradientName = value
def fill_use_slide_background(self) -> bool | None:
If this is ``True``, and ``fill_style`` is ``FillStyle.NONE``: The area displays the slide background.
LibreOffice 7.4
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
return self.__component.FillUseSlideBackground
return None
def fill_use_slide_background(self, value: bool) -> None:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
self.__component.FillUseSlideBackground = value
def graphic_crop(self) -> GraphicCropStructComp[UnitMM100] | None:
Gets/Sets the cropping of the object.
If the property ``fill_bitmap_mode`` is set to ``BitmapMode.STRETCH``, this is the cropping,
otherwise it is empty.
When setting the cropping it can be a ``GraphicCropStructComp`` or a ``GraphicCrop`` struct.
GraphicCropStructComp | None: Graphic Crop Struct Component or None if not supported.
- ``GraphicCrop`` can be imported from ``ooo.dyn.text.graphic_crop``.
key = "GraphicCrop"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
prop = self.__props.get(key, None)
if prop is None:
prop = GraphicCropStructComp(self.__component.GraphicCrop, UnitMM100, key, self.__event_provider)
self.__props[key] = prop
return cast(GraphicCropStructComp, prop)
def graphic_crop(self, value: GraphicCrop | GraphicCropStructComp[UnitMM100]) -> None:
key = "GraphicCrop"
if not hasattr(self.__component, key):
return None
if mInfo.Info.is_instance(value, GraphicCropStructComp):
self.__component.GraphicCrop = value.copy()
self.__component.GraphicCrop = cast("GraphicCrop", value)
if key in self.__props:
del self.__props[key]
# endregion FillProperties