Source code for ooodev.adapter.awt.list_box_partial

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple

from import XListBox

from ooodev.exceptions import ex as mEx
from ooodev.loader import lo as mLo

    from import XActionListener, XItemListener
    from ooodev.utils.type_var import UnoInterface

[docs]class ListBoxPartial: """ Partial class for XListBox. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def __init__(self, component: XListBox, interface: UnoInterface | None = XListBox) -> None: """ Constructor Args: component (XListBox): UNO Component that implements ```` interface. interface (UnoInterface, optional): The interface to be validated. Defaults to ``XListBox``. """ def validate(comp: Any, obj_type: Any) -> None: if obj_type is None: return if not mLo.Lo.is_uno_interfaces(comp, obj_type): raise mEx.MissingInterfaceError(obj_type) validate(component, interface) self.__component = component
# region XListBox
[docs] def add_action_listener(self, listener: XActionListener) -> None: """ Registers a listener for action events. """ self.__component.addActionListener(listener)
[docs] def add_item(self, item: str, pos: int) -> None: """ Adds an item at the specified position. """ self.__component.addItem(item, pos)
[docs] def add_item_listener(self, listener: XItemListener) -> None: """ Registers a listener for item events. """ self.__component.addItemListener(listener)
[docs] def add_items(self, pos: int, *items: str) -> None: """ Adds multiple items at the specified position. """ self.__component.addItems(items, pos)
[docs] def get_drop_down_line_count(self) -> int: """ Gets the number of visible lines in drop down mode. """ return self.__component.getDropDownLineCount()
[docs] def get_item(self, pos: int) -> str: """ Gets the item at the specified position. """ return self.__component.getItem(pos)
[docs] def get_item_count(self) -> int: """ Gets the number of items in the listbox. """ return self.__component.getItemCount()
[docs] def get_items(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets all items of the list box. """ return self.__component.getItems()
[docs] def get_selected_item(self) -> str: """ Gets the currently selected item. When multiple items are selected, the first one is returned. When nothing is selected, an empty string is returned. """ return self.__component.getSelectedItem()
[docs] def get_selected_item_pos(self) -> int: """ GEts the position of the currently selected item. When multiple items are selected, the position of the first one is returned. When nothing is selected, -1 is returned. """ return self.__component.getSelectedItemPos()
[docs] def get_selected_items(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Gets all currently selected items. """ return self.__component.getSelectedItems()
[docs] def get_selected_items_pos(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Gets the positions of all currently selected items. """ return self.__component.getSelectedItemsPos() # type: ignore
[docs] def is_multiple_mode(self) -> bool: """ Gets - returns ``True`` if multiple items can be selected, ``False`` if only one item can be selected. """ return self.__component.isMutipleMode()
[docs] def make_visible(self, entry: int) -> None: """ Makes the item at the specified position visible by scrolling. """ self.__component.makeVisible(entry)
[docs] def remove_action_listener(self, listener: XActionListener) -> None: """ Un-registers a listener for action events. """ self.__component.removeActionListener(listener)
[docs] def remove_item_listener(self, listener: XItemListener) -> None: """ Un-registers a listener for item events. """ self.__component.removeItemListener(listener)
[docs] def remove_items(self, pos: int, count: int) -> None: """ Removes a number of items at the specified position. """ self.__component.removeItems(pos, count)
[docs] def select_item(self, item: str, select: bool) -> None: """ Selects/deselects the specified item. """ self.__component.selectItem(item, select)
[docs] def select_item_pos(self, pos: int, select: bool) -> None: """ Selects/deselects the item at the specified position. """ self.__component.selectItemPos(pos, select)
[docs] def select_items_pos(self, select: bool, *positions: int) -> None: """ selects/deselects multiple items at the specified positions. """ self.__component.selectItemsPos(positions, select) # type: ignore
[docs] def set_drop_down_line_count(self, lines: int) -> None: """ Sets the number of visible lines for drop down mode. """ self.__component.setDropDownLineCount(lines)
[docs] def set_multiple_mode(self, multi: bool) -> None: """ Determines if only a single item or multiple items can be selected. """ self.__component.setMultipleMode(multi)
# endregion XListBox