from __future__ import annotations
from typing import cast, Generic, Type, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
# python 3.12+
from typing import override # noqa # type: ignore
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import override # noqa # type: ignore
from ooo.dyn.awt.point import Point
from ooodev.adapter.struct_base import StructBase
from ooodev.units.unit_mm100 import UnitMM100
from ooodev.units.unit_factory import get_unit
from import EventsT
from ooodev.units.unit_obj import UnitT
_T = TypeVar("_T", bound="UnitT")
# see ooodev.adapter.drawing.glue_point2_struct_comp.GluePoint2StructComp for example usage.
[docs]class PointStructGenericComp(StructBase[Point], Generic[_T]):
Generic Point Struct.
This class raises an event before and after a property is changed if it has been passed an event provider.
The event raised before the property is changed is called ``generic_com_sun_star_awt_Point_changing``.
The event raised after the property is changed is called ``generic_com_sun_star_awt_Point_changed``.
The event args for before the property is changed is of type ``KeyValCancelArgs``.
The event args for after the property is changed is of type ``KeyValArgs``.
[docs] def __init__(
self, component: Point, unit: Type[_T], prop_name: str, event_provider: EventsT | None = None
) -> None:
component (Point): Point.
unit (Type[UnitT]): Unit Type.
prop_name (str): Property Name. This value is assigned to the ``prop_name`` of ``event_data``.
event_provider (EventsT, optional): Event Provider.
super().__init__(component=component, prop_name=prop_name, event_provider=event_provider)
self._unit = unit
self._unit_length = unit.get_unit_length()
self._require_convert = self._unit_length != UnitMM100.get_unit_length()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[{self._unit.__name__}] {repr(self.component)}"
# region Overrides
def _get_on_changing_event_name(self) -> str:
return "generic_com_sun_star_awt_Point_changing"
def _get_on_changed_event_name(self) -> str:
return "generic_com_sun_star_awt_Point_changed"
def _copy(self, src: Point | None = None) -> Point:
if src is None:
src = self.component
return Point(
# endregion Overrides
# region Properties
def x(self) -> _T:
Gets/Sets the x-coordinate.
When setting the value can be a ``int`` in ``1/100th mm`` units or a ``UnitT`` measurement unit.
_T: ``UnitT`` measurement unit.
unit100 = UnitMM100(self.component.X)
if not self._require_convert:
return cast(_T, unit100)
val = unit100.convert_to(self._unit_length)
return cast(_T, get_unit(self._unit_length, val))
def x(self, value: _T | float) -> None:
val = UnitMM100.from_unit_val(value)
new_value = val.value
old_value = self.component.X
if old_value != new_value:
event_args = self._trigger_cancel_event("X", old_value, new_value)
def y(self) -> _T:
Gets/Sets the the y-coordinate.
When setting the value can be a ``int`` in ``1/100th mm`` units or a ``UnitT`` measurement unit.
_T: ``UnitT`` measurement unit.
unit100 = UnitMM100(self.component.Y)
if not self._require_convert:
return cast(_T, unit100)
val = unit100.convert_to(self._unit_length)
return cast(_T, get_unit(self._unit_length, val))
def y(self, value: _T | float) -> None:
val = UnitMM100.from_unit_val(value)
new_value = val.value
old_value = self.component.Y
if old_value != new_value:
event_args = self._trigger_cancel_event("Y", old_value, new_value)
# endregion Properties